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Short recomp thread focusing on DNP.


Feb 22, 2015

I know there will be a lot of you who will give the Mom speech of "that shit is poison, stay away from it" and while I'm glad you're not condoning reckless behavior you can save your speech. To the others that preach that you need to be in a certain level of physical shape to use certain products...I respect your opinion, but this log is NOT for you. Keep the negative stuff to yourself. I'm putting my self out there as an experiment.

Now that that's out of the way I'm going to tell you a little about me. I'm prior military infantry demolitions background. I'm very confortable in high risk situations and this log IS high risk. You should not attempt what I'm about to do or use the compunds I'm about to use with quite a bit of thought and doing your homework. I'm curious what I can do with my body in a short amount of time. If I die along the way (which I think is very unlikely) then so be it but I understand it is a possibility. In my opinion I'm using low doses with compounds that I think will work well together. I'll be starting out with Tren E, Test E, DNP, and HGH I'll add in Novalog and possibly Primo. My goal is a 3 week light recomp which is testing the waters for a for a much harsher 9 week recomp. I've have not had any experience with Novalog or Primo. I'm close friends with a Doc who knows what I'm going to do and he is giving me advice along the way. I have caber, exemastaine, blood glucose monitor, and omeprazole on hand. I've gained quite a bit of fat over my travels from the past 4 months in which I hooked up a trailer to my truck and took a tour around the country, lots of good and fatty food, not much time in the gym, and a shit load of good times. I'm sitting at 25.3% BF right now and holding a ton of water probably due to my high salt diet. My Test is 497 (I've always been on the low side of test), E2 is 54, liver, kidney, bp, all in normal range...I'm pretty healthy in general, just fat. I'm 30 years old and 5'8.

I'm starting on day -7 because I want to load some tren and test for muscle retention (and yes I know DNP is suppose to be muscle sparing) I'm going to start my 3 week log on my first day of DNP which I'm taking the 50mg tabs. Some of you will know where I got the DNP from and I'm a little worried about them being legit which could fuck my whole log. If they turn out to be BS I'll grab some from DiNi or Geno which maybe I should have done in the first place, but I like the idea of the 50mg. This log will mostly focus on DNP and the short term effect of using slin after a dnp cycle my last DNP cycle was 400mg over 19 days with 14lbs fat loss. It was 33%c/33%f/33%p and I was hot and miserable the entire time and it was July. This time I'm going to try a low carb diet this time.

250mg test e and 200 tren e

Day 0 9pm 250mg test e 200mg tren e 100mg (2 tabs) dnp, 3.33IU GH
I slept great, I've never taken GH before bed before and that was an experience, my dreams were very vivid.

Day 1 7am 100mg DNP 3.33IU GH
10am Weight in 211lbs 25.3%bf, 30min fasted cardio walking up a incline treadmill then took a short nap. A decently heavy chest day at around 2pm with 100mg more DNP. As expected, I didn't feel any of the DNP effects yet. I took another 100mg around 7pm and another 100 at bedtime. I didn't sleep very well, my mind was racing and I was up on and off.

Day 2 6:45am 3.33IU GH
9:15am 100mg DNP (600mg in ~34hours) fasted cardio, no loss of energy yet, cardio was a breeze and could have gone for longer but I want to stick to the 30-40 minute time frame for my entire recomp aiming for consistency. 12:30pm I'm starting to feel somewhat moist with a tiny bit of heat (could be in my head) with no carb cravings yet. I'll update post workout.

My goal is 400-500mg DNP per day but I'll adjust if needed I planned to take 100mg every 3 to 4 hours giving me a little more control over adjustments.
I hope you like not sleeping cause that much DNP with tren is gonna have you pouring sweat.

A low carb diet will help but I'd increase 100mg every three days so that it doesn't hit you all at once and be more than you want to handle.

You are definitely going to see some major changes simply my cleaning up the diet and adding in the juice.

The 50mg fertilizer tabs you have are definitely legit , there was some bunk stuff a good while back but it good now.

