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Jun 5, 2003
Ok here the story,sat night i was at a huge party in san bernadino county.I was caught writing on a wall by security who wasnt in uniform he came at me swinging saying your the fucking tagger and tried to hit me i dodged his punches and cracked him in his nose and broke it took off running then tripped over some people who were sitting down then another security officer who was in uniform tried to restrain me had his taser out so i used a guy as a human shield fell to the ground then restrained handcuffed then beaten all over my face and back of head i am now out on bail for felonie vandalism and assault with a deadly weapon non firearm great bodily injury. ok i know i fucked up and shouldnt of been reliving my youth as i once wrote on walls as a kid growing up in los angeles my question is am i really facing prison time for this my old boss who is a lapd officer said im looking at 2-3 ill probably get
out in 18 months does this sound right? i am so stressed right now i lost my job cause of this and now my freedom wtf this is going to be one tough lesson to be learned....
You should contact a lawyer, who can help you more with your local laws, and/or state laws depending on what you get charged with.
i hate people who have no regard for other people's property. If I would have caught you "tagging" someones property....
You have a great case... A non-uniformed guy comes at you swinging?!?!

You can press charges against him.

How is your record? He could be right! Get a good lawyer Good luck,
You have a great case... A non-uniformed guy comes at you swinging?!?!

You can press charges against him.

who's word do you think they're going to take. the upstanding security or the tagger :rolleyes:
i guess it all depends on how many times you have been arrested in the past. get a good lawyer bro. thats why i dont go to parties, to many punks out there and many things can go wrong. i hope it works out for you bro
who's word do you think they're going to take. the upstanding security or the tagger :rolleyes:

Exactly. No way can you press charges on him. Although you may be a little better off that he wasn't in uniform. If he says in court that he either showed you his badge or stated he was an officer, you're screwed - but you can still say that you DID NOT know he was a cop, which may help a little bit.
tagger as in spray painting a wall? how old are you?

tripped over people SITTING? how is that possible? were you drunk? actually if you were drunk that would be in your favor, in court it can be used to say you werent fully cognitive of your acts.

assault with a deadly weapon? you make no mention of you having a weapon its hard to read with no punctuation did i miss it?

if some non-uniformed security came at you swinging, you can just claim you were afraid and defending yourself. after all you were commiting a non-violent crime, so for him to act in that manner could be inappropriate. too bad the violence came after, that might be hard to get out of
Ok here the story,sat night i was at a huge party in san bernadino county.I was caught writing on a wall by security who wasnt in uniform he came at me swinging saying your the fucking tagger and tried to hit me i dodged his punches and cracked him in his nose and broke it took off running then tripped over some people who were sitting down then another security officer who was in uniform tried to restrain me had his taser out so i used a guy as a human shield fell to the ground then restrained handcuffed then beaten all over my face and back of head i am now out on bail for felonie vandalism and assault with a deadly weapon non firearm great bodily injury. ok i know i fucked up and shouldnt of been reliving my youth as i once wrote on walls as a kid growing up in los angeles my question is am i really facing prison time for this my old boss who is a lapd officer said im looking at 2-3 ill probably get
out in 18 months does this sound right? i am so stressed right now i lost my job cause of this and now my freedom wtf this is going to be one tough lesson to be learned....

:eek: Man all I can say is that is bad ass...to bad it was not for the common good.

Its sad that a simple misdemeanor turn into a felony. Get a good lawyer and you might be able to get the charges against you reduced. Best of luck.
Last edited:
Im from L.A. Nutsoe and have tons of friends that write so Ive heard all their stories. You say the security guard wasnt wearing a uniform from what I know theyre supposed to identify themselves just like cops and if he was swinging at you, you can call it self defense in your part. And here in L.A. its only FELONY vandalism if youve caused an extensive amount of damage around the city or use glass eater..vandalism exceeding a certain amount of money so I dont know why they gave you Felony vandalism. Whats done is done and I guess you already have the charges against you. You should get a lawyer and maybe they can drop it to Misdemeanor vandalism, and what was the deadly weapon you used? You can also just say screw it and plead guilty to the charges..i doubt youd get anything over 6-8 months tops. LA county jails along with some SB county jails are so over crowded theyre releasing inmates left and right. Try and avoid that felony cause it will haunt you for years. :cool:
Even if you can prove that security did not not identify himself it still doesn't mitigate the fact you actually did vandalize property and use someone as a human shield.

Still would be vandalism and something like reckless endangerment.

We know nothing about if you have a prior criminal record that can be held against you. You really need an attorney or good public defender if you can't afford an attorney.
the world's got enough problems without people defacing other people's property and fighting people. i have no legal advice but i'll give you some general advice, learn from this. good luck
not badass. its stupid and juvenile

it would be if he was a victim... what's sad is that we need laws to discourage this type of behavior because there are people out there that will do it!:mad: i don't know what's so hard about being a productive member of society. wth is wrong with people?

i think we are on the same page here....what he did really gets under my skin
Best Defense

Get a Lawyer and tell him the Voices told you to do it and he/she will take it from there.
Really, you took the risk. You made your bed now you get to lie in it. Tough, but that's the way it is. Find the period key too.
Hopefully you haven't said a word to the police!!! Find lawyer you can get a free consultation with most. Stay silent and go file charges towards those officers yourself(I'd recommend with the help of your attorney).

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