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Update on Fluid in Biceps Incident


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
Well, curiosity killed the cat. That's what I told the nurse when I told her that I wanted to see if there was any more fluid in my biceps and when I found some I was concerned with bacteria and such. "She" told me that if I wanted to poke myself and bring in the sample that they'd test it.

Now this time it wasn't a orangish-tint, cream colored fluid. It was pinkish-red and very watery. Looked kinda like Dave_19's picture of his infection!

I just got off the phone with the doc and he said there was no bacteria or organisms in the fluid. He yelled at me and said to quit poking myself! I tried to tell him that I wasn't injecting anything, that I was just trying to see if there was still fluid in my arm. He said that's poking yourself and to leave that to HIM. I didn't tell the guy that it was his nurse that suggested that I get my own sample to bring in. She's been very nice and I didn't want her to get into any trouble!

sero saginous fluid (sero meaning clear, saginous meaning bloody)... look like tomato juice to an extent? It's inflammation and what the body produces when you swell. They drained a shitload from my stomach after my operation. I'd bet dollars to donuts that you had an infection and it is now cleared up.

oh... and stop poking yourself :)

good call on not busting the nurse...the doc could have gotten upset with her and fired her for giving out that advice...she might know your history and know you are perfectly capable of doing it yourself and saving money on an office visit.

It sounds like you had a mild infection that has cleared up and left some post infection fluid to keep the area protected from the area flamming up again. MAybe I am 100% wrong, but the way you described things, it sounds like that to me??
I guess since u mentioned a visual aide heres mine you were speaking of good luck:


  • abcess syringe.jpg
    abcess syringe.jpg
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saint808 said:
sero saginous fluid (sero meaning clear, saginous meaning bloody)... look like tomato juice to an extent? It's inflammation and what the body produces when you swell.
Are you sure it's not produced as your body heals not always from an infection. Did you get an infection as a result of your operation?

Dave_19: that's the stuff. It's VERY watery. I used a 23g to draw it out but could have easily done it with a 27g if I had a one-inch long one.


I have had 2 infections in my right bicep and had to go under the needle both times. I had the sweats, so frickin bad, headache
and my bicep was very red and as hard as a rock. The first surgery they drained out 100cc's of fluid, it looked like chocalate milk. I had to repack it for 3 weeks you want to talk about hurtin.
so then what do I do. a year later I don't learn my lesson and I start doin bi's again and what do you know same thing but not quite as bad. and I still haven't learned my lesson. The things we do to look good, I ask myself is it worth it? hell yea.
What do you guys think you did wrong to get the infection???

I notice sometimes I get lazy when it comes to preparing for the injection...do you think you might have been lazy and not preping properly for the injection??
xcelbeyond said:

Are you sure it's not produced as your body heals not always from an infection. Did you get an infection as a result of your operation?

Dave_19: that's the stuff. It's VERY watery. I used a 23g to draw it out but could have easily done it with a 27g if I had a one-inch long one.


ya bro mine clearned up after 1 day of draining followed up with keflex caps 3x a day... I dotn think it was very serious infection I caught it right from the beggining also 18 pins are bigger seemed to work the best for draining
Steak Helmet said:
What do you guys think you did wrong to get the infection???

I notice sometimes I get lazy when it comes to preparing for the injection...do you think you might have been lazy and not preping properly for the injection??

for me it was injecting too frequent into the same muscle I say this because of what I was taken has been all over my body with no problems, sterility wasnt an issue, also also made sure the inj was quick easy sterile, using rubbing alchohol ect..

Looks like to me you were injecting some gear with high BA content, which can cause celluar damage, which is turn your body produces that "glue" to try to repair. I pulled about 20mls outa my arms and shoulds last year(not as same time).
ha ha

ha check my post on if i had and abcess or whatever its was!
i got ya all beat, i pulled out over 100 CC of that heavy red pinkish stuff that was only going through a 18g pin, now like you XCEL, i keep poking myself to check it out and its real loose and watery, now my only question is if it is supposed to be there to help repair the infection/damage should we be still trying to drain it out, or let it be and repair it self? i had this shit in my ass and it was so full of the fluid, it was pushing out ward like it wanted to pop! now it is all gone . but it looked exactly like Daves pic

Re: ha ha

doktorspok said:
now like you XCEL, i keep poking myself to check it out and its real loose and watery, now my only question is if it is supposed to be there to help repair the infection/damage should we be still trying to drain it out, or let it be and repair it self?
Well - my first concern was it some strange strain of bacteria that did cause any pain, redness or swelling. My second concern was shouldn'y I be draining it?

