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Vitamin B 17

emeric delczeg

IFBB PRO / Verified Customer
Verified Customer
Dec 22, 2007
Nature's Cancer Prevention - Vitamin B17

Have you ever heard of vitamin B17? Maybe you have heard of its other name - Laetrile.

Americans cannot access vitamin B17 because the FDA took it off the market in the 1970s, and removed it from the B-Complex vitamins. It is unlawful for any health practitioner to administer this vitamin to patients. Apricot seeds are the best source for B17, but they have also been removed from the shelves of every health food store and natural market throughout the USA. Limited research has been conducted on vitamin B17 since 1977. Once it was banned, it was forgotten.

According to research from years ago, provided by nutritionists and medical scientists, vitamin B17 is a natural cyanide-containing compound that gives up its cyanide content only in the presence of a particular enzyme group called beta glucosidase or glucuronidase. Miraculously, this enzyme group is found almost exclusively in cancer cells. If found elsewhere in the body, it is accompanied by greater quantities of another enzyme, rhodanese, which has the ability to disable the cyanide and convert it into completely harmless substances. Cancer tissues do not have this protecting enzyme.

So, according to past scientific knowledge, cancer cells are faced with a double threat: the presence of one enzyme exposing them to cyanide, while the absence of another enzyme found in all other normal cells results in the cancer's failure to detoxify itself. Leave it to nature to provide a form of cyanide that can naturally destroy a cancer cell. The cancer cells that are unable to withstand the cyanide are destroyed, while the non-cancerous cells are not threatened by the cyanide, and, therefore, remain unharmed. Never underestimate the body's potential!

Vitamin B17 is found naturally in many foods. If you eat foods containing vitamin B17, your body will know what to do next. All other animals in nature instinctively do this. Consider it nature's cancer prevention. If only modern medicine would allow it.

San Francisco's Ernst T. Krebs, Sr., M.D. discovered the healing qualities of vitamin B17 in 1923. His sons, Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., PhD., and Byron Krebs, M.D. continued their father's research in 1952, refining Laetrile's (B17) nutritional qualities.

From their research, the Krebs believed cancer was not caused by an outside invading force but rather by malfunctions of the normal mechanics within the body itself. They identified cancer as a "deficiency disease." The body's malfunctions, according to their research, were the result of a deficiency of certain chemicals found in food, a deficiency of chemicals they specifically identified as vitamin B17, as well as a deficiency of enzymes known as trypsins produced in the pancreas.

The Krebs had discovered a natural, drugless method to help prevent cancer. But their discovery wasn't original. Years prior to any of the Drs. Krebs' works, Drs. George B. Wood and Franklin Bache, M.D. published a reference volume in 1833 in which they described amygdalin, derived from B17, as a common treatment for a wide range of diseases and disorders.

Vitamin B17 is also referred to as a nitriloside, which is the foundation for Laetrile, amygdalin, and prunasin. Together with the pancreatic enzyme trypsin, these can form a natural barrier against cancer growth. If foods containing any of the nitrilosides are eaten regularly, the body's own immune mechanisms can naturally battle cancer-forming cells. But if foods containing these critical vitamins are not regularly consumed (or manufactured), nature's mechanisms can't work as effectively against the buildup of factors at the root of cancer and the countless number of degenerative diseases.

This is happening to human beings today. Not only are advanced societies environmentally polluted to dangerous levels, but also more and more foods are being altered from their natural state by man's own doing. Modern freeze-dried, fat-free, sugar-free, calorie-free, weight-watchful, microwavable artificial food substitutes don't contain nitrilosides. Most food manufacturers don't even know what nitrilosides are. Never in human history have artificial foods saturated with preservatives and unhealthy chemicals dominated the food supply to the degree they do today. Modern nourishment is no longer nourishing.

In the late 1970's, Dr. Harold W. Manner, PhD., Chairman of the Biology Department at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, studied the overall value of Laetrile (B17). His work was well respected and considered among the first unbiased studies since the Krebs' in the 1920s. He reported Laetrile as being virtually non-toxic.

When Dr. Manner used Laetrile in his medical research, along with vitamin A and digestive enzymes, he discovered the production of antibodies was stimulated against spontaneous breast tumors in his laboratory mice. He studied the results of complete regression in 76 percent of the treated mice with mammary gland cancers.

