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Svensk Labs...?(Any feedback)


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 4, 2003
A friend asked Me about this brand...? I personally do not know anything about it....Svensk Labs(I know a board sponsor carries it)...any feedback on it...?
Can any vets chime in please...? Thanks
I would like to know too. Any one try the 400 test? Thinking about using it.
There are alot of replies about that lab in my thread about this. Ill see if i can find it. Its on here somewhere if you search for it.
Great products, double filtered, overdosed somewhat and painless. I've been researching these products for over a year now and all research results have been more than satisfactory.
Great products, double filtered, overdosed somewhat and painless. I've been researching these products for over a year now and all research results have been more than satisfactory.

And if memory serves right, you have used alot of products by SA, right gustavo?
Great products, double filtered, overdosed somewhat and painless. I've been researching these products for over a year now and all research results have been more than satisfactory.

And you have nothing to do with this lab?
**broken link removed**
And you have nothing to do with this lab?
**broken link removed**

Gustavo is a rep.

You just have your panties in a bunch cause i banned you on CBB for being a dick to almost EVERYONE...

You can think whatever you like...just cause a person uses a lab and posts positive experiences does not mean that they are a rep...but whatever...think what you want...

And you have nothing to do with this lab?
**broken link removed**

Gustavo is a rep.

Another one of these rumors?
Do you realize how many rumors there have been that gustavo is a rep?
seriously, its old news. hes NOT a rep. get over it.

on another note, for people wondering about the quality of SA. theyre very good to go. i dont care who says what about their products, everything ive used that was made by them (a lot), was great. oh no, i must be a rep.
OK...well if You don't mind Me asking what prods are go to go...?
you can find better.
I am not going to get into a pissing contest with the CDN guys who spam for it all the time, but typical cdn UG lab...sometimes good, sometimes not so much.
U want more info u can pm me, like I said, not doing the pissing contest with the ppl who prop it big.
you can find better.
typical cdn UG lab...sometimes good, sometimes not so much.

This is the closest thing to the truth you are going to get.

This lab does have more reps than China has rice. It's rediculous. Who is and who is not repping, I can't say, but it is HEAVILY pushed on all boards that I frequent.

I've had bad experiences with this lab myself. I was one of the unfortunate many that had the bad batch(es?) of T400 last year that was pretty much useless...and when you are getting 20ml vials, it adds up to a big loss pretty quickly. I understand that there are some problems with the current Anavar batches being suspected to be M1T, worthless Letrozole caps, and rumours that the lab is falling apart from within, but that info isn't first hand, so take it for what it's worth.

That said, lots of bro's that I trust have had great experiences with S.A, particularly with their Tren A and Dbol, so as with most UGL, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.
My good friend has tried multiple SA products. Their T400 was not painless but it was definitely 400 mg/ml. Ancillaries and orals worked as predicted.

With multiple small purchase from different sources my friend has been satisfied with the product quality. The one thing my friend has noticed is that the mark up varies widely.
You just have your panties in a bunch cause i banned you on CBB for being a dick to almost EVERYONE...

You can think whatever you like...just cause a person uses a lab and posts positive experiences does not mean that they are a rep...but whatever...think what you want...

LOL. Like I would care being banned form a board that has 20 real members and 100 SA reps LIKE YOU.

But let's be men over here "Gustavo/SA". My posts are still up there. Anyone can search them. Since 2007 I was "ok" there were no problems but when I started (and I was one of the first) stating that SA is going down hill by selling stuff as other stuff, like M1 sold as Anavar (and there are literally 100's of complaints that their anavar is causing bloat and stuff EXACTLY like M1, it's not a secret) then suddenly I became a 'problem" and banned. Why? Because YOU are a rep. and CBB is designed to shill and cover up the garbage SA pulls.

Facts are SA is a sub standard UGL lab. It's laughable when people claim (actually shills) it's the "best Canada has" .It's not even top 20 UGL in Canada. It's quality is all over the place. The only "so so' product they have is T400 and that even varies like crazy. Their more expensive stuff like Primo and Var is not what it claims and a cheap substitute.

