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Are prohormones really worth the time

Prohormones Work

The main reason you hear some people complain about the results they got from prohormones is that they have no diet strategy, no PCT and they dont bust their @$$ in the gym. Others may just be non-responders. I feel from my experience that EVERY ph offered by CEL is worthy of my money. Ive gotten gains every single time Ive used them. Its funny how some people think they can just pop a couple pills and suddenly muscles will appear. You gotta pay your dues.
I bought my first pro hormone on Monday to add to my tren/test cycle. Well, its Thursday and I had to get off due to the most sever heartburn I have ever had. Even with anti acids, I was near throwing up and nauseous. I feel like shit. No way I can work out today.I will stay with regular gear from now on.( I left the shit at home so I don't remember the exact name, but I beleive it was from Generic Labs.

I talked to the guy in the Extreme nutrition store and he said teens are cleaing these off the shelf. It seems a bit dangerous especially since you know they are taking higher than recommended dose.
Legal Vs. Real

I used Testadrol, SuperDrol, M-Drol back in the Day and Yes they will work for a Kid that wants to pack on some muscle for the Next Football year or the 40yr old that wants to get lean and hard after a mid-life crisis and he never has used anything. I would be Lying to you if i said Testadrol or M-Drol did anything for me after doing 10 cycles and going up to 1gram of test a week.

I have to be real on this Plus do you want SuperDrol for $50.00 or Pink Thais that work everytime and all time for the same price. i will go for Pinkies.
I dont think the new designer prosteroids are a replacement for injectables, but by all means, using some of them instead of dbol, drol, or anavar, etc...why the hell not. People report better gains off of the designers than some of the illegal orals.
I have to be real on this Plus do you want SuperDrol for $50.00 or Pink Thais that work everytime and all time for the same price. i will go for Pinkies.

Yeah, except you can find it for $20 for a month's worth at top doses. I'm with Johnny, CEL is a winner all around, potency and price.
I understand that KiloSports' Massdrol, Trenadrol, SUS500 (GET), Oxanavar have been discontinued and are no longer legal. :(
I understand that KiloSports' Massdrol, Trenadrol, SUS500 (GET), Oxanavar have been discontinued and are no longer legal. :(

All of these products and like minded ones are still readily available at a host of other sites.
I really wanted to give Trenadrol a shot but eh, just not sure on it.

About the only one on that list I'd feel comfortable trying is Oxanavar (basically Epistane). Seems to be particularly safe.

Always thought about using a PH/PS as an oral to an injectable test cycle as well. Then stuff just gets confusing and I'd rather just use dbol. Sad, but true. I'd have no idea where to start for a PH/PS kickstart.
I wont argue with anyone that wants to get on here and say the Dbol is better than Mdrol. The fact is Dbol is illegal. Mdrol is not. At least not for now. It is a class 3 felony to be in possession of steroids and some of us do not want to take these kinds of risks. If you are pro steroid that is great but please dont bash others for expressing their point of view. I assure you that the insane doses of Dbol that a lot of members of this forum are taking have serious health risks. Taking more than 40mgs of Dbol is not good for your health and never will be. Ive seen guys bragging about taking 80mg a day. Everything is deadly when taken in excess. Moderation is paramount. If you react badly to PH's then dont use them. Ive known people that took 500mgs of enanthate a week and it did absolutely nothing for them. I had a friend that took 75mgs of Tren EOD and he thought he was going to die one night when he went into a massive fit of anxiety. He was sweating like a pig, heart rate went through the roof and he couldnt shake the effects for a couple of hours. He doesnt do Tren anymore. LOL ! Funny thing is............... I am more muscular than my old buds that were juicing. Go figure.
m-drol is very potent! in my experience, its stronger than dbol mg per mg
MethylDienolone is weak even for women. MOHN I never used or heard much feedback from. MIT is probabley the strongest oral ever made and if there is something stronger I can't recall what it may be. My strength sky rocketed in 3 days, but like I said so did my BP. Normal for me is around 120/65 ya ready? 190/110. LOL I even tried going down to 10 mg then 5 mg. The stuff just did not agree with me.

is methyltren stronger than m1t?
Dont take my word for it. Check out Hawkmoon. The dude is large. Hes jacked and he swears by Prohormones as well. People just need to try things for themselves. I have always thought that you should experience something first before you offer an opinion on it. I just dont understand why people want so desperately to bash PH's. If you dont like em fine. Dont use em. Like Ive said before and I will say again............... Everything in moderation.
What a circle jerk. Pro-hormones and Pro-steroids are not better than the hormone or steroid they metabolize into. This is just silly. If you take enough of them you might get an adequate dose but it's far simpler to simply inject the hormone or steroid directly and control your dosage.

