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4 week cycles


New member
Aug 14, 2010
I need some input on short cycles ;; I have done 5 cycles (with 1 fukc up that I wont count;; I have used test c and anavar for 2 cycles (10 and 12 weeks);; and two short cycles test p and tren A ( 4wks) ;; after my long cycles I lost alot of my gains;; I kept all of my gains after my first short cycle and second was very good as well;; untill I got sick and lost all my gains;; What do you guyes think ;; stick with short or long?? Age 48 ;; 14% bf 225 lbs ;;Lifting since forever ;; goals;; to look harder than everbody at the gym btw; Recovery was very fast with 4 wk cycle
Most gains are usually made between the 4th and 8th weeks as hormone levels peak and stabilize.So why stop at 4 weeks if gains are still coming or maybe even just starting?

At 8 weeks things slow or halt and that is a good time to end the cycle unless the dose is increased.

There are many threads detailing why gains stop at 8 weeks, so I urge you to do a quick search.
Stick to what's working for you.
the longer the cycle

the harder i become

of course, this is only MY opinion

Might give 6 weeks a try ;; I know my recovery was great with the 4wk cycles (with blood work);; I have read that it takes you 3 wks to get totally shut down,and lipids to tank, ;;has anybody else read this
4 weeks cycles are pointless in my opinion, any gains made will be lost as most of this weight would be water weight.
the longer the cycle

the harder i become

of course, this is only MY opinion

basically X2 for me.
i would never stop in week 4 thats when it just starts gettin good lol.
of course many variables involeved but, what tenny said :)
4-6 week cycles sound good if you continue to use a theraputic dose of around 100-200mg/week of test in between your short cycles-you stated your
age was 48 so chances are you need trt anyway
4-6 week cycles sound good if you continue to use a theraputic dose of around 100-200mg/week of test in between your short cycles-you stated your
age was 48 so chances are you need trt anyway

Trt is something I realy want to stay away from;; Natual test is in the lower part of normal ,but still normal , so the doc says;; I have bridged with 3iu hgh and It help with retaining gains;; but when I was sick I had no access to gear;; let me tell you that was tough
Generally short burst cycles (4-5 weeks) are pretty high dosed and usually used with fast acting roids, prop, tren ace, suspension and etc. And what I mean by high doses is if you use 500mg/wk test prop on a 8-10 week cycle expect to use double to triple doses during short burst cycles. With short cycles like those you have to try to peak your blood levels as quick and as much as possible to get the gains you want in that short time frame. Also expect to inject ED with any compound you end up using.
4 week cycles are a waster in the aspects of not getting the full results while still managing to mess with your natural test levels... take some decent time off and consider running a 10-12 week cycle of test, deca, i promise the results will be rewarding
I never understand when people talk about keeping their gains when they are off. Your body responds to the current conditions and the amount of muscle mass your body will cary depends on training, nutrition and anabolic environment. If you stop or change any of the three your body will shed the muscle mass it had when all three were "optimal". You do not get to keep any of your muscle mass for free.
Hi,, it always makes me laugh when people say " stick to whats known and what evryone does"? how do things progress when we never experiment?

I do 4 week cycles and 4-6 weeks off and i love it, done 20 weekers in the past.. its pointless unless you want to get massive and fight sides all the time, on longer cycles your just taking more drugs to counter act the sides of the drugs your taking, massive health implications..

i repeatedly do tren A 300mg per week 300mg test prop and 100 microgram HCG MON WED FRI and oral winny 100 mg per day.

i have experimented with 1600mg EQ for two weeks also and cruise the last 2.

i KNOW i will get told whats the point,, but it works FOR ME i look good compared to most in the gym and i have zero sides and im confident i am doing far less damage to myself than other users,,,

all i can say is try it for 6 months u Wont get massive but i dont loose my gains it seems to build each cycle.
Symbion thanks;; what is your age;; our short cycles where about the same ;;I used 700 mg prop and 350 mg tren A ( no orals) wk . with no sides and great recovery ;; the good thing is you can start over in 4-6 weeks ;; with the longer cycles = longer time off ' thats where I have trouble;; I am starting to think its the age thing;; I am in the lower third of normal (test levels) ;; its hard to compare I live in canada and my test levels are in different messure than most
Hi,, it always makes me laugh when people say " stick to whats known and what evryone does"? how do things progress when we never experiment?

I do 4 week cycles and 4-6 weeks off and i love it, done 20 weekers in the past.. its pointless unless you want to get massive and fight sides all the time, on longer cycles your just taking more drugs to counter act the sides of the drugs your taking, massive health implications..

i repeatedly do tren A 300mg per week 300mg test prop and 100 microgram HCG MON WED FRI and oral winny 100 mg per day.

i have experimented with 1600mg EQ for two weeks also and cruise the last 2.

i KNOW i will get told whats the point,, but it works FOR ME i look good compared to most in the gym and i have zero sides and im confident i am doing far less damage to myself than other users,,,

all i can say is try it for 6 months u Wont get massive but i dont loose my gains it seems to build each cycle.

