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test-e or sustanon

Big H

New member
Feb 24, 2008
Hello Guys and Girls....for many years i have used sustanon deca and d-bol only cycle and always had good gains and very limited sides,i am looking at doing a cycle soon but replacing the sus with test-e,could people please give me their views if there would be any benefits of me doing this,i have always been of the opinion that test is test but if any of you people could explain the different type of benefits with certain types of test it would be very much appreciated....kindest regards Big H:)
Yeah, it has to do with the Esters. You can research that.
And due to that tidbit, I prefer Test E.

Prob I have with Test E is water retention. Diurehtics help, but I bloat like a sow.... especially when I exceed my desired sodium intake.

As u said, Test is Test. Consider thar SUS has 4 esters, the 1st being Prop. 30 mgs ( not alot) and it could kick in 12-36 hrs, give or take, dont quote me, and will last only a few days then POOF! that ester is gone and the next one kicks in.

Judging by your cycle, Test would be the foundation of it, followed by Deca... Go with the E dude. If you want to include Sus250 into your stack, by all means, it will help.
Test e is better unless you run the sus eod....
1/2 it out every 4th day. I'm a big fan of moderate but steady levels...
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I like E better, less injections, no pain, and good results
I like sustanon better, less sides for me. Just because it has prop in it, doesn't mean it needs to be injected eod either.
I like sustanon better, less sides for me. Just because it has prop in it, doesn't mean it needs to be injected eod either.

I agree with you. The preparation was developed for TRT. It does not have to be injected EOD. Also gives me less sides. At 500 mg/w of test E I have to use an AI due to bloating and gyno. With Sustanon at the same dose I have no problems at all. Don't get me wrong, I like Test E too. in fact I'm running it now. I get more strength and size of of it vs Sustanon but the sides are a little more difficult to deal with but with an AI like aromasin or letro dosed properly Test E is very good.
Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable containing four different testosterone compounds: testosterone propionate, 30 mg; testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg; testosterone isocaproate, 60mg; and testosterone decanoate, 100 mg. The mixture of the testosterones are time-released to provide an immediate effect while still remaining active in the body for up to a month;)

Sust b/c test E breaks me out BAD @ around week 8 for some reason and sust doesn't.. Its like clock work.. MY forearms and shoulders has happened twice on test E, and never on sust..
I agree with you. The preparation was developed for TRT. It does not have to be injected EOD. Also gives me less sides. At 500 mg/w of test E I have to use an AI due to bloating and gyno. With Sustanon at the same dose I have no problems at all. Don't get me wrong, I like Test E too. in fact I'm running it now. I get more strength and size of of it vs Sustanon but the sides are a little more difficult to deal with but with an AI like aromasin or letro dosed properly Test E is very good.

Im using sus for trt at 1ml e6d.......working very well for me, less sides and keeping lean for summer......gona be changing back to cyp in a couple weeks
I like E better, less injections, no pain, and good results

Agreed. And yes I believe you would have to inject sust eod to get the same results as e3d or e4d of teste250.

You don't have to inject sust eod, but when you are comparing to test e then yes you would for similar results.

i don't see how one would make you bloat or break out over another.

Really what you are comparing is steady blood levels. Sust brings you up faster, but it also drops faster than test e.
Test e brings blood levels up slower, but once they are up they can be kept steady without dropping off.
Hello Guys and Girls....for many years i have used sustanon deca and d-bol only cycle and always had good gains and very limited sides,i am looking at doing a cycle soon but replacing the sus with test-e,could people please give me their views if there would be any benefits of me doing this,i have always been of the opinion that test is test but if any of you people could explain the different type of benefits with certain types of test it would be very much appreciated....kindest regards Big H:)

I think you would like the TEST E...very effective llike SUST and fewer injects per week.

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