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Yohimbe experiences

VA MadDog

New member
Jul 15, 2003
I'm 8 weeks out now and just started using Yohimbe two days ago. (Twinlab Yohimbe Fuel at Homonunculous's advice). I'm starting with one and plan to go to two/day in a few days. So far I have not experienced any negative side affects. In fact I thought that my energy level was up a little today during my workout, but maybe that was completely non-related. I do not plan to use it with ECA or with any other thermogenic stack.

I have a couple of questions for anyone who has used it.

One person that I've talked to has suggested waiting until about 4 weeks out - not sure why , maybe to limit any potential negative side affects? Previous posts on the issue seem to lean towards starting sooner.

When I get to the second dose/day should that come later in the day? I'm thinking about 6 pm might be good just to avoid any potential problems at night night time if I were to take the second dose later. Never tried Yohimbe before so this is new for me.

Any insights from people who have used it would be appreciated.
Not so sure if I'd take the second does that late @ night.
It would keep me up! :D

After my good friend and training partner, GNPOWER, asked Randy about Yohimbe I got my wife on it right away.

I swear, she's been looking like she's on some anabolics. She followed Randy's advice 100% and she's leaning down and getting bigger @ the same time. Her diet still ain't great, but she's getting great results.

BTW...she's on Labrada's "CHARGE" for ECA and taking Yohimbe @ the same time. No bad sides either.

Anyone know agood ECA stack that is still available?
Water retention with Twinlab Yohoimbe Fuel

Crimson Ghost - Thanks for the reply. Did your wife or has anyone else who used Yohimbe experienced a problem with increased water retention? There are a few posts on other boards that I've run across that talk about Yohimbe causing signficant water retention. I don't know if this is a problem with a specicif type of Yohimbe, or if it is across the board. According to thoses posts the water retention goes away within a few days of stopping Yohimbe use.

Second question would be if I do see cooresponding water retention is there anything that would balance that out/counter it? If Homonunculous was on Yohimbe running up to his recent contest he sure wasn't retaining water - his conditioning was awsome and he looked dry as the troops over in Iraq.

I guess what confuses me is if it causes water retention then how could you tell if it was having the desired lower body fat reduction effect? The water retention issue would seem to cover up any positive result?

Randy - When you have the time could you share your experiences with Yohimbe and try to address these issues? Thanks bro.
I did not get water retention but then again I was not on AS and I was using caffine.
This is pretty cool!!!

Mad Dog,

Most folks don't have a prob. w/ the yoh. alone - its in combo with teh ECA that tends to freak people out. I haven't seen any lit suggesting that the alpha-2's will downregulate with chronic antagonism (yohimbine), so you can prob. take it for 8 weeks no problem. The sides are more likely from the non-yohimbine (e.g., yohimbane) alkaloids. Those who take pharm. grad yoh. HCL don't have as much problems. Just keep the Yohimbe fuel out of the heat and you should be OK.

If you don't want to use ECA with yohimbine, you might consider alternating the two, e.g. 1 week of each. Just make sure to stop the yoh. a few days before your show, as it seems to make some people hold water. This would be a great time (a few days out) to switch to ECA.

CG is right - wouldn't take that last dose too late in the day. The 1/2 life is around 8 hr I believe (slightly longer than caffeine), so it might keep you up. I would hit the last dose around 2PM or so.


VERY COOL that your wife is doing so well!!! Did I talk with GNPOWER here or on Muscle mayhem?... (Alzheimer's is kickin' in.)

Charge makes me feel like shit (maybe the synephrine?). Does it smell like its got some cocoa in it?... Maybe its the kola nut...

A good mix is chad N's Jacked! (www.fit4less.us carries it). It has lots of ephedrine (more than Charge!) or eph. alkaloids at least (like 56mg I think) and some tyrosine to support catecholamine production. Word on the street is that it doesn't seem to crash people as badly as other stacks, or even a home brew of eph. HCL, caff. and asprin.

Good to know Randy!


My wife mistakenly bought Optimum Nutritions Yohimbe product "1111" and it knocked her ass silly for a bit. Serving size is 2 pills a day and, @ 250lbs, 1 pill a day knocks me out. I get cold chills/ sweats, I feel like I have the flu and I feel like my heart is beating super slow and HARD.

Like you said in your thread/ answer to GNPOWER... "Only use Twin Labs Yohimbe Fuel. That stuff is awesome.Seeing effects, without the sides and crappy feeling!

I'll have to check out Chad's stuff. His site doesn't have any info about it, except that it retails for $30. :D

Thanks again Randy!
Re: This is pretty cool!!!

homonunculus said:
Did I talk with GNPOWER here or on Muscle mayhem?... (Alzheimer's is kickin' in.)-Randy

It was on here! He doesn't read anything but this board! :D
Re: Water retention with Twinlab Yohoimbe Fuel

VA MadDog said:

Second question would be if I do see cooresponding water retention is there anything that would balance that out/counter it? If Homonunculous was on Yohimbe running up to his recent contest he sure wasn't retaining water - his conditioning was awsome and he looked dry as the troops over in Iraq.

I guess what confuses me is if it causes water retention then how could you tell if it was having the desired lower body fat reduction effect? The water retention issue would seem to cover up any positive result?

Randy - When you have the time could you share your experiences with Yohimbe and try to address these issues? Thanks bro.

Hey MadDog,

Looks like we were all on-line posting in this thread at the same time.

Water retention is something that is transient - it comes and goes. Most people (not everyone, though) are dryer in the morning, more water at night. If you or someone you know spends a lot of time on their feet during the day, they can likely see this near their ankles, there there is not much fat on most people.

Also, the water rentention is much less dramatic than the amount of fat that is usually lost during the course of a pre-show diet, so you should be able to see the effects over the course of several weeks.

