there are many health reasons to stay off the gear
first i would reccomend gettin in the correct frame of mind, it seems like a lot of peeps are always thinking of being on and comming off for a few weeks and then getting back on, wrong! you should be off the majority of the time! if you are not a bodybuilder at a high level(national level) you should be off the majority of the year (like 7-8 months) and cycle maybe twice a year or one long time at lower doses (personal preferance) shit even if you are good competitive bodybuilder you should stay off the majority of the year!
hrt would be an exception (hrt is not 500mg ot test per week! like some want to think)
the reason for gettin off and runnin pct is restoring natural test levels, you can not restore nat. test levels after a few weeks.... so technically if you are only staying off for the weeks of your pct, you would prob be better off staying on.... (i do not reccomend this)