As I stated in post, it was benign, nothing problematic - Whew!

Now since the doc told me to quit poking myelf, I take that to mean the fluid should remain in there. Kinda like when a burn blisters, if you pop it, it will take longer to heal, and can't you even have some risk of it getting infected?!?
Originally posted by eye_candy
Looks like to me you were injecting some gear with high BA content, which can cause celluar damage, which is turn your body produces that "glue" to try to repair. I pulled about 20mls outa my arms and shoulds last year(not as same time)
I believe that's exactly what happened to me as I was doing WAY TOO MANY pokes in biceps and this happened.

anytime you get an infection it's a sterility problem either with the gear or oil you are injecting or doing a sloppy job by not wipeing with an alcohol pad or dirty needle.... I believe to that some people are more prone to get infections than others. I do agree that if you are sticking yourself everyday or more often than others, in the bi's or any bodypart for that matter you will eventualy have some type of reaction. remember wiping with alcohol and being as sterile as possible is all good but anytime you are poking yourself that often nothings 100 percent. ask any women, they go on the pill thinking that they'll never get pregnant and look what happens. Any of you guys that have not had to deal with an infection, god bless you but eventually you may, and believe me it's a bitch! Not to mention the fact it's never easy going into the doctor and telling him or her that you were injecting oil into your biceps to try and get them 1-2 inches bigger. they look at you like you're a frickin idiot.
I definately don't disagree with you.

Only thing is, I believe that mine was never really an "infection" that was caused or manifested into what I guess I was really concerned about, which is a "bacterial" infection.

It it was an infection from poking the site too frequently, then the fluid was just part of the body's repair process. I believe that I just need to let the biceps heal on their own - give them a rest. This being, the only way I know when they're healed is to see if I can draw fluid from them after giving the time to heal.

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xcelbeyond said:

Are you sure it's not produced as your body heals not always from an infection. Did you get an infection as a result of your operation?

Dave_19: that's the stuff. It's VERY watery. I used a 23g to draw it out but could have easily done it with a 27g if I had a one-inch long one.


no it is produced when your body heals... just like spraining an ankle and having it swell... iam saying i think your worries are over now and you will be back to normal as ssoon as the swelling goesdd own.
saint808 said:
no it is produced when your body heals... just like spraining an ankle and having it swell... iam saying i think your worries are over now and you will be back to normal as ssoon as the swelling goesdd own.
You probably didn't see in my original post - no pain, redness OR "swelling."

xcelbeyond said:

You probably didn't see in my original post - no pain, redness OR "swelling."


still i am betting on infection and now it is healing.... as long as it doesn't get too out of hand i think you are in the clear.
Let me Summarize . . .

Please feel free to correct me on my hypothesis.

1) Infections are not necessarily bad

2) "Bacterial" infections must be given attention

The reason I said #1 is that we can get an infection from a wood sliver or a 2nd degree burn. Now, #2 can be VERY nasty, if not life-threatening, if not given the proper attention.

I believe that "I" just over did/too many injections in my biceps. Please learn from my lesson! Like eye_candy stated, my body created this fluid to repair what it perceived as damage. Then the fluid changed as it was undertaking the process.

Remember, I went to a doctor and he never even felt the need to drain the site!

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i dont think i had and infection either, not warm to touch no , no redness, no fever or any of the symptoms, ecept when it got full of the fluid it did get painful. i guess cause i was sitting on it and walking it would get irritated since it was on my ass.

but i too was using a high BA gear i was using designer Labs rocket fuel. it was very weird, used the first half of botttle with none to little pain , then the last half was painful every shot, glutes quads, and delts all got very sore, i had to stop using it. think im definetly just stick to the fina for homebrew stuff, under ground lab stuff is good cost wise but seems like it could cause a real serious problem.


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