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Could you guys ever go back to being a size medium from xxx large again?

The Wolf

New member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 7, 2006
I remember when I first started out and a size medium shirt was too lose on me. Ever since I slowly grew over the years and the other day my wife bought me a shirt that was xxx large. I remember getting to an x large and being so happy. The truth is I invested so much on my wardrobe in the last year or two and I guess it would really piss me off to ever getting back to a medium again. Anyone ever feel what I'm feeling? You know when you have a bit of time off the juice and your clothes start getting lose and shit, I guess I can deal with that but looking at my pictures when I was a skinny goofy looking freshman....
I think suicide would be in order if you ever got to a medium again! lol. But seriously you would have to be in a coma to ever go back down to a medium, something serious would have to happen. I think last time I was in a medim was 4th grade.
If I never touched another weight in my life, I dont think I would shrink back down to a medium. You dont lose it all.
I was never a medium always been an xl and now xxxl. But for me I know I will come full circle and be that xl again and I'm definetly ok with that;) life goes on:D
Jesus why is everyone so huge on the internet? I'm just starting to get into 2XL shirts and I'm hitting 240 at 5'10.... Gonna take me til like 280 to get to xxxl...
Jesus why is everyone so huge on the internet? I'm just starting to get into 2XL shirts and I'm hitting 240 at 5'10.... Gonna take me til like 280 to get to xxxl...

Sound slike you should be in a 2xl or 3xl for sure unless you like the shirts very tight? I wear xxxl shirts when I workout but I saw a guy yesterday who musta had 21 inch arms and 260+ lbs, big dude and I swear he was wearing a large that shit was so tight.
I remember when I first started out and a size medium shirt was too lose on me. Ever since I slowly grew over the years and the other day my wife bought me a shirt that was xxx large. I remember getting to an x large and being so happy. The truth is I invested so much on my wardrobe in the last year or two and I guess it would really piss me off to ever getting back to a medium again. Anyone ever feel what I'm feeling? You know when you have a bit of time off the juice and your clothes start getting lose and shit, I guess I can deal with that but looking at my pictures when I was a skinny goofy looking freshman....

I could never get into a medium again,,,doubt I could even do a large even when all dieted down.
well i got to XXl and now im L going for M. Havent been able to got to the gym in over a year and was gunna start this january but somethings happened and i couldnt continue. It really is heartbreaking to loose you size but you gotta deal with it. Still after at least 7 to 8 months of being a large i still continuously dream of being a big.
I'm 5'10" at 26 years old I hit 250lbs (around 12% bf), had some injuries, got away from bodybuilding, started doing a lot of running. At one point I hit 176lbs (probably 9%-10% bf) probably hadn't been that weight since sophomore year of high school, this was 8 years later. I got back into bodybuilding, diet much better than before, and hit just over 250lbs again, this time a little learn than when I was in my 20s. I'd post pictures but you guys would laugh too hard at the differences.
Something's probably gonna give

That's why I didnt start the gear till I was 45. I wish everyone the best, but it's gotta do rough things on your body to start gear at 20 (or there about) and go on forever. I know I wanted to juice in the 80s. A lot of my friends did. I'm about where I was as a college athlete right now at 47. (cosmetically) Niiiice. And I know I'm cutting years off my life. I'm 6even and 210lbs. I should be about 180-185.

You dont go from a natural 175 to 240 for decades without paying the fare eventually. But you may be one of the lucky ones - like the person who smokes 3 packs a day and lives to me 85. But that's unlikely.

This is a general comment. 100% I am not pointing my ramblings at anyone. This is how I thought about juice for my whole life. In 1981, my freshman year of college I did a research paper on steroids. I've obsessed about them for 30 years. Did them for less than 3 years. I just knew once I started I'd never be happy with natural again.
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I will be completely fine with it, I've always been more into reaching the highest goal I could achieve, then once I feel I've done what I could, I'm happy.
I was once a Pro motocross racer, now I don't even watch it on T.V. I will go to a race if a group of my racer friends ask me to, but it's more because they are good friends that i like to hang out with.
I'm sure I will always workout, but once I stop competing I completely expect to shrink to normal size. I'm sure I may a little bigger than average, but if I'm not, then no worries.
Sooner or later it will be that time to step down from the gym....will we like it, probably not but your body can only take so much so enjoy those 2x/3x shirts while you can before the dreaded medium hits you. :)
I will be completely fine with it, I've always been more into reaching the highest goal I could achieve, then once I feel I've done what I could, I'm happy.
I was once a Pro motocross racer, now I don't even watch it on T.V. I will go to a race if a group of my racer friends ask me to, but it's more because they are good friends that i like to hang out with.
I'm sure I will always workout, but once I stop competing I completely expect to shrink to normal size. I'm sure I may a little bigger than average, but if I'm not, then no worries.

That's awesome! I raced as an intermediate many years ago. I won two NMA titles in Vegas as a beginner. Raced the PJ1 arenacross when it came near me too. I was 120lbs when I raced, haha.

Were you a local pro or did you do nationals/supercross?
Back in 1996 I was a small , weight 158 lbs, since then I went to a medium and then to a large , and finally to an XL, I am 47 now , weight 205 lbs, and going back to medium would be sooo hard, I don't see any way that could happen , at least not for a long time. We are programmed to be big now, once you cross that line, it's hard to come back. God bless you. Minister.
i used to be 6'4'' and 190 lbs, ill never go back, more addictive then crack it is...
Jesus why is everyone so huge on the internet? I'm just starting to get into 2XL shirts and I'm hitting 240 at 5'10.... Gonna take me til like 280 to get to xxxl...

well theres the guys who wear xxl shirts and theyre baggy and me whos decent size and i wear xxl but i prefer them a lil snug ;) if u got it flaunt it! hahahaha
Jesus why is everyone so huge on the internet? I'm just starting to get into 2XL shirts and I'm hitting 240 at 5'10.... Gonna take me til like 280 to get to xxxl...

Bro you are really all right. does seem like everyone is HUGE on the net.
The way you said it just made me smile. T
Haven't wore a medium since like Jr. High....lol.

.....don't see it happening until I get very old and wrinkly and dieing:p

i think last time i was a medium was like when i was 10 years old. iam by no means 3xl's but ive always been xl (i like tight shirts lol).

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