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Shoulder Separation


New member
Jun 25, 2002
So I separated my shoulder playing football in late October. Saw an orthopedist, who took an x-ray and said it was a 3rd degree separation but would heal 100% within 3-4 months. So it's been 3 months and has healed to a certain point, but still doesn't function right. I can't bench, press a bar over my head, or do pronated pull-ups without significant pain.

So I'm wondering if anyone else has any experience with shoulder separations, and can tell me their story. Now I'm thinking that I'm going to need surgery to reattach a ligament, but would much rather be fixed by massage therapy or ART or something. So I'll be going back to the orthopedist in a couple days to see what he says now, but I also want to hear what you guys have to say. Whatchu think?
I can tell you that if the muscle is torn off, or nearly torn off, nothing will help other than surgery. I nearly tore off my infraspantus and went through a MULTITUDE of different treatments (over SEVERAL YEARS). I finally found an orthopedist that wanted to go into my shoulder to "clean" it up by using a "scope." Once in there, he had to cut me open to repair the damage that he found.

stevehnsn said:
So I separated my shoulder playing football in late October. Saw an orthopedist, who took an x-ray and said it was a 3rd degree separation but would heal 100% within 3-4 months. So it's been 3 months and has healed to a certain point, but still doesn't function right. I can't bench, press a bar over my head, or do pronated pull-ups without significant pain.

So I'm wondering if anyone else has any experience with shoulder separations, and can tell me their story. Now I'm thinking that I'm going to need surgery to reattach a ligament, but would much rather be fixed by massage therapy or ART or something. So I'll be going back to the orthopedist in a couple days to see what he says now, but I also want to hear what you guys have to say. Whatchu think?

I was diagnosed with a 3rd degree seperation also. The Dr. said that shoulder would be about 1/4 to a 1/2" lower than the other.
I fell on it from about 7" up, fortunately it was on sand.

It healed fine in a few months. Has never affected me with lifting.
That was about 10 years ago.

Then again I did just tear the rotator cuff in that shoulder last month.

And that shoulder was already lower so when I relax it is DEFINITELY lower than the other.

just my 2 cents, but i would def. go back to the doctor...and when he says surgery....look for the doc. in your area or city that works with the local professional sports team. trust me. i have had both shoulders done, one done twice.....dont ask...im a fucking knucklehead just ask my wife. but the point is to get a doc. that is used to bigger, stronger, more juiced guys that your average weekend warrior....we as bb'ers and powerlifters basically force our shoulders to become weight bearing joints. something they were not designed for. you need to see a really good sports doc. get it fixed and then get back to training., good luck bro. hope it all works out, keep us posted.
peace, pumpit

train hard or go home, pussy.
2nd opinion...

I aggree w/ the comments r.e. a 2nd opinion. As you've probably experience in seeing Doc's, they sometimes don't know what the hell to do w/ heavily muscled guys (The healthy and maybe stubborn ones who don't go to the Doc much). Same goes for surgeons, too.

I would call the local / near local *professional* contact sports teams and ask for the name of their team Doc / team surgeon. Find out who is the go-to guy for shoulder injuries and go w/ him. These are the Doc's who 1.) have experience w/ guys w/ heavy muscualture and 2.) understand what you are putting yourself through in the wt. room.

Good luck, Bro.


P.S. If you need a faster answer, ask for the Athletic Trainer of the team. Those guys are many times better at diagnosing and knowing whether rehab will do the trick than the M.D.'s. (Knew an Ath. Trainer once who was always getting pt.s b/c the Doc's couldn't come up with a firm diagnosis, so they sent the pt. to him, knowing he would know what was wrong and how to treat...)
Don't have surgery! I have seperated mine alot. Twice last year and once 2 years prior. I only missed one game in that time due to it. Find a good chiropractor and have him work on it. THe other is ART, I know I brag this stuff up alot but it works. My chiropractor is the former bone cracker of the Minnesota Vikings and HE'S THE SHIT! Almost completely tore my hamstring last year and he worked on it and I ran the fastest time of my life with a tear. I'm a huge believer in manipulation of muscles and joints and a good doc/therapists can set you straight. Still never had surgery on any injuries. Shoulder sits alittle lower but it does't hurt, I can bench heavy still (425) for me, can do heavy DB shoulder presses (130). This is why I believe surgery isn't the way to go. I had 2 guys on my team this year have career ending shoulder injuries and they had previous shoulder surgeries. Good luck to ya
I've decided to see a massage therapist to work on my shoulder a bit. It might be healing after all. The other day I finally was able to bench 135 x 2 again, where I could only get 65 x 2 a month ago due to pain. I'm going to give it another 3-4 months of self-p.t. and massage therapy, and reassess the damage. Thanks for everyone's comments, and feel free to keep the thread going with more info. :D

(Besides, I only have college insurance so surgery is looking to be out of the question.)

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