I have been doing as much research as I could and I came up with this protocol and wanted some opinions.
I know that after a workout IGF 1 is at its highest and so is your natural growth hormone. So I believe that taking insulin will prolong the effects of these compounds and make them more effective.
So my thoughts or my protocol: (no GH, just use what the body produces)
Before workout I take 50grms of waxy maize with isolate/BCAA/CEE
10 to 15 minutes before the end of my workout go into the bathroom and take 5 to 8 iu of slin with 30iu of R3 IGF 1 in the muscle I just worked and then go finish up my workout while drinking a PWO shake that contains 100grms of waxy maize and BCAA/GLUTAMINE/CEE/Isolate.
half hour later 50 grm of isolate with oatmeal and raisins.
Then two hour later same meal as above again.
This seems to me to get the effects of shuttling and nutrients into the muscles while also benefiting from the effects of R3 IGF-1.
Any thoughts...
I know that after a workout IGF 1 is at its highest and so is your natural growth hormone. So I believe that taking insulin will prolong the effects of these compounds and make them more effective.
So my thoughts or my protocol: (no GH, just use what the body produces)
Before workout I take 50grms of waxy maize with isolate/BCAA/CEE
10 to 15 minutes before the end of my workout go into the bathroom and take 5 to 8 iu of slin with 30iu of R3 IGF 1 in the muscle I just worked and then go finish up my workout while drinking a PWO shake that contains 100grms of waxy maize and BCAA/GLUTAMINE/CEE/Isolate.
half hour later 50 grm of isolate with oatmeal and raisins.
Then two hour later same meal as above again.
This seems to me to get the effects of shuttling and nutrients into the muscles while also benefiting from the effects of R3 IGF-1.
Any thoughts...