IF........and i highly doubt it, by your post
you ever get bloods done after your 4 weekers
you would see that your so called "zero sides"
is complete bullshit.......just because you "feel" fine
does NOT mean you dont have sides......they are there
that yo-yo effect you got going there is way worse
than the latter.......if you plan on staying in the GAME
i'm sure you'll learn this soon enough
Tenny ....you know I totally repect your every post [same with Johnny smiles] .....I am curious as to why you think altering your hormonal for long periods of time is the best way to do it ......have you used short well planned cycles with a goal in mind for say a yr ? I think guys staying on gear for longer periods of time is a mistake .......and is harder on your body over the long run ...think about it ,lets say you run 800mgs of test and 400 mgs of deca or eq for 3-6 months straight ......don't you think after the first month or so you got most of your gains from that cycle ? Then you just get harder so to speak .........and is that hardness true muscle or is your body trying to keep up with those high test levels for months a time .[ isn't cortisol raising , as is estrogen , and those tend to increase bp and fuild retention ....rt? And to do that for months straight for vary little more true muscle is better than yo yoing in your eyes ? In my view that is a mistake and is not duplicating how our bodies our set up to grow . Even as children , we are set up to grow in spurts . Growth doesn't occur gradually ......it happens fast ......drugs are ment to be tools to create unnatural growth and then get out before the body has too much time react negativately ........I have seen blood work over the last 15 yrs from guys I 've helped .......and clearly in every case the guys that use shorter planned course do less damage ......they don't shut down their own natural test very long at all .[ usually just a couple of weeks ] these guys tend to not hold the huge ammounts of water that long cycle guys hold over time on long cycles from what I've seen .[ and I am not just talking from gh or test .......but I think it is from the stress of long cycles] Remember , our bodies are not only build to grow in spurts ,but are set up to handle short bouts of extreme stress , but start to break down quick if that stress is endured for too long .[that's why a guy like Dante found ,you can really hammer it hard for around 3-6 weeks .....before the strength gains stop or begin to go backward ........same with hormones imo ]

I am not trying to aurgue ,just demonstrate some logic that worked for me very well when I was chasing a massive physique and has worked for many yrs after with guys that I have helped over the last 15yrs.......I am not some guru or trainer or a somebody in bbing .....but I enjoy the fact that no one really knows what they are doing in this endevor .......and all anyone is doing is making educated guesses or are going on instincts ........I had friends that worked with Kerr , Jakot, and severals top anabolic docs during the 70s and 80s . I was told they felt that cycles of 3 on 2 off were the most effective and safest .......but that bbing had obsessive personality types , and most refused to come off ........most cycles grew longer out of the addiction and the show schedules than out of performance enhancement . [as the sport grew ] Not what they recomended .[also remember Jakot and the several other top so cal drs at the time were gay .......they were taking favors , and enjoying giving physicals to all the top guys of the day as well as the 100s of wanna bees chasing the dream ] The East Germans and Russians also liked shorter cycles .......but coaches and obsesssive athletes pushed things longer and further .......with the athletes paying the price.......I once read a doccument that discussed the hundreds of athletes that had all sorts of problems due to pushing their proticals for extended periods .........

I get the whole wanting the body to stablize hormonally aurguement . But that is just not how we are build to work and if you stablize your body for months at a certain level[sides start to pile up like you said whether you feel them or not ] you are really going to go backward if you go off for a long period of time .......you can't stay on that gram of test and 600mg s of eq forever .......my take take, is blast [and I am not taking high doses ,but smart doses and eventually progressively moving up or adding new compunds or hormones to the mix]and curise is the way to go......if you are younger you go off totally and if an older guy you stay on hrt between your cycles ..........from what I have seen it is a healthier , more logical , and just as effective way to go .......that's just my take .....not that I know shit ......lol.....hope you fellas are well....
i see what your sayin J
and respect your views also

my problem for some reason is......sort of a (late bloomer) i guess
it takes me along time to feel or in most cases
SEE the effect from MOST aas......esp. the longer esters
and when my body is constantly yo-yoing its hard to get into a groove
in training, sleeping, appetite, ect.....and feel its MORE of a hassel than
anything else......as soon as you start adapting to one way
its time to change again........this is just what works better for me
i feel its way LESS stressful on MY body

and come on J.....lol.......i know you know shit
in fact......i'll be coming to you for my final 2week prep
next show......as i cant seem to nail it 100%

be well brother
Everyone is different, I think it all comes down to personal preference...

For ME, personally, I prefer short cycles (5-6 wks) with fast acting esters...
I'm ON then before I know it I'm done with the cycle... Very convenient IMO
I think you also have to think of it another way. I mean with longer cycles with long esters like test e for 10 weeks, you usually don't see or feel any gains until what, like week 4-5, which only leaves you with 5-6 weeks of actual gains. Well with short cycles you have short esters which will naturally work much faster and if you mega frontload them/very high dose it (like you should during short burst cycles) I guarantee you'll get gains the first week. Take 300mg or hell 600mg/ED of test prop the first 3-5 days and tell me you won't notice it that first week.
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