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Dear professionalmuscle family,

I am faced with somewhat of a dilema as of late. I closed the doors as far as taking on any new clients because i had numerous members from the board e-mailing me asking what a typical contest prep included as well as rates,ect....... I replied to all or tried to reply to all e-mails and these members agreed to work with me and therefore i put them on as clients closed shop and didn't take on anymore clients. Unfortunately very few of these clients have paid for the consultations and therefore i am having to do the following.

1. I will be opening my contest prep for select clients(both off season as well as pre-contest)

2. it will be a first come first serve basis(no more holding or reserving spots as they are limited and I don't feel it is fair to other members)

3. I personally will instruct you on the following

off-season and/or precontest diet
supplement regimn
workout and cardio programs
carb depleation as well as carb loading
water manipulation
proper and safe methods of all use of AAS and ancillaries

I charge a $600.00 flat fee for all local,state, and regional competetors and adjust according for all national level and pro's as that is on a client by client basis and doesn't pertain to the vast majority on this board. Please understand that I would love to help everyone for free but this is infact how i make my living and I ask that only serious athletes with serious inquiries reply as I expect alot out of my clients as they will all tell you. I think over the years my name and rep has spoken for itself time and again and I will continue to help where i can. I have outlined what the basic nutritional consultation consists of and am more than happy to answer questions regarding these issues. I will be opening 15 spots avail. this week and as i said before it is a first come first serve offer. Best of luck to all of you this year and I look forward to working with some of you. Please feel free to ask any of my clients as to what to expect and I am sure they would be more than happy to tell you. best wishes wyldeone.
This reminds me of personal training...

People want it for free, but they don't understand what someone went through to get the knowledge they have.

I hear ya and totally understand where you are coming from.

Hell that is a great deal for professional guidance.
I'll back Wylde on this. Send the consultation fee and then talk about your game plan. A lot people want things for free, but you get what you pay for! Some people think this is too high, but if your going to the National level...it helps having someone in your corner that's been there before and knows what they are doing. Check around...it's a heck of a deal for what you get.
Ive had the privilege of working with Wylde and the results Ive had thus far I am Very happy with as the man definatly knows his stuff and for someone like me that doesnt know how to layout proper diets he is a Godsend as nutrition is truly the foundation for success in this game. So big bump and many thanks to Wylde and I hope to be able to work with him again as I have alot more work to do !
E-mailed you Wylde. Please let me know if you rec'd it.
Wylde I hope to see ya at the Jr.Nats...So maybe, we can talk a little bit...


Strunk said:
I'll back Wylde on this. Send the consultation fee and then talk about your game plan. A lot people want things for free, but you get what you pay for! Some people think this is too high, but if your going to the National level...it helps having someone in your corner that's been there before and knows what they are doing. Check around...it's a heck of a deal for what you get.

Wylde should not have to waste his time for free. If he is spending time to do the calculations and come up w/ his perfect way of dialing you in he should be hansomly rewarded. I personally think he is NUTS to not charge a hell of a lot more than he does.

Steak Helmet said:
This reminds me of personal training...

People want it for free, but they don't understand what someone went through to get the knowledge they have.

I hear ya and totally understand where you are coming from.

Hell that is a great deal for professional guidance.

Boy that statement really says alot and is so true! You bust your ass for yeaars to learn, and guys/gals who are too lazy want all that info for free because they are too lazy to learn in the manner you did! People constanatly do this to me - setting up cycles, and they are absolutely clueless about how to do anything. They know zero-all they know is that they want gear and want to get big-they want you to tell them all the rest free! I normally wont help guys like this except in a rare case (like if the guy happens to be my training partner). :rolleyes:

Anyway getting off track-bump for Wylde! :D

Please sticky this one for me my friend and keep it at the top! By the way I will be in touch with you and the boys at emerald cup. best wishes your friend wyldeone.
WYld, I just stuck it for you. You know, you have that power too ;)

To anyone interested in Wylds credentials - there's three main trainers of pros out there - Chad Nicholls, Charles Glass and ... wyld :) I am sure it's not that hard now to figure out who he is :eek:

thats our secret!LOL I must be very honest and tell you all that I am in no way as knowledable as Chad is. I have a great deal of respect for Chad and have learned alot from him but i must say that I am flattered BIG A as it always means alot to me to hear that for top national level and pro clients i have know or worked with that respect what i do for athletes because not only am i a trainer but also a friend to all that i work with and I do very much care about not only them as clietns but their health and their families. The sport of bodybuilding itself is a very tough sport with extreme measures to be the best at what you do. I personally haven't competeted for almost 2 years now due to unfortunate circumstances with the hectic schedule but i must say that next year I really plan on lightening the load as i am making an all-out assault and comeback towards the nationals or usa's for 2004 and this wil be my last hurrah as a competetive bodybuilder myself althoe i will continue to work with athletes for as long as I can continue to bring them in at the top of their game. Thank you all for your continued support and if any of you are dead serious about taking yourself's to the next level jump on TEAM WYLDEONE and I promise you I'll show you the way. best of luck to all of you and i look forward to working with you all. best wishes wyldeone.
Also, people should realize that, for the hours you put in, you really aren't making very much.

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