The only thing I'd suggest is taking pictures daily of ever other day to tack progress ass well (even if you don't post them) , often times the numbers don't do the results any Justice
I hope you like not sleeping cause that much DNP with tren is gonna have you pouring sweat.

A low carb diet will help but I'd increase 100mg every three days so that it doesn't hit you all at once and be more than you want to handle.

You are definitely going to see some major changes simply my cleaning up the diet and adding in the juice.

The 50mg fertilizer tabs you have are definitely legit , there was some bunk stuff a good while back but it good now.

The only thing I'd suggest is taking pictures daily of ever other day to tack progress ass well (even if you don't post them) , often times the numbers don't do the results any Justice

Thinking back I should have gone with Primo instead of the Tren, but as of now I'm already in for the penny so I guess I'm in for the pound so I'll stick with the tren.

The pictures are a good call, I'll be sure to do that.

I'm considering upping the GH to ~6-8iu spread through the day and going keto (keeping a close eye on blood sugar) to see what the DNP can do in that type of environment...but I'd hate to change a whole lot in the middle of a log.

Anyway, my workout went well and I was significantly more sweaty. My strength hasn't been compromised too much as of yet but I know it's coming. I'll take my last dose of DNP for the day around 9PM which will bring me up to 800mg in 48 hours
you must have been gone for a while

I'm assuming that's a fat joke. I was gone for a while, but I wasn't gone near as long as you've been an an a****** on the fourms ;)

I traveled the country playing poker professionally enjoying whiskey, women, good food, and partying. Now its back home to pull things together. I had a great time but now it's back to real life.
that wasn't a fat joke.

1. Dinitro is gone (retired)
2. I don't think people on this board are really that afraid of DNP anymore

log would be much better with pics tho for sure
that wasn't a fat joke.

1. Dinitro is gone (retired)
2. I don't think people on this board are really that afraid of DNP anymore

log would be much better with pics tho for sure

Very well, I thought you were cracking a joke...which isn't exactly rare for you, you've made me spit water a few times.

1) I've never ordered from Dinitro personally but I have from Geno. I just know (knew) he carried quality stuff. I think these 50's are going to be good to go though.

2) I haven't followed the DNP threads lately. I remember when the "IT'S POISON!!!" guys would be all over every post about DNP. I'm glad to see more education and open-mindedness on these types of things.

I went ahead and took pics post-workout, It's day 2 instead of day 0 but I'm sure it'll be close enough. I'll take them daily.
Day 3

I slept better last night, but still not great. The Tren AND DNP was a lot for sure but having a fan on me is a life saver. I've decided to change a few things, I'm going to shoot the GH 2iu 3x/day in hopes to accelerate fat loss without using stims. If someone would like to chime in on their thoughts on the best GH protocol while on DNP it would be helpful.

7:00am 2iu GH 100mg DNP (total of 1,000mg)

9:30am Fasted cardio I didn't want to go. I was feeling pretty drained but about 15 minutes in to my cardio I started to feel good. I cut down the intensity quite a bit, however, I increased time from my "usual" 30 minutes to 45 minutes.

12:00 100mg DNP 1,100mg total (I forgot to add in my 2iu gh here)

3:30pm I went in for a leg workout and started with 5min of cardio to warm up. I used pretty light weight and went for compound exercises in an effort to get the most muscles working as possible. Knowing that I'm not going to do any growing while on DNP I wan't too worried about focusing on each specific muscle.

6:00pm 100mg DNP 1,200mg total

On my last DNP cycle I did an ECA stack and I was sweating and felt miserable I was also doing high end retail sales wearing a full suit. I'm avoiding stims this cycle other than my preworkout mix. I'm much more comfortable this time but there are a lot of variables to consider and it's still early.

