guys - let me first introduce myself real quick.i am a long time lurker here but first time poster. i have degrees in both exrecise science as well as nutrition. i am currently working on my masters degree in exercise science. i am also a competitve bodybuilder. i would like to think i know a bit about bodybuilding. this is what i have learned about our sport from the media in the past few days...
note that the following facts do not come from my phd holding, often published professor of exercise science, nor do they come from my medical degree holding professor of biochemistry, nor do they come from the multiple exercise and nutrition journals that i have to read for school. they come from the likes of bill oreilly, nancy "i know what you did last summer" grace, glen beck, and a host of fat sportwriters...
1 - bodybuilders take xanax to help recover from workouts
2 - it is possible to be "under the influence" of steroids
3 - steroid users suffer from extreme paranonoia, much like users of methampheatmine experience
4 - roid rage is in fact a well documentd medical condiiton
5 - steroids and growth horomone are the same thing
6 - chris benoit was injecting his son with steroids (note gh) becasue he didnt like the fact that the kid was too small and not going to be buff enough. ( the fact that his son suffered from a rare genetic diesease known as fragile x syndrome in which gh injections are a common treatment had nothing to do with it)
7 - no doctor would ever allow a patient to self inject himself or his child
it blows my mind the amount of misinformation that is being passed off as fact in this case. and suddenly everyones a freakin expert. the media sensationalsim in this case is unlike anyhting that ive ever seen.
note that the following facts do not come from my phd holding, often published professor of exercise science, nor do they come from my medical degree holding professor of biochemistry, nor do they come from the multiple exercise and nutrition journals that i have to read for school. they come from the likes of bill oreilly, nancy "i know what you did last summer" grace, glen beck, and a host of fat sportwriters...
1 - bodybuilders take xanax to help recover from workouts
2 - it is possible to be "under the influence" of steroids
3 - steroid users suffer from extreme paranonoia, much like users of methampheatmine experience
4 - roid rage is in fact a well documentd medical condiiton
5 - steroids and growth horomone are the same thing
6 - chris benoit was injecting his son with steroids (note gh) becasue he didnt like the fact that the kid was too small and not going to be buff enough. ( the fact that his son suffered from a rare genetic diesease known as fragile x syndrome in which gh injections are a common treatment had nothing to do with it)
7 - no doctor would ever allow a patient to self inject himself or his child
it blows my mind the amount of misinformation that is being passed off as fact in this case. and suddenly everyones a freakin expert. the media sensationalsim in this case is unlike anyhting that ive ever seen.