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what do you think of site injecting for rookie


New member
Dec 6, 2002
i was thinking of doing site injections into my quads, it is going to be my first cycle is this a bad idea. i would probably be doing 600mg a week of enathate and 300 a week of deca. i would just prefer to shoot in my quads i think.
what can you tell me about site injections that i should be aware of before doing it, obviously i will properly clean the site, i will have the knowledge of where to shoot so i dont hit a nerve.
but what else should i take in consideration.
IMHO, the best place to inj, esp for a newbie, is the glutes. Gear doesn't seem to affect you as much (site pain) as much as anywhere else and it's safer - fewer veins and nerves. BUT - STILL ASPIRATE all the time. THE ONLY PLACE I've ever drawn blood while aspirating a site is the glute!!!!!

After doing glutes and quads for a while, you'll move onto delts, biceps, triceps, calves and who knows where else :) Quads are the easiest site to inject as it's the only place I can use both hands :(

believe it or not i have yet to do an ass shot, its always been quads, delts and bi's for me id say to start with glutes like xcel said though as the pain will be less there and ull see if u want to dare put it into other bodyparts just yet
Forgot to mention this

Use a 20 or 18g pin to draw gear with. Use a 25g pin for all your pokes. Use 1-1/2 inch for glutes and 1 inch for everywhere else.

Make sure you inject SLOW - try and do no faster than 1ml per minute. Generously massage site with alcohol soaked swab after done.

Mr_Magoo said:
believe it or not i have yet to do an ass shot, its always been quads, delts and bi's for me id say to start with glutes like xcel said though as the pain will be less there and ull see if u want to dare put it into other bodyparts just yet
my butt has never seen a needle either, it's funny my first shot was a quad shot and then after that 90% have been site enhancing, mostly calves and some biceps. and i have done my share with tren being involved in most of my cycles.
Funny thing I just did 500mgs into my thigh yesterday...

It did not hurt until 2 hours after the injection. Then it felt , like someone gave me a dead leg. The next day after 2 hot showers and a little massage, it is a lot better. I a not limping and when I bump it, it does not hurt as bad.

Site injection...I have to agree with XCELBEYOND. THighs are one of the best becuase you can use 2 hands easy. The glutes are excellent if you have teh flexablity to reach around and jab yourself. I have done the thigh with 500mgs of ENANTHATE and I am good to go. Thigh or glute. If you can, rotate from each glute and thigh each week. HTHs will help to avoid scr tisue build up if you are doing a lot of injections in a short period of time. If you plan on staying on things year round or a long cycle. I would highly suggest geting use to other injection sites. IT is no fun pushing a pin through scar tissue.
I find thighs to be worst pain wise - too many nerves around plus I will never do quads again after I hit anerve years ago which caused part of my quad to colapse for a whole year after.

My favourite are bis (outer head), tris (middle head) and shoulders, then glutes.
im with big a

shots in the quad are a pain for me! i like delts and bi's. i have a real hard time doing my tri's though!
Re: im with big a

dpsquat said:
i have a real hard time doing my tri's though!
"hard time" my ass - try "IMPOSSIBLE" for me! :)

Re: Re: im with big a

xcelbeyond said:

"hard time" my ass - try "IMPOSSIBLE" for me! :)


I get my girl to do the tris and shoulders for me :D
I agree with BigA and Dusquat-quads are more pain then any other site. It is pretty easy though.
I like glutes best pain wise, but any effect of site enhancement (even from oil without syntherol) is lost there unless you want a big ass! So I try to keep it in delts and biceps.
MikeS said:
I like glutes best pain wise, but any effect of site enhancement (even from oil without syntherol) is lost there unless you want a big ass!
Must be why I have such a BIG ASS!!!! hahahahaha :D

i was kinda hoping to start in injecting in a place that is not the glute because being a tall person it seems that my ass gross faster then my thighs, i was worried of it getting hudge, if i could prevent a dispreportioned ass i will, but if you guys think that it is better to go for the glute and work from there i will do it.
Have any of you experienced a LACK of strength if you inj a high BA content AS into your mules bis, tris, etc..........if the area swells and gets irritated from the BA?
I personally think you should start of injecting the delts because it is easier to see what your doing and it will get you over your fear of needles quicker. Plus I believe that the oil volume will stretch the fascia in whatever area you inject allowing for more growth, so it might as well be a show muscle like delts or arms. Just my opinion.
the delts hey you think that would be good
is there alot of nerves in the delts, and what size pin should i use.
hey does anyone know a good site maybe that has a chart that shows where all the nerves are so i can look to see what i am doing i have a buddy who knows but i would still feel better about it seeing for myself.
if i am injecting 600 a week of enanthate and 300 of deca should i split it up a couple shots a week, or all in one go, and can i mix them in one.
I'd mix the 2 together and go for at least 2x every week. But what do I know - I poke my self at least once a day.

Don't try and figure out where your nerves and veins are from a chart. Everybody's are located in a different pattern/spot.

See my post above for pins size - I'm sure Big A will agree with me :)

Think of your veins and nerves like a spider web. No 2 webs are the same.

I have seen a few cadvars and just about every aspect of teh body was a bit different. Yes the same body parts are tehre, but different shape, sizes, and they were different in the way the nerves adn veins wrapped in and around them.

Great now you all have me wondering about my next shot in the thigh...

I am doing my Delts tomorrow just 200mgs of Deca in each.
xcelbeyond said:
See my post above for pins size - I'm sure Big A will agree with me :)


Agree 100% :)

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