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Bostin Loyd and Rich Piana Talking Contest Prep Drugs

So that's his cycle, what's the problem? Does he tell other people to the same?
It's very cheap to make aas especially if you buy raws in large quantities. I can't blame some for overcharging due to many factors. But the 2 best sponsors I have used so far have been very cheap. Many aas sponsors are literally sending out shit product frequently (cheap or not). The 'expensive' one I used sent me crap. Everyone can fuck up from time to time but some are doing it at an alarming rate and throughout their range of aas.

Yea well, very very few people have the capabilities to test and see if their raws are even worth a damn. If I was involved in making some...or my own..the number one thing I would concern myself with is getting amazing raws...not just settling for some chinese broker who claims he has the best raws.
Yea well, very very few people have the capabilities to test and see if their raws are even worth a damn. If I was involved in making some...or my own..the number one thing I would concern myself with is getting amazing raws...not just settling for some chinese broker who claims he has the best raws.

I don't think labmax is any good due to it only stating active hormone (not purity). But it would be a great tool when testing raw powders... just so they know it is what it is meant to be. Something as simple as that would help and is relatively cheap but most just hope for the best.
Scrioxx has done very well for me so far, any others agree? Its some strong clean shit based on how I feel and my gains, Painless as well
I don't think labmax is any good due to it only stating active hormone (not purity). But it would be a great tool when testing raw powders... just so they know it is what it is meant to be. Something as simple as that would help and is relatively cheap but most just hope for the best.
It doesn't help if there's the correct active hormone in there...but not near the amount/potency that is stated or that you paid for..
^ this

case in point :
you know what some sources, including WELL KNOWN ones are doing?

mixing Dbol with Winstrol, adding a sprinkle of Anavar and then having it show positive as Anavar on lab max. even though it mostly is Winstrol etc lol. I hope I don't have a hitman set out for me from some of these guys. They must be really mad this info is circulating. :cool:
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It doesn't help if there's the correct active hormone in there...but not near the amount/potency that is stated or that you paid for..

Of course. It's all about experimenting and finding a good source and hopefully they stick around for years to come.
It's very cheap to make aas especially if you buy raws in large quantities. I can't blame some for overcharging due to many factors. But the 2 best sponsors I have used so far have been very cheap. Many aas sponsors are literally sending out shit product frequently (cheap or not). The 'expensive' one I used sent me crap. Everyone can fuck up from time to time but some are doing it at an alarming rate and throughout their range of aas.

I can't and don't disagree with anything you're saying Elvia.
I've gotten some phenomenal stuff from some sponsors here for "cheap".
It is indeed cheap to make if you buy raws in bulk, but who's to say that the raws you get are "top notch"? That's the only thing I was saying. The cycle I used was HG, and I know I paid too much for it :D
But, I didn't have to worry about it being fake or under dosed. Not at all saying that every sponsor does it, but like you said, the brewer/everyone can have a hiccup. I feel that some people cut corners to keep costs down and in the end, the end user suffers, that's all.
AAS quality is not the same as it was back then ( pre ORD). You have no choice but to dose higher. Today people run 1g/tren a week like its nothing.

Something few seem to understand. 13g does not equal 13g today.

is that why people are using 10-15g wk these days? lol :banghead:

300mg t now sure feels way stronger to me then it did 10 years ago.... and 10 years ago I was using rx prop. lol!
i'm going to have to disagree that gear nowdays isn't the same as before

most basic injectables like test/nandrolone/boldenone seems to be spot on
i believe if we had 10 people here use iran250 HG test amps vs 10 people use the same dosage from a well known reputable sponsor, there wouldn't be a difference(maybe 10% or less...something miniscule). some ugl actually overdose their products too. i know for a fact that there are people on this board that slightly overdose. same goes with nandrolone.

even tren from certain sponsors can be extremely potent. i mean come on, you can literally use 25tren ED or 50EoD(175/week) and see the results. yeah it may not as potent as fina from the 80s, but I think it's pretty close IMO.

i think it's the more exotic compounds and orals that are hit or miss.
dianabol nowadays is not anywhere near what it was back then. anadrol too. the discrepancy in the orals are HUGE imo.
the more exotic ones like primo and anavar...well I don't even need to discuss those.

if a person were to run 1K test and 600 nandrolone from a very reputable UG, I could put money on it that the results really won't differ from iranian hg test amps and norma greece nandrolone amps.
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I can't and don't disagree with anything you're saying Elvia.
I've gotten some phenomenal stuff from some sponsors here for "cheap".
It is indeed cheap to make if you buy raws in bulk, but who's to say that the raws you get are "top notch"? That's the only thing I was saying. The cycle I used was HG, and I know I paid too much for it :D
But, I didn't have to worry about it being fake or under dosed. Not at all saying that every sponsor does it, but like you said, the brewer/everyone can have a hiccup. I feel that some people cut corners to keep costs down and in the end, the end user suffers, that's all.

Everything you say is spot on. But right now I would feel safer buying from a reputable UG supplier than one selling HG gear. I would say a large percentage of HG gear available on the net is fake. UG labs can underdose stuff or can be fooled into buying low quality raws. But trust me don't think if you opt for the expensive HG stuff you are always gonna get top product. Most HG suppliers get their stuff from certain countries but just like UG guys they can get ripped off. It's different if you walk into a pharmacy in the US though.
Everything you say is spot on. But right now I would feel safer buying from a reputable UG supplier than one selling HG gear. I would say a large percentage of HG gear available on the net is fake. UG labs can underdose stuff or can be fooled into buying low quality raws. But trust me don't think if you opt for the expensive HG stuff you are always gonna get top product. Most HG suppliers get their stuff from certain countries but just like UG guys they can get ripped off. It's different if you walk into a pharmacy in the US though.

