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Tren is great, or is it really?...

Big Fucker

New member
Apr 4, 2003
Let me start by saying I have used Tren many times. I have also tried many different brands as well as different kits with doses ranging from 50mg ED to 150mg ED. I am somewhat confused from all the Yay Fina praises.. I feel tren is not as spectacular as everyone makes it out to be. I recognize its muscle sparring properties which makes it a good choice for a cutting cycle; However, there are AAS's out there that can rival its anti-catabolic effects without the harsh side effects, specially the hpta suppression.. For strenght, I find Dbol (I would say ABombs too, but the sides are also pretty harsh, more so than other AAS) to be much better and winny or var to be just as good. For mass, it blows, Test+Dbol will pack much more mass. But it seems that besides Test, Tren would get an almost unanimous decision in the AAS discussion boards as the best roid out there. Can I get your honest reviews? Am I the only one that does not respond as well to Tren?
If it doesn't work well for you then I wouldn't use it.
Crowler said:
If it doesn't work well for you then I wouldn't use it.

Bump that advice!, but in my opinion fina is an incredible AS!!, one of my favorites! (Just my opinion)
Like I tell everyone!!

Everyone is different and responds different to different things. I, myself, would put fina in my top 5 favorite but, everyone's body is different. If it wasn't that way, we ALL would look the same.LOL

In the beginning of my 3rd week of tren use, after I had already cycled dbol and test, I gained another ROCK solid 12 pounds of beef, I was extremely vascular also.
I guess I'm one of the rare ones that doesn't respond well to tren. I get poor gains in terms of mass and strenght, and I can never run it past 4 weeks because I get what I blieve is kidney pains (It doesn't feel like lower back pumps). I also get wort acne, and have a terrible time trying to bring the HPT to homeostasis... I mainly wanted to know if Tren's effects are exagerated by the herd of newbies that want to jump in the vet wagon, but now I believe I just react poorly. On a good note, I can always count on Test and Dbol or winny:)
I love tren iam strong and hard with it, u might mix the tren with your dbol test stacks, that is my personaly favorite mass gainer
Big Fer, you are rigt about poor reactions etc....for me; winny sucks ass, all my joints seem to erode away, I feel like shit etc....but then many guys I know that take it, really like it.
Ivan said:
Big Fer, you are rigt about poor reactions etc....for me; winny sucks ass, all my joints seem to erode away, I feel like shit etc....but then many guys I know that take it, really like it.

Yes, I know I don't respond well, though the reason I ask is because my friend wants me to plan his cycle for him as he is a competitive powerlifter. At first, I wasn't going to recommend him Tren, but seeing as it may just be my F#@'d up genetics that don't like Tren, I may just let him try it and observe how he responds... BTW, I am thinking T.Suspension along with either Drol or DBol and I may add 75mg ED of Tren:) Thanks for all the replies...
i dont have much experience with winny but I do remeber taking a small dose of 4 2mg tabs and my joints were killing me in the gym. I have a feeling i wont react well to it this cycle.
For me tren is one of my favorites,it makes me hard ,strong,and really vascular,but it doesn't work the same for everybody.If you feel its not working for you i wouldn't use it.
For me, Tren is a much more effective cutting drug than any other. I just burn fat with it. I ran a little experiment a while back where I ran Test Prop (50mg) + Winny (50mg) ED for 30 days, took a montho off, and then tried that same thing again with Tren, that is Test Prop (50mg) + Tren (50mg) for another 30 days. No comparison for me, I dropped a lot more fat and got stronger on the Test + Tren combo than on Test + Winny. Oh, and the Winny was the best money can buy, Zambons, while the Tren was some cheap shit home brew (Finaplix). Diet was basically the same throughout.

So from now on, I'm going Test + Tren for cutting (although I still have 30 Zambons left, guess I'll use them too :D )

Tren is awesome

I absolutely love the stuff.....It makes me my strongest..even when dieting, I get super hard and I lose fat like nothing else can make me, but hey...that's just me. Like stated above, if it doesn't work for ya then don't use it. Take care.

Tren was one of the best products I have ever used. I ran it in my last cycle and loved it. It leaned me up and the strenght gains are out of this world. The draw back, but I was ok while on it.

I did everything I could while on tren to prevent hairloss. Not even 2 weeks after my last shot it all fell out. What I mean is that it is very noticable. This is why I can no longer use this product:mad:

Most overated AS ever tried by a BB.

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