RIP Brooklyn Juice and Nandi 2 internet brothers have passed.
In the last 2 weeks we have lost 2 individuals (for those that knew them) contributed heavily on the net to sports science and generally were here to help others.
Brooklyn Juice
"From: Instynct999
One of our own here has tragically passed away.
Brooklynjuice passed away as he was found dead in his apartment. The cause of death is unknown.
Obviously Brooklyn was a huge asset to this board and as well many here considered him a friend, or even family in a way. Personally, I am still in a bit of shock just hearing this news reverted to me by one of his closest friends just a few minutes ago.
He will be Waked tommorow afternoon in Marine Park Funeral home in Brooklyn and buried on Thursday in Connetticut.
I am sure many here may want to express their sympathies and best wishes for them in dealing with their difficult time.
I think perhaps as some of us feel as if he was a part of our family as well a "sympathy card" of sorts should be sent from all who wish to post a nice word to the family that i will try to compile and send to his mother so she knows how much her son meant to others she may not know and she can see the love and respect many had for her son.
Be at peace my brother!
And last week Nandi (Karl Mallman)
From Nandi's wife:
Karl "Nandi" Mallman--Passes To heaven:{
Only fitting that this thread stays in the MOST viewed Forum.
My soul has gained a friend
my life has lost a friend
the BBworld has gained a legend
In tears I mourn
From his wife:
Dear Friends
I know Karl/Nandi did not mean to leave us in such a hurry. It was
totally unplanned, yet I hope painless. Karl died of a heart attack in
the early hours of Thursday morning. I was away visiting my mother.
When I returned I found him cold and blue many hours dead. He had been
listening to some peaceful music, having a glass of wine, and eating a
sandwhich. It appears it was quick and painless.
He is a great loss to me, and I am sure to many of you as well, as he
considered you friends and loved to write for you and answer any
questions you may of had. You gave him real meaning to his life, and I
thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If there is some article, or writing, that you may have been expecting
from him, I can try to find it in his archives, but I cannot promise to
be successful. I am not medically trained and my expertise lies
elsewhere. I am sorry I will not be able to fill his place.
Karl/Nandi is going to be cremated, placed in a cast bronze urn with
birds on it, and I am going to keep him with me. There will be no funeral.
We have only our cats and bird. Karl was especially attached to the
bird.We lived alone in our own special place. It is very empty now.
If there are others who need to know this information, please pass it
on. I never read his emails or monitored the sites he visited. Perhaps
some of you will know how to let his following know in a kind and loving
manner, as that is how Karl was.
I miss him very much.
In an anonymous www world that is sometimes filled with flames and internet trolls and so much drama at times, these guys really helped contribute a lot of free information and were there to truely help people on the net.
RIP brothers you will and are missed.