Hate to break it to ya.....
I like Ron Paul as well, not because of what he says he WILL do, but because of his impeccable PAST voting record. A voting record of non intervention (Basically no conquering or dominating OTHERS resources, or telling them how to run their country), non infringement of our rights, and strict adherence to the Constitution, balanced budget, etc.
Now the break it to ya part: Ron doesn't have much of a chance because he will NOT support Israel in all the "things" (trouble) they bring, and will not be a puppet of AIPAC (The Israeli lobby, the MOST powerful lobby in Washington, that has been guiding/subverting our foreign policy in the Mid East for years). And all of you know who owns the media and television right? And the media twists the average attention span of 45 seconds American like taffy. Who gets "seen", has the "favorable" polls, the one that's put in the best light. THE ONE THAT WILL SERVE THEIR MASTERS THE BEST GETS SEEN THE MOST, that's the bottom line.
Hillary & Rudy is doing a lot of "Sucking up" to AIPAC now, saying in not too many words that war with Iran is "On the table" if they don't allow our domination. Of course this is out of the question for Ron, because he knows that whole Iran going Nuke and World War 3 is just more of the same BS rhetoric that we heard from Colon Powell when he was lying to the UN, holding up vials of so called nuke material, and detailed drawings of BS labs. But that pressure came down from "You know who".
And I know a few of you might think I am "Anti Semitic", Nazi, etc. But I am not; I lived, off and on for over 5 years in the mid east, and have a last name more "Semitic" than any Berg or Stein, lol.
Some really good sites with news that "They" don't control (Yet):
And of course check out Ron:
NOT JUST WHAT THEY SAY THEY ARE GOING TO DO! And not on "Looks" either, it's just too important this time!!!!