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A close call for me..


FOUNDING Member / Featured Member / Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Jul 22, 2002
Man am i lucky almost busted myself about 20 minutes ago, i just went to pick up some nolvadex from a friend its from tamoxifeno, and has some type of aluminum wrapper for all them, i just put it in my pocket and forgot about it, on the way home i stopped at the police station to pay a ticket, well they updated the buildings last time i went thier thier was no walk through metal detectors, first thing the cop says to me is ok empty your pockets for me, so i did except obviously left the novladex hoping it was so small it wouldnt set it off, then he goes ok now walk through, of course it goes off, he goes are you sure you have nothing in your pockets keys maybe? I go you know what its probably my boots or all the piercings in my face he just laughed and goes yea, your all set. I dont know what i would have said if they found that on me im sure its not legal to have without a script here in Detroit, just a close call for me but atleast i have the stuff finally.
Ha Dave I knew it was lucky to get your face pierced ! :) I uaually just tell them it's the one through my cock that sets the metal detectors off :)
LOL! Close call.... Odds are they wouldn't have known what it is for anyway. Nolva isn't a controlled substance, but they could hammer you for having a prescription drug without a script.....
LOL! Close call bro! Good thing you had your face pierced.
Daveb_19 said:
Man am i lucky almost busted myself about 20 minutes ago, i just went to pick up some nolvadex from a friend its from tamoxifeno, and has some type of aluminum wrapper for all them, i just put it in my pocket and forgot about it, on the way home i stopped at the police station to pay a ticket, well they updated the buildings last time i went thier thier was no walk through metal detectors, first thing the cop says to me is ok empty your pockets for me, so i did except obviously left the novladex hoping it was so small it wouldnt set it off, then he goes ok now walk through, of course it goes off, he goes are you sure you have nothing in your pockets keys maybe? I go you know what its probably my boots or all the piercings in my face he just laughed and goes yea, your all set. I dont know what i would have said if they found that on me im sure its not legal to have without a script here in Detroit, just a close call for me but atleast i have the stuff finally.

LOL here in detroit thast the least of the cops problems, a piercin gin someones face. Glad u didnt get hit bro



Geezus...normally I don't roll with the face piercings, but damn bro, glad you had 'em! In my town (Toronto) that stuff is hard illegal, you get busted with that and you've had it....but....you got lucky, and I agree with the above statement that in Detroit, I'm sure it's the least of their worries......Keep up the stealth bro hahaha.....nice pull.
dude, I had 3 empty 10ml vials in my bag that I forgot about a year or so back. and this last october I was going to vegas for the olympia and they found them in my carry on bag. I totaly forgot about them and am sure I looked guilty as hell, but they were empty so they diden't say much about it.
good luck and be safe...

A few years ago, I was bringing some tabs over from Mexico for a friend. I had them stuffed in my pants. Of course, I got searched at customs. I was standing a few feet away from my car while the officer searched it. He then came over to ask me a few accusing questions about why I was there. While I was talking to him the tabs fell straight down my pants leg and hit the ground. I quickly stepped on them hoping he wouldn't notice. Well, he didn't!!! When he turned around, I just picked them up and stuck them back in my pants. I was shaking like a transvestite in a redneck bar when I got back into my car.
That is probably the first time in the history of the civilized world where having face piercings actually helped PREVENT someone from being harassed by the cops!!!
biggerthanyou said:
dude, I had 3 empty 10ml vials in my bag that I forgot about a year or so back. and this last october I was going to vegas for the olympia and they found them in my carry on bag. I totaly forgot about them and am sure I looked guilty as hell, but they were empty so they diden't say much about it.
good luck and be safe...


Who was it that searched you? Teh cops?

No, it was the airport security. I was going to my gate and you have to go throught security first and they pulled me aside and went through my carry on bags. they asked a bunch of questions and then just let me go. I had totaly forgotten about the vials, so I'm pretty sure I looked even more suprised then they did to find them.
good luck and be safe....


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