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All my best John Meadows

John's pics from prejudging:
**broken link removed**
Lookin' good...hope he shows well...he DEFINITELY deserves it! Great guy and he possesses a wealth of great information.
I am stunned .......not much to say ......except I thought he looked great and am very proud of the guy..........I love the guy , he did his best
You look freaking awesome John! Wish you all the best mate!
I am stunned .......not much to say ......except I thought he looked great and am very proud of the guy..........I love the guy , he did his best

It was one of the toughest LHW classes at that show in quite a while, in my opinion anyways. Regardless, John looked awesome and is an inspiration to many.
Johns very hard

castro ever harder

johns top 5
It was one of the toughest LHW classes at that show in quite a while, in my opinion anyways. Regardless, John looked awesome and is an inspiration to many.

AGREED! John is a true inspiration
yea.....im looking now
some others in there i missed

proud as hell of john :headbang: the lineup he stood up there with was light years ahead of the one i stood against in 2007!!!!
i would like to have seen what he looked like fuller.. he had to pull down hard to make the light heavies.. would like to see pics of him at the higher weight.. he looks good now dont get me wrong.. but maybe the heavies was in the cards.. i hope he posts the pics leading up to the show..
It was one of the toughest LHW classes at that show in quite a while, in my opinion anyways. Regardless, John looked awesome and is an inspiration to many.

he sure is.
Good job, John Meadows.

Looks like discipline to me. Impressive.
I .[ an old homonuc trick I stole from a pm he shared with me yrs ago .....lol,.....scott if you read this ....congrads on your recent showing .....great improvements......you are one of the brightest guys in the game and during our few interactions I learned a ton.....I really hope things are well for you ]........

Thanks, Brother. Same to you - hit me with a PM anytime, man.

i would like to have seen what he looked like fuller.. he had to pull down hard to make the light heavies.. would like to see pics of him at the higher weight.. he looks good now dont get me wrong.. but maybe the heavies was in the cards.. i hope he posts the pics leading up to the show..

Oh, yeah - and this is not in any way a slight to either Iabadman or John at all (I understand the choice for sure), but just from his vid's John looked like he's got a muscle belly roundness that he might have sacrificed to make this weight class (esp. when Iabad mentioned there was really no carb-up)...

In 2 days, at 215 or so, I can imagine him looking ridiculous...

John, as a thought for a week or so from now (after some good quality family time), maybe consider doing the Nat's as a heavy. You'd have another week or so of rebounding, and then a more "sane" diet process to come in fuller. If anything, to see what your best look can be from this go 'round. Another 4 weeks of dieting (equivalent to just 2 weeks of what you just went though, albeit perhaps not financially) and you'd have perhaps the best mountaindog physique yet (disregarding placing here, although given the comp. at this years NA's and what you can look like fuller, I can see top 5), some good pics (think biz, too!) and hopefully a very rewarding BB'ing experience all in all...

i agree scott.. when ya have to pull down that much no matter what ya do you lose fullness.. like i stated, he has heavy weight written all over him.. i hope he posts the photos leading up to the show..
Great advice .......thanks for imput Homonuc and Lats........my take on the lt hvy's was simple ........John is only 5'6 with a larger head , short arms and legs.......and not real wide .....I figured at national level competing at 210 -215 would have been a tall order ......to give up over 10 lbs of stage wt, to guys 2-3 inches taller .......would have been a tall order ......especially battling all the scars on his mid section . After looking at the USA 's light heavy's I thought he stood a very good chance.......I knew how hard he would work .......and thought being at the top of class in extremely good condition would do it ..........I guess I was wrong........John told me he felt like he looked his best ever and had never been that lean........he said backstage people were treating him as the winner.......honestly ,his placing doesn't sit well with me .......but whatever.........he is doing a state show in two weeks .......I am sure we will take your advice ........but I still think light heavies were the best chance for them .......hindsight , I would ve pushed some carbs carefully in the 27 hrs we had before hitting the stage after the weigh in...........but my take was he hit his best back in 99 fat loading and that I wanted his glutes and low back in ......I was alittle afraid of the carbs because we had to cut his food and carbs so low the last 2 wks I was afraid it might fuck him up..........If I could do it again ......I would have pushed him super hard earlier in the prep and got him do to his show wt way earlier .....in fact I would even tried to get him 2-3 lbs leaner to be insanely freaky .......that would 've given his body time to adjust and his body wouldn't have been so tired to squeezein the class.[ that's the only thing neg I can say ,is he looks a tad flat and tired] I don't like diuretics for health issues and I really didn't want to play that game too much........If I had him even leaner two weeks out and then rested him in .....he would have had a better look and adjusted to a load much easier ......but I totally see both of your points and you know that I respect them .........I really tried to give john some help as a friend ......because I am certainly not a prep guy nor do I want to be one ........I have been helping people hit their best since I was a kid .[always had a good eye and a knack for it] I was alittle off on the timing of the prep ,but then again I think he only really commited 5 weeks out and didn't look near ready at 218 when I first got pics..........I love John and am super proud of him and thought he beat his best .......he knows he isn't gifted ,but out works and out trains people ..........if he wants to be a ripped grainy 225lb freak .......we can do that inside of 18 months ........but is that smart or worth it ? He has the stomach issues,some politics against him, and some structure problems .......would that look get him the win I am hoping for .......I am just not so sure .......It is certainly up to him......he is way better at this and knows whats right for him .........I support him no matter what....to go from a hard 218 to 198.25 in 5 weeks is an incredible task ......combine that with a marrige ,twins infants , a high stress job, friends , a 2nd business, many clients , the guy won in my book........I am very sad and still think I let him down some .........but in my book John's a friend and a winner in my book!!!
well brutha.. it is all hindsight.. ya never really know until ya try.. in this game all can go wrong in a few hours.. and on the flip side people can change for the better in a few hours.. now, john may want to go with the heavier weight and see how that looks.. as stated, ya never know until ya try it out.. either way it was great to see him on stage again.. hope it continues.. he is a asset to the board and a good guy..

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