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Would you pay more for brand name human grade gear?


New member
Apr 15, 2008
I have access to norma decas and delatestryl. I always used ug gear before, even for contest prep. Now that Im more financially stable and that I am at the national level, I was wondering if it was worth it to spend the extra bucks.
If the money is available HG is usually a better bet than UG gear IMO. That is assuming the HG gear you are getting is legit and not some fake or counterfeit.

I've always had better results from HG gear and I have run my fair share of UG also.
If the money is available HG is usually a better bet than UG gear IMO. That is assuming the HG gear you are getting is legit and not some fake or counterfeit.

I've always had better results from HG gear and I have run my fair share of UG also.

Good to know. Ill probably give it a try.
Human Grade

If it's real HG then you know the dosing is 100% as well as sterile manufacturing facilities.

All the Best,
QVolt.com Team
Yes, I would.
I'm thinking of using only HG gear.Unless no HG product of that compound exists.
We keep track of our food our supplements our training. So why don"t we keep EXACT track of our supers?
My humble opinion is if you can afford it buy it,usually though human grade is lower dosed and means more injects.

i think HG gear is a waste IMO. Worried about dosing accuracy? Just spend the extra money you've saved from buying UG gear and get another bottle and run more if your not seeing the gains you think you should. Ive gotten the exact same results off of hg and ug gear. Now i just make my own and wouldnt have it any other way.:D
i think HG gear is a waste IMO. Worried about dosing accuracy? Just spend the extra money you've saved from buying UG gear and get another bottle and run more if your not seeing the gains you think you should. Ive gotten the exact same results off of hg and ug gear. Now i just make my own and wouldnt have it any other way.:D

BUMP! I totally agree with that bro.. wayyyy cheaper and usually just as good if not better IMO..
i think HG gear is a waste IMO. Worried about dosing accuracy? Just spend the extra money you've saved from buying UG gear and get another bottle and run more if your not seeing the gains you think you should. Ive gotten the exact same results off of hg and ug gear. Now i just make my own and wouldnt have it any other way.:D

BUMP!!! On this one as well...... Would rather have the extra$$
To me it doesnt make a different. If your UG are a very trusted source and produce great quality gears, it should not be a problem. Some UG stuff are overdosed compare to HG.
Yes, would pay more, and I do. Only thing I use ug is tren and eq a cannot get them hg. Only compound I haven't tried yet that i want is primo. May use ugl for that as so expensive.
If I had unlimited money hg all the way. I don't have unlimited money however so it's pretty much china for me.
If money is no issue, Human.
would you buy name brand or generic pharmacy drugs?
This is just IMO, but I have ran Sandoz for the past 3 cycles and would not go back to UG unless I had to. I notice that my dosing doesnt have to be as high and the sides, mostly acne, are much less.
My "friend"has test cyp scripted. He has used watson , upjohn and teva sandoz. He says he feels the hg is no better than the ug in effectiveness.
Money matters. He does use hg pharm grade but has no problem with
using ug also.
My "friend"has test cyp scripted. He has used watson , upjohn and teva sandoz. He says he feels the hg is no better than the ug in effectiveness.
Money matters. He does use hg pharm grade but has no problem with
using ug also.

I agree with this...I get Watson test from the doc...and was thinking it feels the same as any good UG brand...Although it might be cleaner with less metals, and other crap...I would say give it a go, (with the HG) and see how you feel...best of luck
I doubt very seriously hg has less metals than ug, unless ug is from china. Most hg vaccines have mercury [if not all] just to make a point. As for as hg working better, if it is as good as it was back in the early 80's then yes it is better than ug. I have tried a fare amount of ug in the last 4 years. Of course I'm 54 and that has some thing to do with my gains, but when I was 28 I had been lifting for 7 years on and off and started my 6th cycle of 12 weeks. My doc gave me d-bol 5mg 3xday
winny 3mg 3xday and
annavar 2mg 3xday
I weighed 180 at about 9% bf and could bench 180 lbs[Im 6' and have long arms] at the end of the 12 week cycle I weighed 195 lbs at 6 or 7 % bf, and could bench 300 lbs, I could military my weight. I was ripped pretty good for back then. The only sides I had was a little acne,I was still anabolic and making gains at the end of the cycle just as good as at the beginning. I have never come that close with any ug and cant even get back to where I was then. But I did have a very very high amount of mercury toxicity and was very sick for 20 years. My 2 cents worth.

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