dave tate has a modified version for bodybuilding. i think it is on the t-mag site or something.
i've used it with the some alterations-- such as putting the speed sets at 5, 4, 3 and scrapping alot of the lockout work
the chains are a good addition to anything, even if you are not using the westside protocol.
there was one pro, i think mike francois? who used it. he did not do the normal program though-- he felt it didn't have enough volume for bbing.
the speed work does amp you up though, letting you go heavier than normal on other bbing movements. that is prob the main benefit.
i never got good low quad devel off the box squats though--rather just do them normal.
there is some plifter/bber on here whose name is bigbyrd who is real thick--maybe do a search and see what plifting program he does.