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So Mike Rashid says hes natural ?

Off topic, but Mike Rashid lifts in khakis...wtf.
I dont spend a whole lotta time looking at youtube videos but there are some good ones out there. Some good trainers that offer great advice.

Mike and CT have a style of training that obviously works, but why go out of your way to say your natural when your not? why make a video that clearly states you don't use drugs when anyone in the know knows your full of shit?
I agree. Then they'll be people actually ask me if I'd seen those videos and they actually think those guys are natural.
Some guy on Instagram DM'd me from some HRT clinic and said his sponsored athletes were Flex wheeler, ronnie Coleman, nick trigili, victor Martinez and Mike Rashad he just dropped his name in his letter to me, don't know if it's legit or not the guy has a bunch of pics with flex. So there you go. There's a thread about this clinic in the HRT forum if you want to check it out. Like I said dont know if it's legit or just some scam.
What's sad is that even on a forum like this you will get several
people arguing that these pieces of shit might be natural :D
Never understood the whole natty/not natty debate. Seems like these YouTube fitness personalities feel the need to "claim natty" when really who cares at the end of the day. If they like how they look and the product they put out there doesn't harm anyone it really shouldn't matter. I guess the only point would be for the young viewers (who I assume are the only ones watching that shit because honestly I think YouTube fitness personalities are the most annoying people on earth). If it keeps some young kids off the juice I guess its alright. I could care less if those guys claim natural or not, its not like they're out there competing and destroying people in natural bodybuilding shows.
Mike Rashid Could really be natural his build is not that impressive to me that's just my opinion he looks like an average guy that trains hard with a good nutrition meal plan for bodybuilding Now on the other hand Kali we all know the deal with this joker!

When will people realize that when it comes to making money off your body there is nothing people will not do....

People murder for money every single day, why the fuck would anyone trying to make money off their body not take gear?

Wanna get rich?
-Juice hard as fuck
-Claim natty
-Give hope to naive people
-Sell them your shitty training programs, nutrition advice, and supplements
What's sad is that even on a forum like this you will get several
people arguing that these pieces of shit might be natural :D

and that Pro and National level guys use low doses................
I can't upload the picture but look up: Google Image Result for https://broscience.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/muscular-rappers-6.jpg

And that's a picture of Mike Rashid just a few years ago... his real name is also Cinque Glendy

How do you go from THAT to what he looks like now naturally? Clearly he's gained tons of weight and dropped into sub 10% bodyfat... Only in a few years and natural? I don't think so. He's also pretty stong, benching over 400lbs for reps. Natural? Lol
I have no idea if he's natural or not. I have seen tons of brothers blow up the minute they actually start working out. The before picture he might not have ever lifted a weight in his life... Brothers are often playing on a different field genetically speaking than the rest of us are.

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