Dr. Manner believed Laetrile received its best results when used in conjunction with digestive enzymes, a traditional balanced diet, and with vitamin A.

No physician has had more clinical experience with Laetrile than Ernesto Contreras, Sr., M.D. of the Contreras Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico, formerly The Oasis Of Hope Hospital. Dr. Contreras has clinically used Laetrile for more than forty years on thousands of terminally diagnosed patients, and has received impressive results.

One of Dr. Contreras' patients was a man suffering from severe colon cancer. Using Laetrile treatments in conjunction with detoxification protocols and proper vitamin supplementation, Contreras was able to arrest the progression of his patient's cancer. The man lived more than fifteen years beyond his predicted death.

The following is a list of foods rich in vitamin B17:
- Watercress
- Spinach
- Bamboo sprouts
- Alfalfa sprouts
- Lentil sprouts
- Whole nuts
- Mung bean sprouts
- Ground nuts
- Garbanzo sprouts
- Apple seeds
- Apricot seeds

Contact AwesomeOrder.com for more information on B17 and B17 products.

For more information about cancer prevention, please visit Dr. Hull's Richardson Cancer Prevention Diet.
Posted June 2006 | Perma
Very good post. And very timely for a friend of mine. Do happen to know the effective dosage for this?
very interesting indeed. especially after reading pitbullmike007's story on this thread (#20) :



"its funny that i had found this thread when i did last year,, earlier this year, a now ex friend of mine, had been diagnosed with testicular cancer,, no health insurance ,,, i remembered this thread and i had done some research and saved the links from before,,
i had him buy the b17 tabs as well as appricot seeds,, went on 90% veggie diet ,, an even went and did the iv vita c treatment. and in 3 months his testing came back negative.. not sure which helped him, or a combo of all 3or the fact that he found out early on an did something about it,, but it did work for hiim..
my gdad died of prostate cancer, opted for chemo and he died a slow death,, chemo has a low success rate in the states.. i would never opt for that for myself if i was ever in that position,, that jus my opinion.."
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This laetrile has been spoken about for many years. There arent any double blind scientific studies about this. Ask Steve Mc Queens family if they think laetrile works.These ideas are born out of conspiracy theories and hucksters who prey on the desparate. I have been training for 35 yrs and i have seen many fads come and go when it comes to life extension and supplements. We know the truth that really works as long time trainers. Pharmeceuticals. Period. If it really worked those companies would PATENT IT AND SELL IT. You wouldnt have to go to a clinic in Mexico for the "secret".
Why was B17 banned?
#3 (permalink) Today, 03:30 AM
Big Danny
Kilo Klub Member Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 2,155

very interesting indeed. especially after reading pitbullmike007's story on this thread (#20) :

Vitamin B17 to cure and prevent cancer --- Injections


"its funny that i had found this thread when i did last year,, earlier this year, a now ex friend of mine, had been diagnosed with testicular cancer,, no health insurance ,,, i remembered this thread and i had done some research and saved the links from before,,
i had him buy the b17 tabs as well as appricot seeds,, went on 90% veggie diet ,, an even went and did the iv vita c treatment. and in 3 months his testing came back negative.. not sure which helped him, or a combo of all 3or the fact that he found out early on an did something about it,, but it did work for hiim..
my gdad died of prostate cancer, opted for chemo and he died a slow death,, chemo has a low success rate in the states.. i would never opt for that for myself if i was ever in that ................................ I will go with double blind scientific studies myself anyday all due respect to pitbullmike007......
My dad had stage 3 prostate cancer 23 yrs ago and underwent chemo and radiation and is still alive today.He has no cancer whatsoever today.
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Why was B17 banned?

"official" reason it was banned = it contains cyanide

More likely real reason = it cures cancer, and it would take billions of dollars out of the cancer treatment industry.
Emeric do you have a financial interest in that website ? Loved the other "treatments" they were selling. :rolleyes: I want to place an order for 50 cases of "liquid manna". Bwahahahaha
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very interesting.

also saw cynide mentioned in ayaruda as an anti cancer medicine.

though it was treated in some fassion, either way very cool.

i wonder if its available in vet form?

my b complex is a vet inject...
I searched on B17 and it's all over the internet and available in the US plus raw and cooked apricot/seeds and kernels.

I am sure there is a huge loophole in regulating a vitamin supplement.

