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Anyone deal/see something like this before? No libido no matter the test dose/est etc

Wild shot in the dark but do you use regular mouthwash like Listerine, etc? I recently bought NO test strips and notice my NO levels are way lower after mouthwash.


"Mouthwash destroys bacteria in your mouth that can contribute to the growth of cavities and other dental diseases.
Unfortunately, mouthwash kills all types of bacteria, including the beneficial ones that help produce nitric oxide.
Special bacteria in the mouth convert nitrate to nitric oxide. In fact, humans cannot produce nitric oxide from nitrate without these bacteria (41
Trusted Source
Research has shown that mouthwash kills the oral bacteria needed to produce nitric oxide for up to 12 hours (42
Trusted Source
, 43
Trusted Source
This leads to a decrease in nitric oxide production and, in some instances, an increase in blood pressure (44
Trusted Source
, 45
Trusted Source
The detrimental effects of mouthwash on nitric oxide production may even contribute to the development of diabetes, which is characterized by malfunctions in insulin production or action.
This is because nitric oxide also regulates insulin, which helps cells utilize the energy obtained from food after it’s digested. Without nitric oxide, insulin cannot work properly.
One study found that people who used mouthwash at least twice daily were 65% more likely to develop diabetes than those who never used mouthwash (46
Trusted Source
Therefore, to maintain adequate nitric oxide production, it’s best to use mouthwash sparingly.
Mouthwash kills many types of bacteria in the mouth, including the ones that help produce nitric oxide. This limits your body’s ability to produce nitric oxide, which can lead to high blood pressure and diabetes."

Or read #4 on the link so it's easier to read
Remember most normal GP's know jack shit about this. You know a 100 times more.
I'm way older than you, had this problem a number of times. Try this:

Stop EVERYTHING for awhile, like 8 weeks. Do not take all this bro science crap.
Then take just 250mg test C EW.
4 weeks you should start to feel normal.
Plain simple Kiss method (keep it simple stupid)
Thank you for feedback.

Unfortunately I started on pretty heavy doses of AAS when I was around 18 and stayed on so this worries me...

When I do come off for a while my drive does recover(not frequent but that feeling comes back at times) but erections and life quality sucks(no energy, feel down etc) (testosterone never recovers according to bloodwork, below reference range every time) but the second I add in test libido disappears.

You talked a lot about yourself, but how old are you now?
Remember most normal GP's know jack shit about this. You know a 100 times more.
I'm way older than you, had this problem a number of times. Try this:

Stop EVERYTHING for awhile, like 8 weeks. Do not take all this bro science crap.
Then take just 250mg test C EW.
4 weeks you should start to feel normal.
Plain simple Kiss method (keep it simple stupid)

Probably his best bet indeed.
Probably his best bet indeed.

I would stop the exogenous test. Do hcg at 100mcg every other day. Do this for 6-8 weeks or until you feel your nuts are back to a decent size. Come off hcg for 1 week then do a single 100mcg dose of gnrh.

I'm on trt going to stay on 16 mg cyp per day for 2 months while doing 80 mcg hcg until I go off the cyp. Then I will up thehcg for 2-3 weeks and try to kickstart natural back with gnrh. This has worked exceptionally well for me in the past as a pct protocol.
Will definitely report back, I've been a member here for 10 years and the only bodybuilding forum I read on, just changed my nick past few years as it had personal info on it. Hopefully I can figure this out and help others.

Looks good, just added it to my cart.

LH and FSH have always been low(while on), sperm count/motility too.

I will try adding in HCG/DHEA (DHEA has always been below refference range on bloodwork)

I never go low fat for diets, usually a roughly even split for macros around 30-40% from fat.

