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What do you guys think about this routine ?


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 18, 2003
Made something with idea's from DC and things I read about how Phil trained together :

Monday : Chest-Back-Shoulders 1 set to faillure

*Incline Bench 5-7
*Dumbell Press 8-11
*Incline Flyes 11-15
*Lat Pulldown 5-7
*Dumbell Row 8-11
*Machine row 11-15
*Side laterals 5-7
*Bent over laterals 8-11
*Smith Press 11-15

Tuesday : Legs-Arms 1 set to faillure

*Leg Press 5-7
*Squat (tweebenig) 8-11
*Leg extensions (éénbenig) 11-15
*Deadlift 8-11 (I prefer the regular above romanian/stiff legged)
*Leg Curl 5-7
*EZ Curl 5-7
*Dumbell Preacher Curl 8-11
*Cable curl 11-15
*Dumbell extensions 5-7
*Triceps Pushdown 8-11
*One arm Pulldowns 11-15

Thursday : Chest-Back-Shoulders 1 set to faillure

*Incline Bench 11-15
*Dumbell Press 5-7
*Incline Flyes 8-11
*Lat Pulldown 11-15
*Dumbell Row 5-7
*Machine row 8-11
*Side laterals 11-15
*Bent over laterals 8-11
*Smith Press 5-7

Friday : Legs-Arms 1 set to faillure
*Leg Press 11-15
*Squat 5-7
*Leg extensions (éénbenig) 8-11
*Deadlift 5-7
*Leg Curl 8-11
*EZ Curl 11-15
*Dumbell Preacher Curl 5-7
*Cable curl 8-11
*Dumbell extensions 11-15
*Triceps Pushdown 5-7
*One arm Pulldowns 8-11

I then take 2 days off and restart on Monday
I Would not use this, but

thats me

are you doing just one set for each..ex. incline press 5-7 reps to failure..then on to the next? This may work for a veteren bodybuilder who already has alot of mass, but I would advice it for anyone else..my .02
Why shouldnt a beginner not be able to go to positive faillure ?
IMO beginners have not learned how to generate the intensity that is required to grow from lower volume higher frequency and intensity. Hell I am not sure if I have yet. But I am on a diet and finding it hard to match my intesity even day to day. When I am done I will definetly be doing it Doggy Style.
JB - I understand what you're saying and agree.

Moen - It may be an effective way for a Veteran bber to maintain or even add some extra mass. As for an intermediate bber, it's probably not the best method to put on mass or shape existing muscle which does require actual muscle growth.

rugbythug said:
. When I am done I will definetly be doing it Doggy Style.

That's just sweet, hear that DC? From now on, if you are training DC style, just call it "Doggy Style" LOLOL, HAHA had a good laugh from that one. :D
What is your experience level?

I just dunno about that one bro....Chest/Back and shoulders all in the same sitting, that would be too many major muscle groups to try and hit with maximum intensity for me....Legs and arms combo not so bad, but between you and me, when I get in a killer leg workout, I don't even wanna think about training another bodypart as I limp outta the gym...but hey, give it a shot and see if it works for you, it just may! Anyone with any time in the game will tell you that this is a highly individualized 'sport', and what may work wonders for you, may not to shit for the next guy, and the only way of really knowing is ti try it out!! I tried the low sets/high intensity/less times per week thing and I shrunk up, and I found that 5 days on, 2 days off was the optimum thing for me, and I even changed that up sometimes just for some variety....but I didn't come up with that overnight, it took months and months of trying all kinds of different routines, 2 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off, etc, etc...in the end, I usually went with M-F, Chest/Calves, Back, Shoulders, Arms, Legs..always did legs Fridays so I'd have 2 days off to recover before hitting it again the next Monday...must say though, that later on in the years, I could get away with doing something like you have down there a few times aweek for maintinence! It's all good bro, give it a shot for a while and let us know how it works out for you!!
Well yes I'll just try it out, wanted to try this coz I got bored with the classic style of training :)
That's It!

You hit the nail on the head bro, if you get bored, get in a rut, or hit a plateau, it'll definitely help to change up your routine, even if you don't get the gains you want from it, you will become wiser as far as gaining knowledge on what works for the most important person....YOU! Let us know how it goes, I'd be interested in hearing some feedback on it!
Allright, but I'm still cutting now so I'll only start in a few months, I'll try to remember to post my findings in this thread then :)
Will do !
J Bravo and others are off. How many people that Dc trains are beginners, many. Dc's program works hands down and he has the real life results to prove it. Many other programs also work as long as your intense and follow a good diet.

Do you realize whether directly or indirectly your hitting your back 4 times per week?

Thats overkill! I would also prolly do your arms first
then your legs. You can go all out and not have to worry
about doing arms after taxing your legs.
has worked for me

One set to failure + RPs has worked for me. The importatnt thing is increasing the weight or reps every single workout. Do not except failure. This can get extremely brutal. I go for 8 weeks and then back off to multi-set training for a few weeks for a reak.
Just wait till your trying to hit 455 for 20 reps on squats. I actually get anxiety attacks prior to leg training when doing this

good luck

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