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Tumor Found on Liver

Man, so sorry to hear this...
Think positive thoughts.
I can't believe anybody would advise Atom to stop training. As a matter of fact, my oncologist told me specifically that active strong people do better with cancer and treatment (NOT THAT ATOM EVEN HAS CANCER!) So when I asked my oncologist if it was OK to train, EVEN DURING CHEMO, she said, please do!

AS far as testosterone and cancer, I was told by two doctors that there was no contraindications between HRT and my cancer. That does NOT apply to prostate and testicular cancers however, where a link does appear.

Atom, keep training and stay active. We both know it has physical AND mental benefits. Hang tough and better days are coming.
sorry to hear this man. hope you get it resolved so you can get healthy and marry your woman. keep up your positive attitude. and kick this life hiccup's ass. :headbang:
Wish you the very best,I really enjoy your posts and know you will lick whatever you face.I will keep you in my prayers.
Hang in there. I'll pray for you.
God Bless you brother. You will definitely be in my prayers.
GTE, meaning green tea extract? I actually stopped taking it, but did take it for a long time. I do drink green tea regularly, not every day, but often. Could this contribute to it? Maybe, but like you said, genetic predisposition probably plays a much greater role...

Ya quality GTE with high catechin extract % can do a real number on some people's livers but it seems to be rare and it seems to be related to those individuals have a genetic predisposition to this type of response. It doesnt seem universal but its definately been seen occur in the medical literature and validated.

Just wondering if 1g of GTE a day is doing more harm than good in terms of liver stress (along with all the other bs). If I take almost any oral, but especially something harsh, I pretty much instantly lose appetite and feel lethargic and crappy. Its to the point its not even worth touching an oral. Wondering if its just because my liver was already stressed. Should probably get more labs done soon to see my enzyme levels. I may just be a pussy and cant take orals as well as some people. I did not seem to be like this when I was younger in college because I was poppin prohormones/designer orals like PheraPlex and stuff like tic tacs.
visualize a perfect outcome, every second!!
dont let negativity get to you, you are stronger than this.. dont underestimate the power of your mind!

my thoughts are with you
Good luck to you MF. True strength is not built in the gym but built through life by staying strong when it's the most difficult. I know you will be well regardless of anything.
Also it may sound dumb but stay as positive as u can and mentally don't allow anything bad in your body
Good luck with the test brother and know you have all the support in the world here! Keep up the post also, I always respect your input on the board!
Good luck Bro. Don't stop doing anything you enjoy that can keep you motivated to fight and move forward!

Sorry to hear the news bro. I know it is still early, but from what you have said, everything should turn out ok. Just keep a positive attitude and I truly wish you the best with everything.

Hang in there!! You will be in my prayers. I hope you will be good to go, and be able to think about marriage.
So sorry to hear this, bro! You are and will continue to be in my prayers!
Just want to say you're in my thoughts and I wish you the best!

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