General mood is ok. I do feel like something is missing and don't enjoy things as much as I use to and lower motivation but still on top of things, run a business, go to the gym etc

well sperm we dont need. lol
the others may help to address.

if life is boring try to bring fun back into it.
drug suggestions are great n all but a life that generates natural dopamine response may help too.
Put 50mg of Testosterone cream on your testicles every morning. I was on the same boat as you, this is the only thing that has worked for me, almost like a MAGIC
Put 50mg of Testosterone cream on your testicles every morning. I was on the same boat as you, this is the only thing that has worked for me, almost like a MAGIC

Do you do this instead of your TRT injections or in addition to?
Put 50mg of Testosterone cream on your testicles every morning. I was on the same boat as you, this is the only thing that has worked for me, almost like a MAGIC

I did try doing the dr. nichols style protocol with testosterone cream to testicles twice a day. I felt pretty good overall on this protocol but still no libido.

I checked my bloodwork during that time and my estrogen levels were quite low (21, sensitive) with a total t around 1200, no AI used.

I'm assuming your using trt inject + cream? Might try that out after if the hcg/dhea doesn't work.
Remember most normal GP's know jack shit about this. You know a 100 times more.
I'm way older than you, had this problem a number of times. Try this:

Stop EVERYTHING for awhile, like 8 weeks. Do not take all this bro science crap.
Then take just 250mg test C EW.
4 weeks you should start to feel normal.
Plain simple Kiss method (keep it simple stupid)

Thanks for sharing your experience, I will most likely try this if the other options don't work. Only thing I'm worried about is feeling like shit for that period of time as I need to stay on top of my business but then again if it works, totally worth it.

Do you use any other things like HCG/dhea/pregnenolone or just testosterone?

Thank you
Shit, I don't use mouth wash, I use two different toothpaste and one has scope in it(a mouthwash), just chucked it in the bin. Thanks for that.

Wild shot in the dark but do you use regular mouthwash like Listerine, etc? I recently bought NO test strips and notice my NO levels are way lower after mouthwash.


"Mouthwash destroys bacteria in your mouth that can contribute to the growth of cavities and other dental diseases.
Unfortunately, mouthwash kills all types of bacteria, including the beneficial ones that help produce nitric oxide.
Special bacteria in the mouth convert nitrate to nitric oxide. In fact, humans cannot produce nitric oxide from nitrate without these bacteria (41
Trusted Source
Research has shown that mouthwash kills the oral bacteria needed to produce nitric oxide for up to 12 hours (42
Trusted Source
, 43
Trusted Source
This leads to a decrease in nitric oxide production and, in some instances, an increase in blood pressure (44
Trusted Source
, 45
Trusted Source
The detrimental effects of mouthwash on nitric oxide production may even contribute to the development of diabetes, which is characterized by malfunctions in insulin production or action.
This is because nitric oxide also regulates insulin, which helps cells utilize the energy obtained from food after it’s digested. Without nitric oxide, insulin cannot work properly.
One study found that people who used mouthwash at least twice daily were 65% more likely to develop diabetes than those who never used mouthwash (46
Trusted Source
Therefore, to maintain adequate nitric oxide production, it’s best to use mouthwash sparingly.
Mouthwash kills many types of bacteria in the mouth, including the ones that help produce nitric oxide. This limits your body’s ability to produce nitric oxide, which can lead to high blood pressure and diabetes."

Or read #4 on the link so it's easier to read
It might be worth trying a low dose of trestolone. 5 mg/day trest ace or an equivalent transdermal dose would give me a high libido in the case of low E2. Low E2 with no other estrogens from an exogenous source kills my sex drive and keeps me from getting hard.

Trestolone is a powerful hormone. Even a low dose like 5 mg/day on top of TRT test sends my libido through the roof. I believe it's partly from the form of methyl estradiol that comes from trest.
Last edited:
Shit, I don't use mouth wash, I use two different toothpaste and one has scope in it(a mouthwash), just chucked it in the bin. Thanks for that.

Yea those commercial mouthwash (and maybe toothpastes) brands kill all bacteria, including the good bacteria, that help synthesize NO. I recently learned this too so I am just using baking soda from now on as mouth wash.

Solo, if numbers aren't that great bump it to 100mg

And that helps erections more than injections? interesting. Stewie uses a little test cream too
We had cases with such a problem. If you are ready to take certain tests, then we could possibly help you.
How does our offer sound to you?

Sounds great and much appreciated. And yes can go for any test

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