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How much alcohol ya drink?


Moderator / Psy, Ret.
Staff member
Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Nov 6, 2005
Just regarding personal habits... myself, I have, on a Friday night like tonight, maybe 8 or 10 shots. I won't drink beer, never liked it much other than a few IPAs. I liked a stout called Old Rasputin (Old Razzy)... anyway, vodka or Jack Daniels is around 70-75 calories per oz. it's approx 700 maybe 750 calories for me. Meh.

I know we got some cigarette smokers and dippers here. Does anyone else here ever have a few?

I'm not promoting drinking, just curious, Although seriously, I've blasted through some workouts after chugging a beer. Some crazy memories coming back.
I can definitely put a few down on occasion. Depending like on how much I’m watching calories I like a glass of red wine at the end of the evening through the week. It can be hit or miss though sometimes I’ll go several weeks without it.
I used to pound the shit out if some beers and still have a couple occasionally. I like the hazy ipa’s but a couple of those is plenty. I live in in a beach party town so the temptation is there big time throughout the summer.
On specials occasions I have a few drinks. Never really care about the calories when I do as I rarely do so anyways.

Start off with a few beers then switch to tequila. Been liking casa migos this summer. I'm done drinking for a few months now tho.
Casa migos is pretty good stuff
Two fingers of good scotch once or twice a week and maybe a beer or two. No more than 4 drinks on a rough week. Getting old and that shit blows out your damn gut 😒
Zero. Never appealed to me. Tried beer shots or wine due to peer pressure and it all tasted gross. Didn't like the way it made me feel, horrible sleep. I don't like smoking but the few times I did slept great at least. I love to eat so in addition I want all my calories coming from food
This might be a timely PSA :D Many people practice Sober October. If any of you think that you might drink too much but could "stop if I wanted to," well here's your chance. Had I attempted it years ago, maybe I would have found out that I was headed down a road that I didn't want to go down before actually having to quit completely in 2006. I couldn't even have a glass of champagne at my daughter's wedding.
oh man... let me decide how much i want to minimize my drinking....
This made me laugh so damn hard.🤣🤣🤣

If it starts killing my liver values, yeah. My friends (meaning 'her friends') will kill me if they see me tapping away here.
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I go weeks or months entirely dry and then have a week or two where I’ll have 3-5 drinks Friday though Sunday. I used to drink like a fish, I’d kill two 1.5’s of tequila a week. I cut it out completely and was so pissed after months of sobriety that I didn’t lose any weight, lol. I was convinced I would lose fat. Turns out when I drank I wouldn’t eat and it balanced out.

Then I did bf% testing and realized I was way leaner at the same weight.
I don't really drink at all, but my wife does enjoy her wines. Took her a few years to get used to the fact that I'm not interested. I have sampled wines, champagne, and desert alcohol like limoncello while in Italy, but never felt any desire to indulge.
I go weeks or months entirely dry and then have a week or two where I’ll have 3-5 drinks Friday though Sunday. I used to drink like a fish, I’d kill two 1.5’s of tequila a week. I cut it out completely and was so pissed after months of sobriety that I didn’t lose any weight, lol. I was convinced I would lose fat. Turns out when I drank I wouldn’t eat and it balanced out.

Then I did bf% testing and realized I was way leaner at the same weight.
You were way leaner after quitting drinking you mean?
On average I’m a once a week drinker. Generally do happy hour Friday with my boys. Usually drinking Clase Azul tequila on the rocks - typically 5-6 drinks. Maybe drink a glass or two of wine during the week if I happen to have dinner with my pops.
0. Quit back in March. It had nothing to do with bodybuilding. Alcohol numbs you to life and does damage to your brain even in small doses. It's not for me. Using alcohol for entertainment or to numb bad emotions is very toxic to your mental health and reduces your ability to deal with negative emotions or boredom by yourself.

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