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Super Size Me!!!!!!!! I'm starving!


Sep 7, 2005
A good thread over at 'Discuss World Issues'

**broken link removed**

I love the title of this... next time a fat person tells me they are starving I'll tell them "no.... Ethiopians are starving, you're a bogart"
Hahahahahaa i completely agree! Ok some of us have faster motabolisms than others. Thats not really an excuse. Some of us are born with less money than others, is that an excuse to be poor all your life? I dont feel a bit sorry for fat people unless there is a serious medical issue. "Im addicted to food" is not a medical issue.
Even the poor has access to medical treatment for Obesity now as it's labeled as a killer. The state hospitals will treat them for free or for a an amount based on income as the rest of us with money pay for those that can't.
My father raised me with the mentality of FAT = LAZY.......and I would have to agree. The Mr. & I will be watching TV and see some HUGELY obese person and I say "OMG that is disgusting" and he comes back with "oh now hunny, she has a thyroid problem" LOL all sarcasm, of course.

Maybe that's bad......I just don't know how someone could shovel THAT MUCH FOOD! Ok, yes....I'm vain......:rolleyes:
More of a narcissist.;)

Actually, as much as I love lifting etc I just never want to lose the idea that all people matter.
Future said:
More of a narcissist.;)

Actually, as much as I love lifting etc I just never want to lose the idea that all people matter.

LOL @ narcissist.........

...and yes they do, but they also need to take responsibility for their own actions.....

.....as I sit here eating my last peice of pizza........:D
You are such a fat ass! LOL

I think you could eat Crisco and still be gorgeous.

Off for a smoke break...;)
Well, I'm not sure what to think. I mean, I CAN NOT diet. I just can't. I eat fast food 2-3 times per day. And I'm not talking a small burger or a taco. For example, yesterday for lunch I ate a large order of nachos, a taco, a fried chicken sandwich, and a potpie. A couple hourse later I ate a hungryman xxl with almost 70 grams of fat and 80 grams of carbs. These are my typical eating habits. I would estimate I eat around 7000 calories per day, mostly from most of us would consider junk food. Yet, I always stay at around 10% bodyfat. I have a visible 4 pack and the bottom two are faintly showing. I do train hard though, but when it comes to food, I have NO willpower whatsoever. That's why I can't be too hard on the fatties.:D
BigBoyJ said:
Well, I'm not sure what to think. I mean, I CAN NOT diet. I just can't. I eat fast food 2-3 times per day. And I'm not talking a small burger or a taco. For example, yesterday for lunch I ate a large order of nachos, a taco, a fried chicken sandwich, and a potpie. A couple hourse later I ate a hungryman xxl with almost 70 grams of fat and 80 grams of carbs. These are my typical eating habits. I would estimate I eat around 7000 calories per day, mostly from most of us would consider junk food. Yet, I always stay at around 10% bodyfat. I have a visible 4 pack and the bottom two are faintly showing. I do train hard though, but when it comes to food, I have NO willpower whatsoever. That's why I can't be too hard on the fatties.:D

Thats bs. I know your a strong minded individual... and if you had the desire to diet... you could do it. With your current state... you have no reason to... you dont compete.... or really care to... your not overweight... so why diet? If you had a reason to... im sure you could and would.
BigBoyJ said:
Well, I'm not sure what to think. I mean, I CAN NOT diet. I just can't. I eat fast food 2-3 times per day. And I'm not talking a small burger or a taco. For example, yesterday for lunch I ate a large order of nachos, a taco, a fried chicken sandwich, and a potpie. A couple hourse later I ate a hungryman xxl with almost 70 grams of fat and 80 grams of carbs. These are my typical eating habits. I would estimate I eat around 7000 calories per day, mostly from most of us would consider junk food. Yet, I always stay at around 10% bodyfat. I have a visible 4 pack and the bottom two are faintly showing. I do train hard though, but when it comes to food, I have NO willpower whatsoever. That's why I can't be too hard on the fatties.:D

yeah what TP4U said. I eat a medium size pizza once a week, McD's or Wendy's twice a week, drink pop and coffee all day, carry pop tarts in my gym bag, keep loads of donuts in the house to dip in my coffee, icecream, I keep a huuuuuuge box of king size snickers in the house and take one in my gym bag.

So what's going on here? ummmm I know that if I eat like this... I have to do other things also.... such as take flax oil supps, pump iron, cardio, vits/mins. Shit food + couch potato = fat ass. I know what the fat person is saying... "when I get off work I'm too tired to work out" well no shit!!!!!! you're body is working 100x's harder then mine to stay alive. I'm sorry, you're going to have to take your meds and meet me at the gym. I don't care how fat a person is... if any fat person shows up at a gym and walks up to me and says "help me" I'll say "your wish is my command!"
I know what the fat person is saying... "when I get off work I'm too tired to work out" well no shit!!!!!! you're body is working 100x's harder then mine to stay alive. I'm sorry, you're going to have to take your meds and meet me at the gym. I don't care how fat a person is... if any fat person shows up at a gym and walks up to me and says "help me" I'll say "your wish is my command!"

ABSOLUTELY!!! I've always been the one to stick up for the underdog and help if I can. I would be so willing to help someone who really wanted to make the effort.
ScorpioGirl said:
ABSOLUTELY!!! I've always been the one to stick up for the underdog and help if I can. I would be so willing to help someone who really wanted to make the effort.