The only thing pro-whatevers have going for them in the united states is that you aren't commiting some kind of felony (this makes me happy not to be from the united states).

If you take a prohormone/prosteroid that metabolizes into a hormone/steroid it will have the effect of that hormone/steroid at the dose it metabolizes into.
This is ususally damn inefficient, often liver toxic, and almost always more expensive than simply injecting the underlying steroid.

If I'm going to have side effects I'm also going to get the steroid that I'm buying rather than hope that the pro-whatever manages to provide me with adequate dosing.
What a circle jerk. Pro-hormones and Pro-steroids are not better than the hormone or steroid they metabolize into. This is just silly. If you take enough of them you might get an adequate dose but it's far simpler to simply inject the hormone or steroid directly and control your dosage.

The only thing pro-whatevers have going for them in the united states is that you aren't commiting some kind of felony (this makes me happy not to be from the united states).

If you take a prohormone/prosteroid that metabolizes into a hormone/steroid it will have the effect of that hormone/steroid at the dose it metabolizes into.
This is ususally damn inefficient, often liver toxic, and almost always more expensive than simply injecting the underlying steroid.

If I'm going to have side effects I'm also going to get the steroid that I'm buying rather than hope that the pro-whatever manages to provide me with adequate dosing.

I cant stress it enough so here we go again.............. IF YOU DONT LIKE EM DONT DO EM.
Why do you have to get on here and bash those of us who choose a different path than you? Get a life. The only circle jerk here is you for starting a fight over such a stoopid subject matter.
And by the way........ I personally never said that PH's are better than AAS. Apparently other members here stated that they were better for them. Open your mind to the fact that not everyone sees things the way you do. And trust me buddy, Im glad you aint from the U.S. Too. Have a happy 4th of July.
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what has your experience been with DS's? have you tried m-drol?
What a circle jerk. Pro-hormones and Pro-steroids are not better than the hormone or steroid they metabolize into. This is just silly. If you take enough of them you might get an adequate dose but it's far simpler to simply inject the hormone or steroid directly and control your dosage.

The only thing pro-whatevers have going for them in the united states is that you aren't commiting some kind of felony (this makes me happy not to be from the united states).

If you take a prohormone/prosteroid that metabolizes into a hormone/steroid it will have the effect of that hormone/steroid at the dose it metabolizes into.
This is ususally damn inefficient, often liver toxic, and almost always more expensive than simply injecting the underlying steroid.

If I'm going to have side effects I'm also going to get the steroid that I'm buying rather than hope that the pro-whatever manages to provide me with adequate dosing.

today's prosteroids do not metabolize into anything. they are active steroids as they are taken. as any other steroid some have more sides than others. if you do your research you can put together a great cycle with minimum sides.

what has your experience been with DS's? have you tried m-drol?

I did CEL M-DROL for 1 month and the gains were pretty solid. I do not rely on weighing myself as a way to gauge my gains. Unfortunately most people do. Strength increased, and I had a noticeable increase in muscle hardness. I cannot emphasize enough how important PCT is. I have to say that if you follow the correct dosage protocal then sides will be minimal and there is no reason why you cannot run a 2 month cycle. Run a PH like M-drol for a month and then follow up with an anti estrogen like Novedex for the following month. I went from 190 to 200 in a 2 month run. That is very respectable considering that my body fat stayed roughly the same and I stayed on a low calorie diet. Please DO NOT pay attention to those that get on here and bash PH's. Most of these idiots have never even tried them or even educated themselves to how PH's work. Tom is correct in stating that most of the quality PH's available today do not have to convert to anything. They are more accurately called designer steroids.

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