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Why is legit Dbol so hit and miss ?


Jan 2, 2005
I can only think that greed is the culprit. Any thoughts on this?
know your source

Yeah, greed is the culprit. Like Tenny said, know your source. I always felt a little safer about the powder suppliers, but once again that could be false too. All you can really go by is reputation. SOmetimes the cheapest isnt always the best. IMO, youre going to pay for quality.
D-bol these days are like anadrol was 10-12yrs ago...who remembers when 80% of those were bunk
D-bol these days are like anadrol was 10-12yrs ago...who remembers when 80% of those were bunk

Its funny too, because dbol powder is so damn cheap. Lots of money to be made using the real thing, but those greedy bastards want even more!
Tabs and pills made by UG's seem to be hit or miss. I know it's a description we hear a lot on these boards but I find it true. Even labs that produce excellent oils consistently tend to be hit or miss with their orals. Is it incompetence? shitty raws? greed? your guess is as good as mine but it's a trend I see too much of.
what's funny to me is that one particular, really good source ive used a number of times, has EXCELLENT anavar, even 40 mgs is amazing, yet their dbol does NOTHING..

oh well, at least its fake dbol and not fake test they're shipping out.

dbol isn't even that good of a steroid ;)

let people know where not to buy bunk dbol.... I really doubt they would fake dbol and have great VAR just my thoughts..PM me:confused:
Twice I had fake naps and thai pinks. I always had my doubts, but I have had good shit from both those sources. I thought I was a non responder. I have been on 4 days of RBB's free sample of Dbol at 40mgs a day and I am bloated as a mofo. I think RBB might have saved me from never trying dbol again.
lol i know rbb is good to go!!! get something for the bloat bro!

Started aromasin 10mg eod when I started the dbol. Hopefully that kicks in soon too. Might move it to ED if I get gyno sensitive or hold an insane amount of water.
This kind of discussion makes me glad I've stocked up on pheraplex and superdrol and a few other orals......laugh if you must but at least they are reliable. The M1t I use is mindblowing. I haven't tried the phera yet
ive had lot's of so called HG Naposim ana all have been utter crap....tryed ROHM dbol and that was utter crap, did a tube of Havoc PH and them was magic lol...

got 500 Blue Tart's to try soon so i hope there better...
Twice I had fake naps and thai pinks. I always had my doubts, but I have had good shit from both those sources. I thought I was a non responder. I have been on 4 days of RBB's free sample of Dbol at 40mgs a day and I am bloated as a mofo. I think RBB might have saved me from never trying dbol again.

Bloated as a mofo? Modify your diet, bro. I'm on day #4 with Rbb's dbols too. Up 2.5 pounds. Certainly not bloated to all hell though.
what's funny to me is that one particular, really good source ive used a number of times, has EXCELLENT anavar, even 40 mgs is amazing, yet their dbol does NOTHING..

oh well, at least its fake dbol and not fake test they're shipping out.

dbol isn't even that good of a steroid ;)

Or maybe the EXCELLENT anavar is actually very low dosed D-bol :eek:

I'm just kidding but you never know
Or maybe the EXCELLENT anavar is actually very low dosed D-bol :eek:

I'm just kidding but you never know

That there could have some truth to it.
I'm a Dbol guy....

I love it.... Yes RBB's 20milli's are good. Always had good luck with 5mg pink this but I have always ordered them from China. Blue hearts are great but I had fakes but the fakes were when I branched off the board. Never will happen again.
ive had lot's of so called HG Naposim ana all have been utter crap....tryed ROHM dbol and that was utter crap, did a tube of Havoc PH and them was magic lol...

got 500 Blue Tart's to try soon so i hope there better...

Interesting comment about the Havoc. I can get it for $25 a bottle right now but it won't be there for long. I'm still on the fence about it since I have other goodies but........
Or maybe the EXCELLENT anavar is actually very low dosed D-bol :eek:

I'm just kidding but you never know

yes except i lost 5 lbs while runnning var, yet arm size went up, and so did my strength. i retained little to no water, and within 30 minutes of taking 40mg, i was lethargic/tired as shit.. big side of var.. dbol doesn't do that does it? and var didn't do shit for my appetite, whereas dbol makes me hungrier than a horse.

:) besides, if it were low dosed dbol, whats in the actual dbol..?

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