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Big dudes, just 1 set for calves?


Jun 5, 2002
My calves are so far behind the rest of me it makes me sad:( . I wanna start hitting them like there is no tomorrow. I am a huge hit fan but do you just do 1 main set for calves. Here is the routine I wanna/gonna try

1 set standing calf
1 set machine leg/calf presses
1 set sitting calf machine
I train them 3 times per week...

...and usually have 2-3 workouts that I use w/ one main set and 3 drops. I also do unilateral movements like one legged Calf Raises cause my left side is smaller.

Here's my opinion...

Your calves can take alot of abuse. In fact, comparitively speaking, your calves are in a state of constant abuse, every day. Therefore it makes sense to me that they need a heavy load of punishment to get them to grow. This is the only muscle that I train really hard once every four days. Ideally I do:

- 3 warm-up sets with increasing weight, then...
- 4 sets of (15/10/5/10 reps) standing calf raises, last two sets taken past failure.
- 3 sets of (10/5/10 reps) seated calf raises, both sets taken past failure.

- standing calf raises are sometimes swapped for standing one legged calf raises off a block.
- seated calf raises sometimes swapped for toe presses on the sled.

(*edit: oops, there were a couple typos)
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For me it's a pain. I do alot of running for football, so they stay hard but fluctuate in size. When I sprint they shrink alittle, and when I work on my base (distance) they swell up. But what I got going in the off season helped alot. Really basic, seated calve raises: really heavy and slow for as many reps possible. The uniform is always a pain in the ass to put on.
Re: I train them 3 times per week...

Ry Roid said:
. . . cause my left side is smaller.
And I though that I was the ONLY lopsided one :)

Gonna try that testosterone workout - any other feedback?

the biggest problem for people who dont have calves is that they dont train them, Jimbo i am not saying that this is u but everybody shoud read what i write anyways, lots of people complain of no calves but they never work them, if someone wants a bigger chest or arms they will never miss that bodypart in their routine but they are guilty of skipping calf workouts

Try DC's method. You pick one ex and blast it as follows: Say your doing L.press calf raises. Do a slow 5-7 second negative then once in the stretched position try and pull your toes back even further for a excruciating 15 seconds, then start again. Pick three ex's. Let's say L.press, standing and seated and rotate them with each w-out.
I started this about 6 weeks ago and have added 3/4 in to my calves. You will think after the first few reps it's not going to be that bad but wait til you hit the 8-10 mark and beyond. Try and make it to 12-15 reps. It's pain at it's finest!!
Mr_Magoo said:
the biggest problem for people who dont have calves is that they dont train them, Jimbo i am not saying that this is u but everybody shoud read what i write anyways, lots of people complain of no calves but they never work them, if someone wants a bigger chest or arms they will never miss that bodypart in their routine but they are guilty of skipping calf workouts

You are right on the money. ITs not that I didnt want to train calves it just that I couldnt. Some thing to do with a pull/strained
mucle that left me hopeless with them 2 years. You are one smart cookie:)

You can train your ass off on calfs and never get the size you want. I know guys with 30" quads and 16" calfs when they should have 20"ers. All of the above methods work, I always go heavy and do about 6 sets 5 days a week with various reps but always heavy.
Yes... well, the calves do work all day, so high reps with heavy weight it's just mre of the same - yes harder work, but still the same.
Low rep (6-8) with heavy weight HIT style, tempo 3-1-2, 100% failure works best in myself and everyone I've instructed. I do 1 warm-up set and then one work set with standing calf raise. The only reason I might do a second set if I feel that in the first one I didn't do it 100% because the foot was slipping, etc.
When I satrted training, I had 11" calves. Now they are 20" with a perfect diamond shape and they are always ripped and I always have cross striations on them when I diet. I have always been accused of having implants - reality is I have never even injected anything in them.
I'll post a pic soon.
Big A

You post a pic of yours and I'll post a pic of mine I have 20" as well.
This is from little over a year ago!!!

Here is my pic!


  • mvc-009f.jpg
    60.3 KB · Views: 255

I only weigh 220 Ry what size are your calfs in this pic? Last time I measured mine it said 20 maybe I was wrong because they do not look as big as yours.
In that pic I was like 280lbs or so I forget and just getting off dieting. Mine I actually just measure recently cause I never measure anything were 22in and my left is slightly smaller but, have been working on it.LOL

Well I hit my calves like a mofo and today I cant walk with my leg straight. Hopfull with blinding intenstity, in 1-2 years they will catch up to the rest of me:D

P.S - Ry, those are some sick ass looking calves. Now that is trully impressive

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