The water retention, when it happens, is generalized, so it would appear everywhere. If, for instance, you are already very lean in the shoulders, but don't look so when you start the yoh. this is probably water retention.

I am not someone who retains a ton of water generally during pre-contest dieting, but then again, I do a keto diet and keep my water intake high during my carb-ups, which keeps me dry (and prevents over-eating, too). The mild effect on water retention, if any, doesn't mean much for me, but it could for someone (like SJR) who is more "sensitive" to those factors that cause water retention.

If you take it long enough to see an effect (btw, it can also be on the abdomen, where men can have higher concentrations of alpha receptors), not taking it during the last few days before getting on stage will not have any meaningful effect on oyur fat loss. If you're not lean enough 1 week out, it ain't gonna happen.

Last note: there is research suggesting that by blocking the alpha-2's in the pancrease, it can remove the sympathetic inhibition of insulin release, thereby increasing insulin release following a carbohydrate containing meal. This insulin is 1 thing that might lead to water retention. I'd have to look deeper to see if a-2 inhibition could cause water retention by acting on the kidney...

Crimson Ghost said:
Anyone know agood ECA stack that is still available?

Syntheburn hands down.............if you can handle it...
Chrimson Ghost

Yes- your wife looks great. It's funny you say that it looks like she is on some anabolics, I was thinking the same. If I didn't know better I would say she is running anavar and clen. And she said the only thing she has changed is supplementing with the eca and yohimbe. No change to diet or training, so that's cool to see its working so well.
Randy, you have been a great addition to this board. Thanks for being so open with sharing info. I have probably learned more about contest dieting listening to you and Skip talk back and forth on the board than anywhere else. I remember Fathead posting a while ago saying he didn't like to give advice on the boards anymore because people wouldn't listen anyways, or try to argue. That kind of bugged me, because what he is failing to realize is that for every 10 people arguing or ignoring the advice, there will be a couple who listen and learn, then apply. This thread is a perfect example of that happening.
Re: Chrimson Ghost

gnpower said:
Randy, you have been a great addition to this board. Thanks for being so open with sharing info. I have probably learned more about contest dieting listening to you and Skip talk back and forth on the board than anywhere else. I remember Fathead posting a while ago saying he didn't like to give advice on the boards anymore because people wouldn't listen anyways, or try to argue. That kind of bugged me, because what he is failing to realize is that for every 10 people arguing or ignoring the advice, there will be a couple who listen and learn, then apply. This thread is a perfect example of that happening.

Ditto! :)
Randy - do you have thread in the articles forum on how to properly use yohimbine? You should!!!


Ok I am training again as I am on the road and since I have heard so much about it I am going to order some today.

Yohimbe is one of my favorite herbal supps when I am training to get big or getting ready for a show I like the tightness it gives to my skin and the texture. It also makes me crazier when I use ECA with it but what the hell. I also think it makes my pecker harder more often believe it or not, my " smurf nubin" as I like to call it needs all the help it can get.

GNpwr I just want to comment on that I don't like to give advice. It's not being rude or being mean it's just that on these boards if you give your advice and it does not work you open yourself up to a flurry of critisim.

ASK PHIL and the infamous wyldeone I don't want it or need the headache. I also do not have the time to make a lengthy post about nor would I know how to make it mean anything to anyone. I am not a technical guy and anything I'd say would leave you scratching your head saying HUH?
I don't even have time to read emails much anymore and plus there are enough brains on here that give enough info to answer most questions but I don't always agree with the answers:D
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drgoodbody said:
Randy - do you have thread in the articles forum on how to properly use yohimbine? You should!!!


Look in the articles section, title is "water loss w/ no drugs"

That is where Randy outlined everything regarding yohimbe and such. Great info!

Fathead: GNPOWER wasn't coming down on you at all! Both him and I absorb all the info from this site and put it to use. If something doesn't work for us, we're adult about it and we do not post negative feedback toward anyone. That's the way it should be, as certain principles will not work for everyone. Still, it is great to read your advice and that's what we miss! Everytime someone stops posting on this board is a true shame because every person, advanced or otherwise, will always be able to contribute somehow.

Ahh Haa!! Thanks CG - I was looking for something with yohimbe in the title, little did I know it was living under an assumed name... :p

My take on free info...

Hey Guys,

I'm happy to see Fathead back around, as well as back out of retirement. Nothing like a good challenge to bring out your best... If Fathead chooses not to put up long posts that's great by me. I understand his take and those of guys like Phil who depend on this for their income. Fathead is AWESOME to have around b/c of his brutal honesty. This is exactly what BB'ers, especially on the boards often need. Its great to hear how good you look, but if you want to get better, its not what you need to know. I think anyone who has stepped on a stage competitively (and many of us here who haven't) already know they look "great." BB'ing is about looking like you're from another freakin' planet - like you're not human, not about looking like a Calvin Klein model, not that that isn't a worthy goal, too. (Its just not mine.)

As far as free info., I feel like it really doesn't matter what I put here. I will always come up with new "secrets" and no one, no matter how much they read and memorize of whatever I write, can truly "steal" my knowledge. In the end, my kharma will be good by helping people and if I'm really good enough, I can still make $ regardless of whatever "secrets" I may have revealed. A "guru" has that quality (not that I'm saying I'm a guru, but I aspire to have that kind of knowledge....)


is a HUGe asset to this board. I read his posts thoroughly (same as Randy's) and agree almost always....and I like the big fucker!

ME BAD? ME SMASH? ME have to take Randy's AZ title next year:D
Ivan likes me? In what way?:p

Oh yea Ivan Did you like the HULK movie I have not seen it yet but the LXG Movie with Sean Connery was pretty good. Doctor Jeckyl looked a little like Big Kiwi except smaller.
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