For those of you that know me know all my what do you think of this...100mgs tren/100mgs prop/100mgswinnie/100mgs masteron ....EOD..just looking to rip/harden up a bit....
I admit I do not know your stats or experience but I think that stack would be very effective. Your strength will increase quickly. Just make sure you have your ancillaries as faster acting test (with me anyways) is more likely to give gyno symptoms.
I do not know your stats or experience either but agree with Hypertrophyguy you'll get great results from that little stack. However I'd probally increase your test a little, just so it's higher than the tren (in case of the dreaded fina dick). If you increase it to 150 eod you'll get better results IMO and won't hold and more water etc than if you stayed on 100.
How long are you running them all for?
hey guy's ...real quick then..I am 36 yrs old ,competed from 1990-1999 local and state levels,i am 5 ft 6 in ,11%bf,225 lbs,with a 31 inch waist,17 1/2 arms,28 in thighs,19 in calves..I do not think it would be wise to stay on tren for more then 6 weeks so i will drop that after 6 weeks but stay on everything else another 6-8 weeks....I will up the test to 150-200 EOD till my Prop-250 comes in then i wil do 750 mgs prop a week....what do you think now..?
My BP begins to soar on tren after about 4 weeks, so I also only run it for 6 weeks. I also like to stack it with winny as it's suppose to compete for the progesterone receptor.
I don't know about running Masteron that long - isn't it a 17-aa?
How about running the Masteron after you quit tren AND winny - then also ADD EQ for the entire cycle.
get some good anti-e's for that cycle, i would say one could do just fine in the test/tren combo
have the test as a base drug and switch the other compounds up, 2 weeks oral winny with ur test dosage to start things off, then switch to tren for four weeks, back to winny for two weeksw, and finish with fouor weeks of masteron
the reason i suggest running the winny as i do is because of a post from l rea i copy and pasted it here stating that when using winny , during the first ywo weeks there is a nice rise in igf production from it taken orally, i also dont suggest running that many compounds at once which is why i recomended what i did
Must be from an UG lab. That's the only stuff left out there. I have some from BDL made about a year ago. haven't tried it out yet, but I've heard some stories out there saying it was tested as containing low dose EQ? Who knows anymore??