Agreed. I should've said my first cycle was bought 13 yrs ago or so lol and not from a supplier online
Agreed. I should've said my first cycle was bought 13 yrs ago or so lol and not from a supplier online

I assumed that. I just meant at this time. But sure all those years ago things were very different. I am actually gonna try some HG sust in the near future for a change :D
the hg sust250 from your favorite sponsor gives the same lab results as his generic 250. just letting you know heh
the hg sust250 from your favorite sponsor gives the same lab results as his generic 250. just letting you know heh

Thanks. A change is always good. I haven't even ordered it yet but will do. His sust350 (I have some on the way) is amazing so as you say either would be fine. I really like Malay tiger sust amps too.
You can't be arrested for saying you've taken/take a drug...this isn't communist Russia

Not sure if this has already been said, but you CAN be arrested for telling people how to take drugs that are not meant for human use/consumption, which he does CONSTANTLY, both on his videos AND on his Facebook. Beyond that, he sells steroids to minors, another things that tends to be frowned upon. And, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he probably doesn't keep good records of his financial transactions. So when the Feds come after him, they will seize all assets that may have been purchased with illegally made funds (that's money laundering).

Trust me when I say he has made MANY mistakes already, the least of which are with his own subpar physique. And, as is the case with people who show no humility and flaunt their illegitimate success, it's only a matter of time before he makes/has enough that the Feds feel it is worth their time to go take his money for their coffers.
I havent taken the time to read this thread. I'm sure its the same old stuff, bashing the hell out of Bostin for his methods and his honesty with a few guys throwing in comments about how they cant hate for his straight forward approach.

Bostin is how old now? Hes sitting next to arguably the BIGGEST freak of the bodybuilding industry and is holding his own. Not to mention he's being interviewed by Rich, one of the most successful "personas" in bodybuilding, making bookoo bucks from it and living exactly how he wants to. I sure as fuck can't hate on him too much for that, he knows the risks, hes a big boy and can make those decisions and I certainly can say he knows more than most the health risks as hes a very intelligent guy.

As far as Bostin goes, he's been doing nothing but interviews with top name guys on internet streams, videos, social media, radio, etc, all over the place, every chance he can. BIG names in the industry are taking the time to interview the guy. Like the say, NO publicity is bad publicity. Couldnt be more true for Bostin. Hate him all you want, continue to watch him say ridiculous shit all the time, but the the truth is, the kid is fucking getting it as far as his physique goes, as far as his popularity goes, and I bet hes having a damn good time.

I'm not going to go into health with this shit, its fucking bodybuidling! What do people expect when watching these interviews with RICH PIANA and BOSTIN LOYD? Dont we all know these two well enough to know what to expect?

Every single year there are bigger guys, year after year after year ever since this sport began. Thats why people keep paying to see, thats what people want to see, and thats what people are going to continue to see. At one point back in the 50's and 60's this sport may have been pretty innocent, shit even into the 80s I'd argue bodybuildings innocence, but that has now evolved into the most obsessive guys that feed into the body dysmorphia disorder that we ALL have, feed into it to the point that there are no limits, and these guys are the ones defining and setting the new standard. I'm not sure how some people havent realized this by now. These two guys in this interview are the DEFINITION of bodybuilding. And unless you are blessed with 1 in a 1000 sort of genetics, then you're gonna eventually have to follow suite to compete with the guys that are willing to take the amounts talked about in this interview, take the 15 shots a day like Bostin has stated before, and spend not only every single waking second devoted to thinking about how much to take, in what combination, at what time of the day, in which location since you now have scar tissue everywhere, timing of slin, hgh, and peptides, how much food, timing of the food in conjuction to the slin and all the other drugs, prepping the food, popping the fatburners and orals in conjuction to workouts and bedtime, training optimally, finding the best methods of site injections for SEO in a way that doesnt completely embarrass you come competition time, making sure to not forget to fuck your girl and give her just enough attention to not completely ditch your crazy ass, where to get the next set of narcotic pain medication before I hit withdrawels, hell maybe this prep I'll try the meth way, I heard a lot of guys are doing it, sex addiction (make sure you keep that viagra supplier real close!), insecurity and self delusional issues, keeping your family at bay, what color of trunks to order for the night show, shit I forgot my fat burners, oh shit I ran out of anxiety meds, god damn I can hardly breath walking up my front steps, ahh I'm getting off track here....

I truly pray that Bostin doesn't completely fuck his health. But he knows damn well the risks hes taking and so does every other big name bodybuilder, ex bodybuilder, and popular name that chooses to do interviews with him. They all know its going to eventually come for him. Most have seen or experienced it first hand. But does anyone stop him? Hell no, they encourage, by not saying anything or not saying much, by making jokes about 15 gram cycles, and laughing at someone they all know is going to end up hurt badly. Take a minute to comprehend that and what that says about the industry we all are a part of in one way or another. If that doesn't make you wanna throw up a little bit I'm not sure what would.
Disclaimer, I admit I took the extreme road with that response, but when it comes down to the truth, it really isnt far from the truth of this lifestyle and the mindset so many are willing to take.

Not every bodybuilder is a drug addict, not every bodybuilder has self delusions and insecurity problems, not all suck at maintaining healthy relationships, or have the mindset to throw health out the window.

My point is, these two guys are as extreme as they come, and to continue to push the envelope we will always have these type of guys to make sure we continue advancing and marching onward down the muscle bound road, no matter the cost.

And unfortunately, these guys are what people are going to define the majority of people who take this lifestyle seriously.

Its just the way it goes.

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