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What compounds for 2 week cycle?

Take a body that is natural.
Train 3 day per week.
4 hours prior to training take some orals.
During training possibly take some slin.
Prior bed take gh.
Do this 3 times per week.
You will see greatly improved results over taking nothing at all.

The issue in this thread is the guys are either on hrt or have been on cycle so long they forget how rapid changes and gains are when you go from a completely natural state to adding in compounds.

The reason I can't understand a 2 week cycle is because 2 weeks is too little to do much within a training cycle. But if you spread 2 weeks which is 14 days out to only training days 3 times per week suddenly you have nearly 5 weeks where you're getting an advantage around training times.

this is an interesting approach.

obviously not suitable for competitors or guys looking for extreme size but might be ok for someone just wanting a little extra whilst minimising side effects? although, with that in mind, it might be worth considering an alternative to the slin??

has anyone tried this regime, or something similar?
I would run Anavar every day. I just started var a week ago with dbol. Noticed strength and fat loss in my midsection within 3 days. Never ran anavar before but now it will be a part of every cycle !!
Funny this thread came up. After running 1 cycle a year consisting of 16wks of Test/EQ, I was only seeing that I was gaining up until week 8-9, and even with increased cal consumption, I would never put on any more lean mass. In addition, it took a considerable long time to recover given the length. So I decided next year Im going to try to blast short cycle, 2-3 times per year. This way, im going to be ON the same duration per year, but hopefully be recovered alot quicker to hold my gains.

Im thinking either 4-6wk cycles of 700mg Prop + 500mg Mast Prop, with a low dose of clomid throughout to keep my testes signaling. Im actually very excited to see how this will work out.
you can grow off of two week cycles. very high dose for two weeks to break plateaus. people have this misconception that it takes 8 weeks to grow off of cycles. The steroids start to work as soon as you inject it.When you over load the body with super high doses you shock it..and thus it grows. Its also great to change compounds around. for example...2 weeks do test deca dbol..then next two weeks do tren mast winny...then next 2 weeks do what ever else you want. the goal is to keep the body shocked.

This idea was tossed around a lot back in the early/mid 90s on misc.fitness.weights, Bill Roberts was very active on there during that time so it may have been his originally. All the other 'guru' at the time disagreed with the concept, including Duchaine. I believe Patrick Arnold posted on this also but I don't remember.

Anyhow, I don't like the idea, and I don't think changing up compounds really does much either for that matter, maybe adding compounds or cycling on and off, but I don't thinking changing them up really has any effect.

Everybody has different body chemistry.

Everyone is very different, however their actual biochemistry is surprisingly similar. AAS are going to have the exact same effect on every person at the biochemical level, it how those effects are expressed as a whole that is going to be different. This is an important nuance.

If I was only given two weeks…I would blast all of the following

1,000mg Tren Ace
1,000mg Mast Prop
1,000mg NPP
100mg Anadrol per day
50mg Dbol per day

I was thinking about that and imagining how hard it would be to adjust your food intake up fast enough to get the maximum effect from that lol
2 weeks cycles IMO are a waste,Dosent even need an explanation to as why lol
A lot of changes can be made in 2 weeks under the right circumstances. However for a regular program I don't think 2 weeks is enough time to get the most out of things. I am planning short cycles in the near future but will be blasting for 4 weeks. Depending upon the set up I think 4-6 weeks is the ideal duration for short cycles. So many variables come into play though.
A lot of changes can be made in 2 weeks under the right circumstances. However for a regular program I don't think 2 weeks is enough time to get the most out of things. I am planning short cycles in the near future but will be blasting for 4 weeks. Depending upon the set up I think 4-6 weeks is the ideal duration for short cycles. So many variables come into play though.