And this "Nate" guy here is a rep. SA has more reps than it does real product. If they spent as much money and energy making products as they do shilling then it would be a half decent lab.

Go to CBB and you will see. Every lab shills that but the aggressiveness and sleaze SA pulls is disgusting. And they don't only shill their shit they also put a lot of effort into trashing competitors. As I said don't take my word- visit gustavo's Shill board and read for yourself. According to these guys SA puts organon to shame....wen in reality it's probably a mediocre canadian UGL. and I am being kind here.
Another one of these rumors?
Do you realize how many rumors there have been that gustavo is a rep?
seriously, its old news. hes NOT a rep. get over it.

on another note, for people wondering about the quality of SA. theyre very good to go. i dont care who says what about their products, everything ive used that was made by them (a lot), was great. oh no, i must be a rep.

For a guy who is "not a rep" he sure spends a lot of time scouring the boards and is usually the first to run when SA is attacked for beingt he shitty lab they are.

For a guy who "is not a rep" he sure is quick to ban members on CBB who post anything remotely negative about SA and he's very, very fast to run when a long time member starts talking about "inside stuff". I don't see him run like that when other labs are trashed but yet when SA gets trashed he's always the first to "raise concerns" about the legitimacy of the poster. He's also the first to spread shit on competing UGL and never asks for "proof" on those rumors yet demands proof or lab tests with SA or the 'post gets removed".

If you can't see he's a rep. then you are stupid or a rep. yourself.It's pretty much an inside joke among the few members CBB has that Gustavo is probably one of the three top guys at SA.
OK...well if You don't mind Me asking what prods are go to go...?

Ive tried the t400, the tren e, the deca, the dbol, nolva, and aromasin.
it was the cycle i just finished up 2 months ago.

you can find better.
I am not going to get into a pissing contest with the CDN guys who spam for it all the time, but typical cdn UG lab...sometimes good, sometimes not so much.
U want more info u can pm me, like I said, not doing the pissing contest with the ppl who prop it big.

Completely agree. its sometimes good, sometimes alright, never bad.. always works at least to some degree. depends on your batch. there arent too many good labs in canada right now. I wasnt "defending" the lab, i was saying i got good results, and i knew others who had as well. of course i know one guy who didnt like the results, and swore it was bunk gear. but thats one out of the 12 or 13 guys i know who have tried sa.

And this "Nate" guy here is a rep. SA has more reps than it does real product. If they spent as much money and energy making products as they do shilling then it would be a half decent lab.

lol, if im a rep, why did i, last year, start a thread asking about their quality? as well as message several people trying to get as many facts as i could about quality? I knew nothing about this lab last year, and only this year, i did a cycle using their products. Not gonna lie, the results were good with my batch. like all labs, of course they will have less potent batches.

According to these guys SA puts organon to shame....wen in reality it's probably a mediocre canadian UGL. and I am being kind here.

Put organon to shame? LOL. no way. did someone actually say that?
some batches are somewhat close to human grade quality, id say. well at least my batch was, as well as a few others i know. but maybe theyre reps :cheeky'sm

For a guy who is "not a rep" he sure spends a lot of time scouring the boards and is usually the first to run when SA is attacked for beingt he shitty lab they are.

For a guy who "is not a rep" he sure is quick to ban members on CBB who post anything remotely negative about SA and he's very, very fast to run when a long time member starts talking about "inside stuff". I don't see him run like that when other labs are trashed but yet when SA gets trashed he's always the first to "raise concerns" about the legitimacy of the poster. He's also the first to spread shit on competing UGL and never asks for "proof" on those rumors yet demands proof or lab tests with SA or the 'post gets removed".

If you can't see he's a rep. then you are stupid or a rep. yourself.It's pretty much an inside joke among the few members CBB has that Gustavo is probably one of the three top guys at SA.

or, i know him? and know hes not a rep?

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