Magnum, do you train like that today?
Also, don't forget that this was one strong dude. He claimed to be able to bench press between 400 - 450 pounds for about 10 reps. So his foundation was definitely built with the mega weights, but I think that for the majority of his later career he probably did train as he outlined.
no not true at all .
he trained like this from the beginning right from when he was very young. serge is a very smart man, guys like him i could listen to forever about training. he is a thinking bodybuilder and that is is why i like him a lot. the man knows how to train and loves to train. he said he would only do shows to give him more motivation to train not the other way around how many others think.
there are many ways to bodybuild and i don't really think anything is the so called best. i myself love to train as well so i like trying different things just to try, even if sometimes if lessens your results because you don't stick with something that long, but i also love the training itself more than anything so for me its cool like that.
back to Serge most people do not understand his program in totality and the way he did it. Serge feels for him this was the right way. he really believes in the mending of bodybuilding and your inner spiritual voice. it may may sound like bullshit to some but that is how he thinks about training. so because of this type of thinking he believe in really being able to feel the weight. to do this properly he does not believe in going heavy. he would once and while go very heavy just to test his strength but he never built his muscle this way ever he only did this once in blue moon to test himself, and like people have said he was very strong. he could do in the 400s for reps not just one and he also could squat a lot too, he was actually very strong but he felt for the muscle to look its best you have to go for feel. for him it was not about size whatsoever but building a beautiful muscle and the proof is in the pudding it works, so yes you may loose size doing it his way but you may also end up looking 100 times better.
what he says is true about creating that real eye please , eye popping look is true, many yeas ago there were muscle controls artists who though were not as big as bbers today were just as muscular as anyone today and also could control there muscles better than anyone today. they lifted very light or sometimes did not even use weights at all but were constantly tensing and squeezing the muscle all day long in a controlled fashion.
this type of control will give your muscle a different look, it comes form control and a superior mind muscle connection.
just look at Serge he looks different than almost anyone else, this is why, because he trained and thought about his training differently. he has some very long threads on many boards , where he freely gives information out, its worth a read, he also has a video out. his training is not for very one though some guys like going for size and heavy weights only.
serge also made bodybuilding his total life , his family had a lot of money so he could do this . he trained 3 times a day, abs in the morning , and the 2 other bodyparts the other parts of the day. he napped in between and ate a massive massive amount of food , mostly all later in the day.he ate between 5-10 pounds of horsemeat every day. his split was chest/quads, back/hamstrings, shoulders /arms,calves then do the same 3 days again, the day 7 off, except he did abs on day seven as well.
first bodypart was workout number one in the day the second part was later, so for example day one would be abs in the morning go home, come back for chest go home, come back for quads, go home. he lived above his gym for many years as well. he recommends for people who do have as much time that you do abs in the morning then later in the day just combine the workouts, so it chest and quads together and so on. he said he did this once and while himself when he could not split the day, but he believes that if you do this you should wait 5-10 minutes between bodyparts until you start the next one so that your pump is gone before you move to another bodypart. he has some many other great tips you have to read his stuff. he goes against the grain on many things but if you listen to why he did it it may not make supposed scientific sense but it is logical sounding and intuitive. i heard leroy colbert (famous old scool bber)say don't listen to the so call experts because the will put limits on what you think you can achieve. he is right. Serge never said oh i am overtraining oh i can't do abs everyday ect.. he felt good doing it this way and did it based on his on feel. he says he was guided internally to train like this. i also believe in this too. i have found in life internal cues will come to you on almost any topic not just bbing if you go about the right way and you really have a passion for it.
his training is good for many reasons, less injury for one, serge today still lift and he looked awesome all through his old age. second it brings a different mental component in which i believe is healthy . also i didn't say the rest periods are only 30 seconds between sets other than quads are a little longer so that brings in a cardiovascular component which is also healthy.
some else who trained similar is mohammed makkaway, again look at how he looks ,its a different type of look isn't it? to me thier looks is more the ideal look than lets says a ronnie coleman, though off course his physique is awesome in a different way