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  1. L

    Is there an in depth guide on how to take HGH?

    Hi, just got my first batch of grey tops. I don't have any needles or anything. Is there an idiot proof guide for how to mix the powder, keep it properly stored, and inject it properly?
  2. L

    GH for ACL reconstruction surgery recovery

    Hi, I recently tore my ACL and have experienced massive atrophy in that leg. I'm here because I've been doing a lot of research and found this trial going on which is evaluating the use of GH (Somatropin) to see if GH is a statistically...
  3. T

    Reconstituting hgh

    Sorry if this is way off protocol. I just have kind of an urgent question that for the life of me i can not find an answer for. Background: 42 years old 5'9" 205lbs 11% bf Training for a relay race wich is totally not me... my philosophy has always been be big and stand your ground and you...
  4. R

    Dude in 40s doing TRT

    I’ve made the decision to do trt for the rest of my life. I’ve been doing some reading on it and just want to get your opinion on my protocol. (Found this somewhere online) 250mg sustanon every 10days 250 IUs of HCG every 3 days 12.5 mcg of T3 every day 1.25mg finsteride everyday (occasionally)...
  5. H

    extreme bulk cycle - hgh/test/superdrol + others. too much?

    hey everyone quick cycle overview. gonna bulk hard, here it is BULK CYCLE 2018 PLAN ------------- HGH 6iu daily (3iu split in morning/afternoon) 12 months t4 100mcg / day on HGH IGF-1 LR3 50mcg / day , 6 weeks Mk-677 15mg /day at bedtime - 6 months 1g test per week, 12 weeks 25 mg superdrol 4...
  6. G

    Turkish Humatrope Legitimacy

    Hey, I just recieved these pics from a source--wondering if this is legitimate GH?? Heard about a lot of fakes going around and the price (330$) for 72 IUs seems almost too good to be true. Also, I believe the box is supposed to be matte, not shiny? Thanks.
  7. L

    Humulin R and pharm grade HGH protocol

    Hey guys, I'm looking for info on adding Humulin R to my lean bulking regimen. I've been on pharm grade HGH for almost 2 months now and will continue for atleast a year. I understand the dangers of using insulin, but I know that done right and treated with respect, then it can be very...
  8. M

    HGH and liver enzymes

    Hello, this is my first time posting on PM. Hopefully, I'm posting in the right area. I am currently dealing with a concern of with elevated liver enzymes. A little prior history about myself: I was on a TRT blast and cruise for about 2 years. My primary doctor recommended me to stop the TRT...
  9. DinoBull

    Looking to boost gains, improve overall health. Maybe MK-677?

    I'm 48 yo and have been weight training for about 10 years. The last few years, I have trained a bit more seriously. My partner is half my age so as you can imagine, I want to optimize my health and vitality so I can look great for many years to come. I have challenges when it comes to building...
  10. A

    IGF-1's link to death and cancer..What's the ideal level?

    Since I've placed my first order for GH I thought that it'd be nice to learn a little more about hgh, igf-1 and the ideal level for fat-loss and small muscle building. My baseline igf-1 is around 230. I found very interesting studies and though about sharing them. "Excessively low or high IGF-1...
  11. L

    HGH for me?

    I am 35 and on 200mg test/week and 1500iu hcg/week because of my low T. Here is my IGF. I wanna try some HGH..which brand/lab is the best quality like pharma grade in your opinion? Or should I just try mod grf like sermorelin + ghrp6 first ? I just saw PSL sell on genotropin but that is still...
  12. drkimcrawford

    Medical Secrets to get big and stay healthy

    Hi everyone! I'm a new sponsor and Big A said I could post in the articles section. I don't see my "sticky" yet so I guess it will go here? Anyway I'm a 4 boarded M.D. with lots of experience with fitness, watching over some bodybuilders, using hormones to treat patients,and seeing the...
  13. ShZ

    [langtitle=de]Lantus/Levemir only twice a week?![/langtitle]

    Hey Guys, From what I've read and understood, using long acting insulins would be the ultimate way to put on muscle mass and looking full with basically no sides. However, you can only use them for a very short period of time, as your insulin sensitivity decreases quite fast. This lead me to...
  14. L

    Is it a good idea to combine TB500 & PRP for Healing?

    I've been dealing with some nasty Patella Tendonapathy over the last few months. This last month ive made some good progress with a combination of PRP and HGH. I was considering adding TB500 into the mix because ive heard such great things about it but am unsure if it will negatively effect my...
  15. L

    HGH to Heal Patellar Tendonitis

    I've been dealing with a nasty case of patellar tendonitis and am looking to do whatever I can to heal it up as quickly as possible. I ordered myself some real HGH. A recent clinical study (Growth hormone stimulates the collagen synthesis in human tendon and skeletal muscle without affecting...
  16. L

    Peptides/GH to Heal Patellar Tendonitis - Suggestions?

    I've had severe Patellar Tendonitis in my knees for a few months now, am unable to do daily activities without pain. I'm determined to get rid of this injury as quickly as possible. I've tried physical therapy for a couple months, had a PRP injection a couple weeks ago (need to give it more...
  17. S

    Slin Pwo - Interfere with HGH post ? // IGF Lr3 + Des - same syringe

    Hey I got two questions.. Ive been running slin pwo and 2 hours later I shoot my growth and 20 mins later IGF and slin. Im starting to get mindfucked now when I finally got pharma growth. The question is, will me slin PWO interfere with my growth injection 2h later? I take my pwo shake...
  18. H

    Healing Cycle advice for Herniated Discs

    Hello all, I need some advice on the best way to run a prolonged healing cycle. I am 43 and have two herniated discs caused by Degenerative Disc Disorder - had these for 5 years now and have I ran out of options around 2 years ago really, with the only thing left being surgery. I have chronic...
  19. B

    strength of my HGH ? (test reslut) & water retention for strong HGH

    Gurus/experts, weight 170 pounds height 5,9 bf: 10-9% I currently had HGH that i tested out (growth serum test) using teh 10IU test ... the test came out to be 52.2 ng/ml ... this is high i know lol QUESTION: how high is this growth compared to pharma grade ... What is pharma grade usually...
  20. johnnycash

    HGH blood tests

    Why does everyone on here seem to use blood GH levels as instead of IGF levels. Would not an IGF blood test give a better answer as to the biological activity of the HGH. I realize that the HGH would have to be run for 4 weeks to give an accurate test. What do you guys think?

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