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Yohimbine HCL suspension...how do I do this???


FOUNDING Member / Featured Member/ Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 6, 2002
Here comes another question as to one of our favorite guy's products.I got 2 bottles of this stuff,with the dropper attached and rated at 3500mg total volume each.All I want to do is maintain my current muscle and size,maybe add alittle more with this next cycle and keep the fat down and lose as much of my gut as possible.SO BASICALLY WHAT THE HELL DO i DO WITH ALL THIS YOHIMBINE??
Yohimbine HCL is typically used to burn fat due to its ability to mobilize stubborn fat that is related to estrogen.

The product that you are speaking of has a similar formula to that of other products on the market that are used topically to "spot reduce" some of the stubborn fat.
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Lets say I want to apply this to the love handle area...what amounts and how often?The stuff does smell so Im thinking night time is the best time.I need some ideas............
I'm sure that if it has an eye-dropper, it's not sterile. I never had any luck with topical. I mixed it in phlo-jel (the good stuff) and applied it in conjunction with Prep H. The reason I did this was that you want the Yo to work "locally." When it's applied topically, it gets into the bloodstream before it can work "at the application site."

That why I'm considering sub-q injections. Using this method it stays locally :). Easy to make: Sterile filter, sterile vial, bacteriostatic water, and pure Yo HCL powder. Cant remember the amount you can suspend but if your interested I'll look it up.

Re: soooo

Lets say I want to apply this to the love handle area...what amounts and how often?The stuff does smell so Im thinking night time is the best time.I need some ideas............

Tolerances vary greatly form person to person so it would be something you would need to figure out where your thresh-hold is.

I can take a dropperfull on each of my love handles. my chest, and my abs, and still not be too speedy. Some however, can only take a small amount before they feel to anxious and have other sides related to and metabolism increasing compounds.
I was about to order from Kaotik and thought about this stuff also. How long will one bottle last? Is it only to be used ontop of the skin? How well does it work? When you say some people can take it longer then others, are you saying it burns the skin?
No it does not burn the skin but when Yoh is used toppically it makes its way to the blood stream and effects the whole body similar to Ephedrine.

The side effects that some people have when taking too much would include shortness of breath and heart palpitations. So basically one should start off slow and find where their own tolerances are.

As for how long it would last.....that would depend completely on how much one would use each day.
I find sleeping an issue when I use it topically.
not so much of an issue with the other sides though

Does anyone remember Thoimucase (sp) is this still available???

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
boing said:
Does anyone remember Thoimucase (sp) is this still available???
I'm sure you can still get thiomucase but it never did squat for me. Now triacana (triatriol - sp?) is suppose to be another story. I just can't get my hands on any that's reasonably priced.

hey bros

haven't been here in a while...anywho, is this the same method you've seen xcel?

Injectable Yoh
found this on gotfina board...

1. mix pure yohimbine hcl powder NOT REGULAR YOHIMBINE at 10mg per 1ml ratio .water can suspend around that amount. so 1gm to 100ml or 500mg to 50ml etc.

2. BA is not needed because of the HCL ,but one could add 1ml to 100ml to make up 1% if they are the type to be worrried.

3. so after you have put in 100ml distilled water in mixing vial, 1ml BA (optional) and 1gm of yohimbine hcl shake it up and let it sit for a while . like during the day while at work.

4. after that ,shake up. i just like to shake things by habit and filter through a .22 sterile syringe filter into a sterile vial.


- it is recomended to take around 40 mg ed divided in four - 10mg/1ml SUB-Q inj.

- WARNING it is recomended NOT to take it before workouts unless you want to experience extreme heart rate increase.
What about DMSO, can this be used to transport it into say the abs or the love handles ?

Re: hey bros

rj420 said:
haven't been here in a while...anywho, is this the same method you've seen xcel?
I didn't see this over ther but it's correct. I would ALWAYS add BA to any water-based solution that's placed into a "multi-use" vial!
Originally posted by Bloatedballs
What about DMSO, can this be used to transport it into say the abs or the love handles?
Did you read my post?!? Yo applied transdermal gets into the bloodstream before it can work locally. I'm not saying this is "bad" as Yo is an excellent thermogenic - just wont work where its applied transdermally.


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