The capsules I found were foreign made but available with a simple search....like $100 for 500 mg capsules ...so people are certainly profiting off the lore of it's scarceness on health food stores.

How difficult would it be to grind up some apricot seeds after carbing up on the fruit after a work out. :D
I searched on B17 and it's all over the internet and available in the US plus raw and cooked apricot/seeds and kernels.

I am sure there is a huge loophole in regulating a vitamin supplement.

The capsules I found were foreign made but available with a simple search....like $100 for 500 mg capsules ...so people are certainly profiting off the lore of it's scarceness on health food stores.

How difficult would it be to grind up some apricot seeds after carbing up on the fruit after a work out. :D

Actually the seeds are available in bulk bags and people eat them like almonds they claim of the bitter taste.
Emeric do you have a financial interest in that website ? Loved the other "treatments" they were selling. :rolleyes: I want to place an order for 50 cases of "liquid manna". Bwahahahaha

No, I don`t have any financial interest.
No, I don`t have any financial interest.

Emeric have you tried these?-or know of anyone that did/does use these on a daily basis and lived to tell about it??

I keep pulling up bad news on it-
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amygdalin"]Amygdalin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Emeric have you tried these?-or know of anyone that did/does use these on a daily basis and lived to tell about it??

I keep pulling up bad news on it-
Amygdalin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dang, whatever that Amygdalin is doesnt sound good.

"Taken by mouth they are potentially lethal because certain enzymes (in particular, glucosidases that occur in the gut and in various kinds of seeds, edible or inedible) act on them to produce cyanide."
I didn't mean any disrespect....so I hope you don't take it that way.
I enjoy reading your posts and about alternative medicine supplements as well. I just was curious on personal experience as there are plenty of journal articles on people that had cyanide poisoning from the 1970's that were using it.
I actually have a 2 lb bag of them coming in the mail from amazon...maybe I'll roast them...I'll continue to read up on B17, it seems interesting. Bitter almond was banned as well I think in the 1990's as it contained the same compounds.
Here are some of the negative articles:

The Straight Dope: Are apricot seeds poisonous?

Acute cyanide toxicity caused by apricot kerne... [Ann Emerg Med. 1998] - PubMed - NCBI

Toxicity Of Apricot Kernels | LIVESTRONG.COM

Cyanide poisoning caused by ingestion of a... [Ann Trop Paediatr. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI

Hydroxocobalamin treatment of acute cyanide pois... [Emerg Med J. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI
I didn't mean any disrespect....so I hope you don't take it that way.
I enjoy reading your posts and about alternative medicine supplements as well. I just was curious on personal experience as there are plenty of journal articles on people that had cyanide poisoning from the 1970's that were using it.
I actually have a 2 lb bag of them coming in the mail from amazon...maybe I'll roast them...I'll continue to read up on B17, it seems interesting. Bitter almond was banned as well I think in the 1990's as it contained the same compounds.
Here are some of the negative articles:

The Straight Dope: Are apricot seeds poisonous?

Acute cyanide toxicity caused by apricot kerne... [Ann Emerg Med. 1998] - PubMed - NCBI

Toxicity Of Apricot Kernels | LIVESTRONG.COM

Cyanide poisoning caused by ingestion of a... [Ann Trop Paediatr. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI

Hydroxocobalamin treatment of acute cyanide pois... [Emerg Med J. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI

No, not at all, the reason I posted that article to see if anybody has any more information, so I am glad that you are participating with very good information. I use to eat raw apricot seeds back in Romania (when I was a kid).
Bumping this topic that Emeric brought up back to the top for a reason.

My father was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.
I spoke to 4 doctors in regards to Laetrile or B17.
Here is what the 4 doctors stated:

Doctor 1) Why do you want to give your dad cyanide?

Doctor 2) Never heard of it while he couldn't even look me in the face when he said that.

Doctor 3) Isn't that what Steve Mcqueen took in the 70's what a joke!

Doctor 4) This is interesting. He made sure the other doctors were out of the room and then began to talk to me. If it was my father I would do it! I've heard good things but were not allowed to talk about it.

Wow! I was shocked that Doctor 4 stated that to me. Pure honesty.
The one thing that worries me is that Doctor 1 stated to me if they find that he is taking B17 they would stop his chemo and radiation!
Good timing! Time to do some research!!

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