I dont post here, but I've been around for a while reading peoples posts and they are very informative.
First off, I've been so frustrated with our govt and "authority" figures.
How can this guy have a Ph.D. and be so dumb? Arnold did NOTHING wrong. They weren't illegal, and should never have been made so.
Secondly, how can he not mention the atrocities of our current president? He knew all to well that his own baseball players were using and yet, turned a blind eye because he was getting richer. We could also say that the homeruns and the revival of interest in baseball allowed him to consume large quantities of alcohol and coke...
SO Dr. Dickhead, does that make your president unfit for office? At least we can argue that Arnold came from a low-middle class family in Austria, came to the US with NOTHING and did what he could to better himself, lift a the sport of bodybuilding from relative obscurity to what we know today. I promise you, ask anyone who doesn't follow bodybuilding to name ONE person affiliated with our sport, Arnold is the name you'll hear 99% of the time. That aside though, he worked his ass off, both in the gym and on the screen, to become what he is today, the Governor of California. He also fixed what Gov. Gray Davis couldn't be cause HE [Davis] was given everything from birth. To discredit his actions today for doing something legal 30yrs ago is completely absurd, and you, my friend, are unfit for the letters representing Ph.D. after your name!
... sorry, I had to say that, have a great night ladies and gentlemen.