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synterol mixed with gear?


New member
Jul 26, 2010
Is syntherol able to mix with oil gear? Massaing severely is required with syntherol but with gear not! What shoud I do guys?
Ive done it. Its fine. If u get an infection, dont blame the syntherol, its your gear. Thats the real reason mixing the two is disparaged on this site in my opinion. Just my 2 cents.
I wonder about mixing some test base into the oil??? And sterilizing it of course. Supposedly test-no-ester can exert beneficial site-specific growth (so the theory goes).
Ive done it. Its fine. If u get an infection, dont blame
the syntherol, its your gear. Thats the real reason mixing the two is
disparaged on this site in my opinion. Just my 2 cents.

Where did you get that from?

The 'real' reason this is discouraged is because the oil in Syntherol will mess
up the absorption rate of the gear since the oil that gear is suspended in is
different to the oil in Syntherol.

If there was no difference in the oils, Syntherol would have no effect and
and the oil would be absorbed and metabolised as fast as gear oil is...

So the answer is NO do NOT mix the two.
Where did you get that from?

The 'real' reason this is discouraged is because the oil in Syntherol will mess
up the absorption rate of the gear since the oil that gear is suspended in is
different to the oil in Syntherol.

If there was no difference in the oils, Syntherol would have no effect and
and the oil would be absorbed and metabolised as fast as gear oil is...

So the answer is NO do NOT mix the two.

I never bought into this. If you wanna hear another opinion on the subject look at 'building the perfect beast' by author l. rea. Its an ebook google it.
I never bought into this. If you wanna hear another opinion on the subject
look at 'building the perfect beast' by author l. rea. Its an ebook google

Well then what would happen if the gear you shot was encapsulated by
Syntherol in the muscle?

Are you saying that the body would not have to metabolize the SEO before
being able to start on the gear oil and then eventually getting to the gear?

If you are then how can you make that statement and if you are not then
how does this not affect the absorption rate of the gear?
I wonder about mixing some test base into the oil??? And sterilizing it of course. Supposedly test-no-ester can exert beneficial site-specific growth (so the theory goes).

Yea thats wat I have heard. It only works wit fast acting gear. I tried synthol and tren mixed in my bi's and it worked well. Seemed like it hardened my bis up a little to.
Interesting, anyone else has done this. I old school and don't truly agree with mixing the two. . I would doubt it would encapsulate, but. . I have never done it. So, can't say anymore, but more input would be interesting. I am not considering mixing both. Still, more input would be interesting and good read.
If I did it I would get some raw test base powder and use the syntherol as the oil base and then filter/sterilize the oil and shoot 2x/day.
I never bought into this. If you wanna hear another opinion on the subject look at 'building the perfect beast' by author l. rea. Its an ebook google it.

I read this book, and he reccomends adding 20 percent BA to keep it steril.
I read this book, and he reccomends adding 20 percent BA to keep it steril.

i wouldnt add s**t to it between the ba in your gear and the synthol i think its fine...
A lot of mixed oppinions. I was hoping Big A will comment on this. Thank you all guys.
If I did it I would get some raw test base powder and use the syntherol as the oil base and then filter/sterilize the oil and shoot 2x/day.


Then you need to consider liquifying the powder and how the solvent would interact with the syntherol...

would you want to us EO to keep it a smooth inject then?

(BTW I wont be injecting syntherol...I like my Muscles to be as strong as they look:D)
a long time ago there was something called the sleeve stretching cycle!
You did mix gear including winny with it. my boy used it like th cycle said and he got great results. painful as hell!!

Your bicep tendons get sore just from the SEO not to mention the painfull winny and prop added to it. This was about 10 years ago. i think i got the cycle from Trevor Smith.

There's an article about the sleeve stretching cycle in issue #4 of GEAR UZR mag. Cant access the article online though I think.

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