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Anyone eat a pound of meat per meal?


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Kilo Klub Member
Nov 19, 2009
I just finished up a long diet for a contest and now that I'm trying to gain weight again and because I am hungry as hell I've been eating a lot more...I have a super fast metabolism (got striated glutes on 300g carbs a day)..so u basically eat what I want that's clean..I find myself really craving protein whereas wheni dieted I wanted carbs....I'm eating anywhere from 12-16oz per meal 5-6 x a day...anyone else eat this much? How much protein do most of u eat?
usually 6-8 oz 3x daily of beef or chicken
than another 2 cans tuna 2x daily.
so about 38 oz-44 oz
did for a long ass time..5-6 years pretty regular....either ground sirloin or turkey for 2 meals a day then a 12 oz steak for dinner.
I usually eat about 10-11 oz's per meal but easily go over that when I'm eating steak...
Yeah a good steak it's easy to eat over a pound. Good burger is easy to eat a lot of if it's seasoned well.

I also like the free range chicken from US Wellness Meats. Thigh and drumstick and wing meat with skin is very good and easy to put away large amounts of.

Sashimi I'll do two pounds of wild caught salmon or yellow tail at a sitting, very difficult to come by at most sushi joints.

And I hate to admit it but it's easy to eat an entire tri-tip from Wood Ranch, minus the sauce.

Anabolic Diet.
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For me I am usually around the 9 to 10oz. But as stated earlier it is easy with steak.
I normally eat 10oz whether its chx, beef, fish or what ever
well is it RED meat that your craving???

if so, it could be some early signs of something else

if your craving it.....then your body wants it
and more than likely NEEDS it

but yes.....it does sound a like alot
so your saying your eating 5 pounds of meat a day???
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Yeah a good steak it's easy to eat over a pound. Good burger is easy to eat a lot of if it's seasoned well.

I also like the free range chicken from US Wellness Meats. Thigh and drumstick and wing meat with skin is very good and easy to put away large amounts of.

Sashimi I'll do two pounds of wild caught salmon or yellow tail at a sitting, very difficult to come by at most sushi joints.
And I hate to admit it but it's easy to eat an entire tri-tip from Wood Ranch, minus the sauce.

Anabolic Diet.

wow....lol, whats that bill like????
your paying close to 100$ per lb of sashimi

i know for a fact that(at most joints)
sashimi dinner is close to 6oz. of fish for what 25 to 30 bucks???
the deluxe is closer to 10oz. for 30 to 40 bucks
bro I'm eating 12 oz chicken 4 times a day right now....and I'm dieting! Its offseason for you, I would eat as much as you can..anywhere from 10-16 oz per meal, depending on what meat you are eating.
Sounds like a lot but if you're body does ok with it I don't see how it would be a problem. I eat 10-12oz of beef 3-4 times per day almost year round with no issues.
well is it RED meat that your craving???

if so, it could be some early signs of something else

if your craving it.....then your body wants it
and more than likely NEEDS it

but yes.....it does sound a like alot
so your saying your eating 5 pounds of meat a day???

It's either 93% lean ground turkey or beef...it's just meat in general...well not chcken or tuna...I've had more than enough chicken, tuna and egg whites for a while...it ends up being about 4-5lbs a day
It's either 93% lean ground turkey or beef...it's just meat in general...well not chcken or tuna...I've had more than enough chicken, tuna and egg whites for a while...it ends up being about 4-5lbs a day

you getting backed up yet with that???

i would try to keep some rough greens
in there with.....raw if you could
you getting backed up yet with that???

i would try to keep some rough greens
in there with.....raw if you could

Only if I eat wheat or gluten...I get about 2lbs of broccoli from "steamers" frozen veggies but I'll switch to fresh...blueberries seem to help me too
My body just will not assimilate that much meat at one sitting, at my current weight that is. I use mass aminos and desicated liver tabs for the extra protein if i need it.
My body just will not assimilate that much meat at one sitting, at my current weight that is. I use mass aminos and desicated liver tabs for the extra protein if i need it.

I'm just wondering...how are u able to tell u are or aren't assimilating it all? I have about 200 lbs of lbm..I'm full for an hour and than I'm famished an hour later
I'm just wondering...how are u able to tell u are or aren't assimilating it all? I have about 200 lbs of lbm..I'm full for an hour and than I'm famished an hour later

For me there are a few ways to tell.
1. i get bloated and can just feel the food sitting in my GI tract. im sure you know the feeling after you've stuffed yourself its kind of like that

2. I get very lethargic when my body doesn't assimilate food completely.

--at 200 lbs lbm i see no reason for you not to be able to take in 300-350 grams protein.

---im at 400 grams and that is my top limit that ive been able to go so far.

I think some digestive enzymes would help you greatly. One thing i meantioned before is amino tables and desicated liver tabs. I take these for each meal and that allows me to get an extra 30-40 grams protein a day. Of good quality protein. Now that doesnt seem like much but it is.

Also i dont know what the break down of your diet is but carbs are a prtein sparring nutrient so depending on how your eating, this could be a good way to not up your protein but get extra calories while making the best of the protein that is already in your diet.

Does that make sense or did i ramble more words around too much lol
i don't eat anywhere near that amount and sometimes go meatless for long periods of time. i get around 200 grams of protein per day and my body thanks me for not overloading it and pushing the healthy envelope.
i eat 8oz of meat per meal. what is a pound doing for you? is it making you HUGE? i bet your kidneys don't like it. stay well hydrated brotha.

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