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Acne months after cycle

John 3:16

New member
Apr 5, 2006
I have been battling acne on my back for the last 10 weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions. I did not start seeing the first signs of this until about two months after my last take of Test-E. (8-wk cycle), and since then, have been battling it. It's not that severe, just more anoying than anything.

Is there something I can do differently with my next cycle or PCT? I admit my PCT run was short lived, as I believed that it wasn't that necessary without any other present sides....I know even without the sides present I should have completed it.

Another problem I've noticed with the last cycle was hair thining on top. So for the next cycle, I'm trying to stary away from aheavy DHT derived AAS. Any suggstions??

John 3:16
John 3:16 said:
I have been battling acne on my back for the last 10 weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions. I did not start seeing the first signs of this until about two months after my last take of Test-E. (8-wk cycle), and since then, have been battling it. It's not that severe, just more anoying than anything.

Is there something I can do differently with my next cycle or PCT? I admit my PCT run was short lived, as I believed that it wasn't that necessary without any other present sides....I know even without the sides present I should have completed it.

Another problem I've noticed with the last cycle was hair thining on top. So for the next cycle, I'm trying to stary away from aheavy DHT derived AAS. Any suggstions??

John 3:16

If you want results on clearing your acne up check this out:
as long as you arent taking any orals, theres no reason why you couldnt take like 50mg or 75 mg of like doxycycline... i take 100mg a day, and have for the past year or two, and it hasnt stopped me from doing anything..

infact, its nice, cause my skin is always clear now. but after a cycle when i used to do aa's, i would always get it the worst after the cycle finished.. fluctuation of blood levels in hormones is what causes that!
Thanks everyone for your reply! Antibiotics are not a problem and I haven't really tried anything else for treating it. I will likely try the antibiotics after the cycle I'm currently on......I know I'll need it.

Thanks again everyone!
Acne Post Cycle

Yeah Bro,

I am going through the same shit. I didn't get any acne while on gear, but my last week of a 12 wk cycle I started to get acne on my back. Now, it is out of control. Big nasty mountains of pimples. It horrible. My wife says my body looks great, but my back looks horrible. Sucks ass bro. I thought I lucked out until the end of my run.

if you have $150 bucks get a zeno - it works

Zeno is a handheld, portable electronic medical device that is clinically proven to make pimples disappear fast. In an FDA-reviewed, controlled clinical trial, 90% of blemishes treated with Zeno disappeared or faded within 24 hours.
Zeno is a handheld, portable electronic medical device that is clinically proven to make pimples disappear fast. In an FDA-reviewed, controlled clinical trial, 90% of blemishes treated with Zeno disappeared or faded within 24 hours.

I have not heard or seen this before. hwood have you used this and did it work?
Yes. My GF is a esthetician. They call it a zit zapper. If you know an esthetician you can get them to buy you a commercial grade one. Dermatologist and facialist have used them for years. It works - promise.
I have been battling acne on my back for the last 10 weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions. I did not start seeing the first signs of this until about two months after my last take of Test-E. (8-wk cycle), and since then, have been battling it. It's not that severe, just more anoying than anything.

Is there something I can do differently with my next cycle or PCT? I admit my PCT run was short lived, as I believed that it wasn't that necessary without any other present sides....I know even without the sides present I should have completed it.

Another problem I've noticed with the last cycle was hair thining on top. So for the next cycle, I'm trying to stary away from aheavy DHT derived AAS. Any suggstions??

John 3:16

Nolva makes my hair fall out.
Zeno is a handheld, portable electronic medical device that is clinically proven to make pimples disappear fast. In an FDA-reviewed, controlled clinical trial, 90% of blemishes treated with Zeno disappeared or faded within 24 hours.

it does work i had it done.... hurts like hell though... i had it done on my face when i was younger felt like crying the whole time :(

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