Thank you Scorpio for jumping in with that statement... it's almost a confession to one's real inner self. We whether bodybuilder, powerlifter, aerobics maniac, or general fitness enthusiast all have one thing in common... most of us believe in the 'Teach a person to fish and and they will never go hungry' philosophy. I don't like throwing money at the problem rather I would easily give my attention and knowledge to those that need the help.

When broken down to it's basics, any obese person can get this help following certain guides that I used on clients when I sold gym memberships at one time.

1st: One can use the excuse they can't afford it. But if a person was sat down and an assay was done on their expendatures, one can easily see where money is just burned everyday... out comes the pickel jar... put your burn money in that pickel jar everyday... you just payed at the end of 30 days for your fitness membership.

2nd: Once there, no person in their right mind will say "no" (I pray), to helping a person that actually made it through the door to work out. (Hell I have to talk myself into it every damn day. I could come up with a million excuses to not work out..it's just getting through that door and then I'll be fine).

3rd: "But I don't have the time" Most think we spend hours a day in there, I'd rather bust a cap in my ass. Give us 20 mins of your time everyday, that's all. We are not trying to rebuild Rome here.

4th: "I have eating issues and have no insurance" In today's world, the state hospitals do NOT turn back people without insurance and no or little income. The Gov't understands that it's cheaper to keep you healthy than to pay the enormous cost of slow death. There are places at the hospitals that will direct you to even more Gov't assistance to help even pay for the drugs and counceling.

5th: "I have a medical problem and can't afford the treatment" See number 4.

6th: "I have a back/knee/etc medical problem" Fine, we'll isolate it.

We could go on... but there is really no excuse to die of obesity. We are the fattest country on earth now... blah! it's a behavioral problem in advance civilizations... no more.
Thank you Scorpio for jumping in with that statement... it's almost a confession to one's real inner self. We whether bodybuilder, powerlifter, aerobics maniac, or general fitness enthusiast all have one thing in common... most of us believe in the 'Teach a person to fish and and they will never go hungry' philosophy. I don't like throwing money at the problem rather I would easily give my attention and knowledge to those that need the help.

When broken down to it's basics, any obese person can get this help following certain guides that I used on clients when I sold gym memberships at one time.

1st: One can use the excuse they can't afford it. But if a person was sat down and an assay was done on their expendatures, one can easily see where money is just burned everyday... out comes the pickel jar... put your burn money in that pickel jar everyday... you just payed at the end of 30 days for your fitness membership.

2nd: Once there, no person in their right mind will say "no" (I pray), to helping a person that actually made it through the door to work out. (Hell I have to talk myself into it every damn day. I could come up with a million excuses to not work out..it's just getting through that door and then I'll be fine).

3rd: "But I don't have the time" Most think we spend hours a day in there, I'd rather bust a cap in my ass. Give us 20 mins of your time everyday, that's all. We are not trying to rebuild Rome here.

4th: "I have eating issues and have no insurance" In today's world, the state hospitals do NOT turn back people without insurance and no or little income. The Gov't understands that it's cheaper to keep you healthy than to pay the enormous cost of slow death. There are places at the hospitals that will direct you to even more Gov't assistance to help even pay for the drugs and counceling.

5th: "I have a medical problem and can't afford the treatment" See number 4.

6th: "I have a back/knee/etc medical problem" Fine, we'll isolate it.

We could go on... but there is really no excuse to die of obesity. We are the fattest country on earth now... blah! it's a behavioral problem in advance civilizations... no more.

When I talk to people about competition, the top 2 excuses I hear are....
1) I just don't have time and
2) I like potatoes, pasta and bread too much to be able to do that diet.

I guess it all comes down to what your priorities are.

I grew up taking Shaklee supps - if any of you remember that. it is still around - hands full 2x a day of vits b, c, e, zinc, calcium, lecithin, cal/mag and I was drinking protein shakes at the ripe ol age of 11! lol Because of this, health and fitness was ALWAYS at the forefront for me.
Future said:
I like McDonalds. :D
Yah, well if I had the mass you have (and that might not look so good on me), I would like it too!! lol (just meaning I could burn thru it much faster and not really worry about it)
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my .02

i agree,tuna is .33 a can,brown rice is cheap,oatmeal is cheap,if you shop the weekly sales for round steak,chicken etc...mrp's are cheaper than any resturant or fast food place.it realy isn't that it's expensive to eat healthy. the problem is PEOPLE ARE LAZY!!! nobody want's to cook anymore because the powers to be have made everything prepacked bullshit.so people can cry it's a money thing but it's a LAZY THING!! i hate when i see a overweight person get in a electric cart to go around the grocery store or the mall.it's very hard for me not to go up to them and say "hey fat ass try walking and you might lose a few while you collect your twinkies and dingdongs"

i knew a kid who was 550 lbs and had to sleep sitting on the floor laying over his bed so he wouldn't suffocate.he started eating right and working out and got down to 185lb in a couple years.

so i don't ever want people to say it's a money thing,WHEN IT'S REALLY I'M A LAZY FATASS THING!!


TooPowerful4u said:
Hahahahahaa i completely agree! Ok some of us have faster motabolisms than others. Thats not really an excuse. Some of us are born with less money than others, is that an excuse to be poor all your life? I dont feel a bit sorry for fat people unless there is a serious medical issue. "Im addicted to food" is not a medical issue.

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