How many of you guys have a training partner? I really have no one to work out with, soetimes I think I could train heavier and with more intensity if I had someone there to push me and to keep me motivated.
A GOOD Training partner is priceless! In my opinion. You can definately push yourself harder and get more accomlished. I used to have a good partner, but we had a fallin out. I train wit friends now and then, but it's harder when your training with someone that isn't at your level. It can be down but it's alot more work to keep switching things around. Find a good partner if you can.
A good training partner (hard to find) is very helpful to keeping training intensity high. I have had the same partner for almost 3 years, our strength levels our close which fuels the competivness between us, each tries to out-do the other.
Now a bad or negative training partner can really fuk you up, suck the motivation out of you, frustrate you if always late or stiffs. In that case you're better off alone.
And always remember.......
"life is too short to have an ugly training partner"
I have had allot of different training partners over the years and they all sucked. I now have a girl as a training partner and it is working out great. I train harder and more intense than before. Sure I don't get the extra strength on the spots, But it makes me do more of the work.
I'd have to agree that a good training partner is priceless, but also hard to find. The bro I usually train with doesn't want to work out in the mornings anymore, so we have since stopped working out together, but it's definitely nice having someone there you trust pushing you. On the other hand, it sucks waiting around for them to show up. Pluses and minuses for both...
As long as the person knows how to spot, it doesnt matter-any partner is better than none IMO. Partly because Ive usually had one. For heavy squats and all presses its essential and can force you to get gains by approaching weights/limits that you couldnt alone. Back is good for a partner too. The groups I can do without one is hams/calves/biceps/triceps but still would rather have on for everything. I use a partner 3 of 5 days wk.