Surprisingly the carb cravings have not been much of an issue so far which were horrid on my last cycle. When I do get a sweet tooth I've been cooking up 5 eggs and putting sugar free syrup and cinnamon on them, it sounds gross but is actually pretty tasty. My last cycle I was taking in quite a bit of carbs to "make the heat work for me" which now I realize wasn't the best move. This cycle I've been keeping on a low carb diet but I'm crushing original V8 drinking one 48oz bottle per day @ 48g net carbs per bottle.
I'm confused. You're doing 400-500 per day but your logging your totals to date? Is that what the bolded is?
Day 3

I slept better last night, but still not great. The Tren AND DNP was a lot for sure but having a fan on me is a life saver. I've decided to change a few things, I'm going to shoot the GH 2iu 3x/day in hopes to accelerate fat loss without using stims. If someone would like to chime in on their thoughts on the best GH protocol while on DNP it would be helpful.

7:00am 2iu GH 100mg DNP (total of 1,000mg)

9:30am Fasted cardio I didn't want to go. I was feeling pretty drained but about 15 minutes in to my cardio I started to feel good. I cut down the intensity quite a bit, however, I increased time from my "usual" 30 minutes to 45 minutes.

12:00 100mg DNP 1,100mg total (I forgot to add in my 2iu gh here)

3:30pm I went in for a leg workout and started with 5min of cardio to warm up. I used pretty light weight and went for compound exercises in an effort to get the most muscles working as possible. Knowing that I'm not going to do any growing while on DNP I wan't too worried about focusing on each specific muscle.

6:00pm 100mg DNP 1,200mg total

On my last DNP cycle I did an ECA stack and I was sweating and felt miserable I was also doing high end retail sales wearing a full suit. I'm avoiding stims this cycle other than my preworkout mix. I'm much more comfortable this time but there are a lot of variables to consider and it's still early.

Surprisingly the carb cravings have not been much of an issue so far which were horrid on my last cycle. When I do get a sweet tooth I've been cooking up 5 eggs and putting sugar free syrup and cinnamon on them, it sounds gross but is actually pretty tasty. My last cycle I was taking in quite a bit of carbs to "make the heat work for me" which now I realize wasn't the best move. This cycle I've been keeping on a low carb diet but I'm crushing original V8 drinking one 48oz bottle per day @ 48g net carbs per bottle.

GH isn't going to accelerate shit. It takes *TIME* to do what it does. I've been on 5iu for months now and I'm finally starting to see the benefits. It's definitely the slowest, least cost effective way to lean out. So do what you will, but I would save the GH to use less for a longer period of time - that will give you results rather than just trying to pin as much as you can over a short period of time.

Want some real advice on how to lose more weight on DNP? Be more active. Miles upon miles of cardio per day. Bust your ass as much as you possibly can to maximize the results - because everything you do on DNP requires more energy than normal which equates to more calories burned.

You did 5 minutes of warm up cardio and a light work out. DA FUQ? Get your ass on a treadmill or get outside and walk around town a couple hours a day.
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GH isn't going to accelerate shit. It takes *TIME* to do what it does. I've been on 5iu for months now and I'm finally starting to see the benefits. It's definitely the slowest, least cost effective way to lean out. So do what you will, but I would save the GH to use less for a longer period of time - that will give you results rather than just trying to pin as much as you can over a short period of time.

Want some real advice on how to lose more weight on DNP? Be more active. Miles upon miles of cardio per day. Bust your ass as much as you possibly can to maximize the results - because everything you do on DNP requires more energy than normal which equates to more calories burned.

You did 5 minutes of warm up cardio and a light work out. DA FUQ? Get your ass on a treadmill or get outside and walk around town a couple hours a day.
2iu before fasted cardio for cutting is a very common protocol, GH will help dumping all fats in blood circulation and the DNP WILL BURN that bitch

OP try to add some yohimbine it hits different receptors than ECA so you may be fine with it, or take 400mg caffeine at least
GH isn't going to accelerate shit. It takes *TIME* to do what it does. I've been on 5iu for months now and I'm finally starting to see the benefits. It's definitely the slowest, least cost effective way to lean out. So do what you will, but I would save the GH to use less for a longer period of time - that will give you results rather than just trying to pin as much as you can over a short period of time.

