ScorpioGirl said:
ABSOLUTELY!!! I've always been the one to stick up for the underdog and help if I can. I would be so willing to help someone who really wanted to make the effort.
Thank you Scorpio for jumping in with that statement... it's almost a confession to one's real inner self. We whether bodybuilder, powerlifter, aerobics maniac, or general fitness enthusiast all have one thing in common... most of us believe in the 'Teach a person to fish and and they will never go hungry' philosophy. I don't like throwing money at the problem rather I would easily give my attention and knowledge to those that need the help.
When broken down to it's basics, any obese person can get this help following certain guides that I used on clients when I sold gym memberships at one time.
1st: One can use the excuse they can't afford it. But if a person was sat down and an assay was done on their expendatures, one can easily see where money is just burned everyday... out comes the pickel jar... put your burn money in that pickel jar everyday... you just payed at the end of 30 days for your fitness membership.
2nd: Once there, no person in their right mind will say "no" (I pray), to helping a person that actually made it through the door to work out. (Hell I have to talk myself into it every damn day. I could come up with a million excuses to not work's just getting through that door and then I'll be fine).
3rd: "But I don't have the time" Most think we spend hours a day in there, I'd rather bust a cap in my ass. Give us 20 mins of your time everyday, that's all. We are not trying to rebuild Rome here.
4th: "I have eating issues and have no insurance" In today's world, the state hospitals do NOT turn back people without insurance and no or little income. The Gov't understands that it's cheaper to keep you healthy than to pay the enormous cost of slow death. There are places at the hospitals that will direct you to even more Gov't assistance to help even pay for the drugs and counceling.
5th: "I have a medical problem and can't afford the treatment" See number 4.
6th: "I have a back/knee/etc medical problem" Fine, we'll isolate it.
We could go on... but there is really no excuse to die of obesity. We are the fattest country on earth now... blah! it's a behavioral problem in advance civilizations... no more.