Guys i have been lurking for along time. Finally joined. Im new to the Iron Game but happy to have found this board with so many great bodybuilders.
My question is does it really matter how you train?
I see so many great physiques built on many styles. Is it just Genetics?
I see HIT hybrids used a lot on this board with many huge guys using them. Then great bodybuilders built on high volume.
Its hard to figure out whats best.
I have been training like Labrada and Haney my favorits. They belive in Moderate weights higher sets and shorter rest periods,30-45sec.
Haney says stimulte do not anhilitate. That the muscle does not know the difference between 100 lbs and 400 lbs as long as you are stimulating the muscle.
Also he did not avocate high protien. He says eat for what you are going to do not what you did. He was more on the lower calorie diet.
Has anyone seen his site?
I seen him a year ago and he still looks fantastic.
So who is right? Is there a right way?
Is it HIT,High volume,Heavy weight long rest periods,moderate weight short rest periods or is it just preference?
Hope you can help a novice.
My question is does it really matter how you train?
I see so many great physiques built on many styles. Is it just Genetics?
I see HIT hybrids used a lot on this board with many huge guys using them. Then great bodybuilders built on high volume.
Its hard to figure out whats best.
I have been training like Labrada and Haney my favorits. They belive in Moderate weights higher sets and shorter rest periods,30-45sec.
Haney says stimulte do not anhilitate. That the muscle does not know the difference between 100 lbs and 400 lbs as long as you are stimulating the muscle.
Also he did not avocate high protien. He says eat for what you are going to do not what you did. He was more on the lower calorie diet.
Has anyone seen his site?
I seen him a year ago and he still looks fantastic.
So who is right? Is there a right way?
Is it HIT,High volume,Heavy weight long rest periods,moderate weight short rest periods or is it just preference?
Hope you can help a novice.