I had a good year brother and I was lucky enough to not to have to worry too much about cost, I'm more concerned about what GH can do IN CONJUNCTION with DNP. Also, the active life of GH would make the stuff pretty useless if it took a long time to end up working IMO.

Want some real advice on how to lose more weight on DNP? Be more active. Miles upon miles of cardio per day. Bust your ass as much as you possibly can to maximize the results - because everything you do on DNP requires more energy than normal which equates to more calories burned.

If I'm not mistaken cortisol levels get raised quite a bit while on DNP and I wanted to keep that to a min...or at least that's what I gather

You did 5 minutes of warm up cardio and a light work out. DA FUQ? Get your ass on a treadmill or get outside and walk around town a couple hours a day.

I'm sure there is a curve at some point where your body stats to break down muscle even though DNP is muscle sparing. I don't know exactly where that point is but I'd rather not cross it.

Replies are in bold brother.
IMO inj L-carnitine stacks very nicely with DNP...in my very limited DNP experience the time with inj L-carnitine was noticeably more effective. Moreso than GH and much cheaper too.
IMO inj L-carnitine stacks very nicely with DNP...in my very limited DNP experience the time with inj L-carnitine was noticeably more effective. Moreso than GH and much cheaper too.

I hadn't considered that I'll look into it. I'm too far into this cycle to acquire it but I'll be running a more hardcore cut (transformation) in the middle of next month that will be a 9 week ordeal. This cut is to test the waters for the next one.
Replies are in bold brother.

I would think 250mg of test and 200mg of tren would be enough to stave off muscle loss, also at 25% body fat I'm not sure why you are so concerned with the possibility of losing MAYBE a little bit of muscle. I personally try to do as much as I can with my time on DNP because it is pretty miserable, make the most of it if you can.

I've got probably a dozen DNP cycles under my belt, I've experimented with low dose, high dose, long, short durations, with GH, without, on different AAS compounds while on, etc.

I'm definitely not a master of the drug, but I know what works and what doesn't.

As far as little slice saying "GH works immediately" - not sure what he means by that, please clarify slice. Yeah, it starts "working" - but you don't just start losing fat I've been on Rips for months now and it doesn't really work that way.

Tighter diet, more cardio, and stims, are the best ways to maximize fat loss with DNP. Fat intake should be at an absolute minimum (hell I stay under 25g a day). Carbs I stay under 150g a day, some people do even less. Protein, I keep mine still around 250-300g with all the cardio I do - and BTW I'm not a running machine, I walk about 4-6 miles per day around the city when I wake up in the morning then come home, lunch, and hit the gym. I don't do "light" work outs either, that's why I stopped running 800-1000mg DNP cycles. With the right dosage/AAS you can actually make strengh GAINS while on DNP, and I know slice can attest to that too. Muscle gains, no, probably not, but you don't have to turn into a weakling who just lays around in bed sweating all day either.
"As far as little slice saying "GH works immediately" - not sure what he means by that, please clarify slice. Yeah, it starts "working" - but you don't just start losing fat I've been on Rips for months now and it doesn't really work that way."

"As far as little slice saying "GH works immediately" - not sure what he means by that, please clarify slice. Yeah, it starts "working" - but you don't just start losing fat I've been on Rips for months now and it doesn't really work that way."


I should know that with slice but sometimes SARCASM IS LOST IN TRANSLATION when you're on the INTERNET.

Italics are a great way to emphasize sarcasm, though.

He should have said: GH starts working immediately:D
I'm not sure if it's sarcasm or not. I understand that it's not an overnight drug but I'm using it to let as much fat loose as possible for the DNP to take care of. Obviously I'm running my cycle around the DNP not the GH but I don't see how the GH wouldn't be a good touch. Regardless it's not going to hurt. I do plan to run GH year round now.

I def don't mind doing more cardio, I just don't know where the ceiling is.

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