just wondering if any non-users or former users still hang around here.
Myself i'm looking to go another year or so natty and then re-evaluate my goals. Just a couple q's for you guys
1. Current stats? Former juiced stats?
2. training program?
3. Diet breakdown?
4. supp program?
Currently i'm 240lbs probably 13%bf, at my heaviest was around 270lbs
Currently trying to get 4 days in the gym 2 heavy 2 high volume lighter pump up weight
Diet is high in red meat, raw milk, and eggs watching carbs late at night. Trying to get 2-3lbs red meat a day to help with hormones
taking humanogrowth, anavite, and the weight-gainer by labrada. Jacked3d pre-workout which makes me feel like i'm still "on"
Went cold turkey 12 weeks ago off straight test 400mg week. Currently feeling ok, enjoying certain perks of being off like being able to fall asleep very quickly, not being horny 24/7, and not having to shovel in 5k calories just to keep weight on. Please don't be offended by me calling myself "natural", its really the best term i can find that the most can identify with
How u guys doing out there? What keeps you motivated?
Myself i'm looking to go another year or so natty and then re-evaluate my goals. Just a couple q's for you guys
1. Current stats? Former juiced stats?
2. training program?
3. Diet breakdown?
4. supp program?
Currently i'm 240lbs probably 13%bf, at my heaviest was around 270lbs
Currently trying to get 4 days in the gym 2 heavy 2 high volume lighter pump up weight
Diet is high in red meat, raw milk, and eggs watching carbs late at night. Trying to get 2-3lbs red meat a day to help with hormones
taking humanogrowth, anavite, and the weight-gainer by labrada. Jacked3d pre-workout which makes me feel like i'm still "on"
Went cold turkey 12 weeks ago off straight test 400mg week. Currently feeling ok, enjoying certain perks of being off like being able to fall asleep very quickly, not being horny 24/7, and not having to shovel in 5k calories just to keep weight on. Please don't be offended by me calling myself "natural", its really the best term i can find that the most can identify with
How u guys doing out there? What keeps you motivated?