6 months is a short cycle for you:D
6 months is a short cycle for you:D

Hey you :D I have been on awhile now though... about 6 months. I need a break and looking forward to it... injecting gets annoying :eek:

I heard you come off for 2 weeks every leap year ;)
I am just really curious as to how this works out bro post ur begging stats and ending I'd love to follow this one! This goes against a lot of beliefs and I kinda like that what works for one may not for another, although I don't believe this would work on a person who has ran a lot of gear in multiple cycles but hey who knows. Try it and see the test and tren NE would be the best way to go that advice was already given that's what I would do if I were to try this out
Hey you :D I have been on awhile now though... about 6 months. I need a break and looking forward to it... injecting gets annoying :eek:

I heard you come off for 2 weeks every leap year ;)

I came off for 3 days in 2004. I lost a little size, so I just upped the dose when I went back on.
I tried a 2 week mega blast once to see if I could really put on a lot of muscle in such a short time span. Was disappointed in the results and didn't feel right so I went back down to modest doses.
I tried a 2 week mega blast once to see if I could really put on a lot of muscle in such a short time span. Was disappointed in the results and didn't feel right so I went back down to modest doses.

I'd like to try a megablast of gh. Maybe like 50iu for 10 days. I wonder if the water bloat would be extreme if I used blacktops.
I'm no pro or guru, or even a body builder by any means, but I would like to think I have a lot of something that most people don't have..... Common sense. When I put common sense along with the knowledge that I do have about body building/muscle building then this is what I come up with in regards to a two week cycle....

Will you notice big changes in two weeks if you blast crazy doses and manipulate your diet? Of course you will, but the real question is will those drastic changes stick? In two weeks time nothing will stick. You may look bigger, leaner, more vascular, and you might even be heavier, but one of things that the body relies on is CONSISTENCY. The way you keep your gains from a hormone cycle is to consistently hold those gains for long periods of time until your body adapts and adjusts to your gains. Nothing I'm saying is ground breaking and I'm sure it's not news to you, but some times I wonder wtf people are thinking.

My point is this... If you're in a bind and need to look great for a photo shoot, or the beach, or whatever then a 2-3 week blast may be beneficial for you. BUT don't expect to hold onto the changes that you made in that short period of time.
I'd like to try a megablast of gh. Maybe like 50iu for 10 days. I wonder if the water bloat would be extreme if I used blacktops.

I didn't raise my gh dose during those two weeks due to how much it would cost to be honest. I'd be curious to see if your experiment works.
first time I short cycled I used tren only 50mg/day for 17 days. after the end of that 3rd week I was up 6 pounds and lost bodyfat at the same time. it actually scared me how good it worked.
did it last? I don't remember, that was 8 years ago. I am going back to it now, but i'm a lot bigger and on trt, so....we'll see.
I'm no pro or guru, or even a body builder by any means, but I would like to think I have a lot of something that most people don't have..... Common sense. When I put common sense along with the knowledge that I do have about body building/muscle building then this is what I come up with in regards to a two week cycle....

Will you notice big changes in two weeks if you blast crazy doses and manipulate your diet? Of course you will, but the real question is will those drastic changes stick? In two weeks time nothing will stick. You may look bigger, leaner, more vascular, and you might even be heavier, but one of things that the body relies on is CONSISTENCY. The way you keep your gains from a hormone cycle is to consistently hold those gains for long periods of time until your body adapts and adjusts to your gains. Nothing I'm saying is ground breaking and I'm sure it's not news to you, but some times I wonder wtf people are thinking.

My point is this... If you're in a bind and need to look great for a photo shoot, or the beach, or whatever then a 2-3 week blast may be beneficial for you. BUT don't expect to hold onto the changes that you made in that short period of time.

No one ever holds on to steroid gains anyways..regardless of the length. Remember once you start cycling there is no point to even stop. You will constantly have to be on atleast 300mg of test a week to keep full. if you think that you gonna do two week cuycle and then stop for 4 weeks..you got the concept wrong. Its 2 weeks blast..then 2 weeks maintain with moderate test dose..then 2 weeks blast again. NO WAY you should stop after two weeks.

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