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SynthePURE Protein Recipes!!!

Damn, all this sounds SO good now.

I've just been doing the dry scoop mouth full or SynthePure followed by a couple gulps of water protocol.:p

My girl has a new blender on the way...I can't wait to try some of this now!

Dude that is hardcore! Ha I thought I was hardcore for drinking the same damnn shake everyday. Ha but you got me beat. I use a coffee grinder for 2 cups of oatmeal, 75gs of protein, and 4 tablespoons of olive oil although truthfully I don't even measure the oil anymore I just eyeball it. It is nasty but at least it is liquid. ha I do your method for 5gs of creatine and one tme I chocked and it went all over my shirt and face. LOl neighbore just knocked on the door. Ha probably thought I was a cokehead.
Dude that is hardcore! Ha I thought I was hardcore for drinking the same damnn shake everyday. Ha but you got me beat. I use a coffee grinder for 2 cups of oatmeal, 75gs of protein, and 4 tablespoons of olive oil although truthfully I don't even measure the oil anymore I just eyeball it. It is nasty but at least it is liquid. ha I do your method for 5gs of creatine and one tme I chocked and it went all over my shirt and face. LOl neighbore just knocked on the door. Ha probably thought I was a cokehead.

Holy crap............This story is no fuckin joke.........

I had to go to the local court house for a simple traffic ticket that had me on a bench warrant because I had moved and did not receive the "red light" ticket in the mail...That was half my fault, I guess even though I updated with dmv. was about a decade ago, but I was a poor bachelor with a back pack on.....I had both my creatine and synthepure in two diff. ziplocks w/in the single backpack that I owned..............

I simply forgot that they were even in there.....So I pass the metal detector...

Once I was allowed to talk to the judge in person, the 'butch lookin' chick said, "book em"....I was like, "WTF....for a red light ticket?!" I almost thought it was a fuckin joke till they tossed on the silver bracelets....Hey, who doesn't like those??

They took me to the side room and did a full search....I mean 'full search' lol.

The cops were like wtf is this..............They found my ziplocks of creatine and synthepure....I was told I was a distributor.

I told them to just taste it lol....The deputy tells me, "Yeah right, we don't do that." I was like, "Dude, do I look skinny as hell...I promise I'm no dealer...just look at it or smell what ever you want....I just want to go home."

He said, "I know what creatine and whey look like and this aint it!"

They said fuck you, we don't do that and tested it.

Once the test came back negative, I was polite and still booked for 5 days.

I had to fight for my life in down-town sd for a ticket....Can you believe that shit?!!

I also did fight with my weight....Let's just say that the years of training and synth paid off...I think the only thing I ran was a simple anavar thing.

There was a crazy old white dude there and all he did was run around half naked and calling bs on the mexicans up stairs....

Guess who got to defend them cause I'm the biggest muther in there....

I did.

Alright, little rant done....Anyone that wants a play by play, just ask...It's all true, but was def. not fun....That's only one story....Now, I have to go back to bed or my girl might kick my ass.
Time to bump this up and got some new recipes coming in few days as I have been experiementing awesome flavours with SynthePURE!
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Great uses for a great product!
Time to bump this up and got some new recipes coming in few days as I have been experiementing awesome flavours with SynthePURE!

Any updates Chef?!
Sure bro, here is the one I had last week. This shake gives you a good start to the day with high protein, good fats, good carbs giving potassium.

1 cup of pure water
1 big scoop of SynthePURE
3/4 cup of natural yoghurt
1 banana
1 tsp of flax-seed oil
2 tsp of honey
1/4-1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
Here's my typical post training shake!

1 scoop SynthePURE
1 frozen banana or 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 tsp green tea powder
1 handful of greens, such as baby spinach or kale etc

Wiz it all up in the blender and voila! a "Green muscle building machine" protein smoothie!
I know what you are thinking, spinach?? kale?? WTF lol!! The good thing about adding the greens is you dont even taste them! The fruit generally overrides the flavour, you get heaps of fiber since not juicing, of course heaps of vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll- and they also help to alkalize the body, helping with muscle recovery.
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I still dare you to beat the taste of this one:

50g+ SynthePURE
1 tablespoon Nutella
500ml water


I am hook on this one! :D
Here's my typical post training shake!

1 scoop SynthePURE
1 frozen banana or 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 tsp green tea powder
1 handful of greens, such as baby spinach or kale etc

Wiz it all up in the blender and voila! a "Green muscle building machine" protein smoothie!
I know what you are thinking, spinach?? kale?? WTF lol!! The good thing about adding the greens is you dont even taste them! The fruit generally overrides the flavour, you get heaps of fiber since not juicing, of course heaps of vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll- and they also help to alkalize the body, helping with muscle recovery.

My favourite:D
my wife made the synthepure muffins,
i ll add the recipe tomorrow

add some nutela on your synthepure muffins = heaven!
-500ml water or coconut/almond/cows/goats/whatever milk
-some ice
-1 or 2 scoops of protein powder (can add extra aminos or liquid vitamins/minerals)
-1 banana or any fruit you like
-some 100% maple syrup or honey
-a few packs of stevia
-some bee pollen
-digestive enzymes
-some cinnamon
-some type of nut butter
-psyllium or a fiber source if you wanted

blend and enjoy!
Power Boost Smoothie

1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 scoop SynthePURE Protein Powder
1/2 cup Frozen Mixed Berries
1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 teaspoon Agave Syrup
1/2 teaspoon Cacao Powder
1 teaspoon Chia Seeds
1/2 - 1 Banana
Handful of Ice Cubes

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth. Enjoy!
BigChef. Any shakes recipes involving coffee or fresh fruits?
BigChef. Any shakes recipes involving coffee or fresh fruits?

Sorry for late reply bro as I didn't notice this.


1/2C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2C brewed coffee, cooled slightly so it's not steaming hot
1 scoop SynthePURE protein powder
about 6 ice cubes
optional - 1 packet stevia or other all natural, no calorie sweetener


- add ice cubes to blender
- add coffee & milk
- pour protein powder & optional stevia on top
- blend until smooth

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