a limited number of challenges? what is wrong with you people, just get rid of the umpires then!!! let a computer or someone sitting in a booth make every call. "that's too far, too much" is what some will say, but it is in essence the same thing! you have to understand this one principle, sports are in real time, calls are made in real time, using instant replay takes the human aspect completely out of it. how you may ask, real time error! human error is part of the game, how many times can this be said.
sure, many times the umpires get it wrong, but they get it right more than wrong. umpires don't want it, it takes away from their ability to make judgement calls, which is what they're paid to do. the guy made a bad call, point blank. instant replay has not done good for the nfl, the refs still get it wrong more than 1/2 the time!!! umpires do not like to change their call, and very rarely do. the only time they really do is when they all get together to review, this takes about 30 seconds. instant replay requires they all leave the field... but a time limit is the answer, right? how about the nfl's time limit..... thrown right out the window and not enforced.
Quit bitchin and whining about instant replay, players don't want it, coaches only want it when they think their player hit a jack, and umpires for sure don't want it. If you don't like this, dont watch
if replay is instituted, it won't take long for just about every play to be reviewed, trust me