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Bostin Loyd and Rich Piana Talking Contest Prep Drugs

^ this

case in point :
you know what some sources, including WELL KNOWN ones are doing?

mixing Dbol with Winstrol, adding a sprinkle of Anavar and then having it show positive as Anavar on lab max. even though it mostly is Winstrol etc lol. I hope I don't have a hitman set out for me from some of these guys. They must be really mad this info is circulating. :cool:

I havent taken the time to read this thread. I'm sure its the same old stuff, bashing the hell out of Bostin for his methods and his honesty with a few guys throwing in comments about how they cant hate for his straight forward approach.

Bostin is how old now? Hes sitting next to arguably the BIGGEST freak of the bodybuilding industry and is holding his own. Not to mention he's being interviewed by Rich, one of the most successful "personas" in bodybuilding, making bookoo bucks from it and living exactly how he wants to. I sure as fuck can't hate on him too much for that, he knows the risks, hes a big boy and can make those decisions and I certainly can say he knows more than most the health risks as hes a very intelligent guy.

As far as Bostin goes, he's been doing nothing but interviews with top name guys on internet streams, videos, social media, radio, etc, all over the place, every chance he can. BIG names in the industry are taking the time to interview the guy. Like the say, NO publicity is bad publicity. Couldnt be more true for Bostin. Hate him all you want, continue to watch him say ridiculous shit all the time, but the the truth is, the kid is fucking getting it as far as his physique goes, as far as his popularity goes, and I bet hes having a damn good time.

I'm not going to go into health with this shit, its fucking bodybuidling! What do people expect when watching these interviews with RICH PIANA and BOSTIN LOYD? Dont we all know these two well enough to know what to expect?

Every single year there are bigger guys, year after year after year ever since this sport began. Thats why people keep paying to see, thats what people want to see, and thats what people are going to continue to see. At one point back in the 50's and 60's this sport may have been pretty innocent, shit even into the 80s I'd argue bodybuildings innocence, but that has now evolved into the most obsessive guys that feed into the body dysmorphia disorder that we ALL have, feed into it to the point that there are no limits, and these guys are the ones defining and setting the new standard. I'm not sure how some people havent realized this by now. These two guys in this interview are the DEFINITION of bodybuilding. And unless you are blessed with 1 in a 1000 sort of genetics, then you're gonna eventually have to follow suite to compete with the guys that are willing to take the amounts talked about in this interview, take the 15 shots a day like Bostin has stated before, and spend not only every single waking second devoted to thinking about how much to take, in what combination, at what time of the day, in which location since you now have scar tissue everywhere, timing of slin, hgh, and peptides, how much food, timing of the food in conjuction to the slin and all the other drugs, prepping the food, popping the fatburners and orals in conjuction to workouts and bedtime, training optimally, finding the best methods of site injections for SEO in a way that doesnt completely embarrass you come competition time, making sure to not forget to fuck your girl and give her just enough attention to not completely ditch your crazy ass, where to get the next set of narcotic pain medication before I hit withdrawels, hell maybe this prep I'll try the meth way, I heard a lot of guys are doing it, sex addiction (make sure you keep that viagra supplier real close!), insecurity and self delusional issues, keeping your family at bay, what color of trunks to order for the night show, shit I forgot my fat burners, oh shit I ran out of anxiety meds, god damn I can hardly breath walking up my front steps, ahh I'm getting off track here....

I truly pray that Bostin doesn't completely fuck his health. But he knows damn well the risks hes taking and so does every other big name bodybuilder, ex bodybuilder, and popular name that chooses to do interviews with him. They all know its going to eventually come for him. Most have seen or experienced it first hand. But does anyone stop him? Hell no, they encourage, by not saying anything or not saying much, by making jokes about 15 gram cycles, and laughing at someone they all know is going to end up hurt badly. Take a minute to comprehend that and what that says about the industry we all are a part of in one way or another. If that doesn't make you wanna throw up a little bit I'm not sure what would.

Wow. Just wow. And to the point...
After reading through the entire thread. All I have to say is.... it sure is funny how the most obvious avidly upset poster who of course is degrading Bostin, and then has no issue taking stabs at any other member here who disagrees.

How come its always the guys who have progressed the LEAST that always have so much to say about the guys that are actually going places in the same damn hobby/lifestyle/obsession that they themselves have NOTHING to show for yet make it their life mission to shove their opinions down everyones throat on an online forum, day after day, while literally spinning in circles in the same fucking topic they obsess about and discuss day after day? Yet all it is is words, no progression or proof, not on even a fraction of a scale of a guy like Bostin? Bostin takes way too many drugs, but hes growing fast as hell, and has grown more in a year than said maniac will ever grow and probably has ever grown in his entire life. Not to mention the financial successes of Bostin, 300,000 or not, hes making money, thats for damn sure.

How? Why?

Another funny aspect of this industry.... THe critics.... lol
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To be honest I'm starting to think that Bostin just talks out his ass to get attention and isn't really on as much as he says he is

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
To be honest I'm starting to think that Bostin just talks out his ass to get attention and isn't really on as much as he says he is

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No i dont think hes lying, i think he takes so much hes just oblivious to exactly how much

Sent from my SPH-D600 using Tapatalk 2
As much as I look down on this guy for what he does and what he back-handedly encourages.. I have to respect him for staying consistent with his bad choices knowing he lacks the genetic disposition to be a top-tier pro.

The guy needed seo and grams of gear to pass 18" arms yet keeps going.. Yet soneone like myself who has had a 6 pack for 8 years straight along with gaining 50+lb NATURALLY my first year and arms as big as my age until nearly 20 with no direct arm work debates quitting daily because I've met casual lifters who put my genetics to sh*t.

I say you should respect the guy.. Yet it's also hard to not feel sorry for him.
If this is what a whole 3-4 weeks off gear looks like I cant say i'm impressed at all.

**broken link removed**
that can't be real, even i don't believe it. i have seen him at the gym, he looked nothing like that at all. he actually looked pretty good.

this must be a picture of him natty bulking or something? right? :confused:
that can't be real, even i don't believe it. i have seen him at the gym, he looked nothing like that at all. he actually looked pretty good.

this must be a picture of him natty bulking or something? right? :confused:

He posted that himself a few months back. Went off gear for like 3-4 weeks because of the lat infection and thats what he looked like after losing gains within a month
3-4 Weeks on a good sized person they will loose 20lbs easily and look way worse especially if theyre huge!

Some people can stay the same some cant shit when you catch one of those horrible shitty diarreah fevers goodbye 10lbs all day EASY! lol
3-4 Weeks on a good sized person they will loose 20lbs easily and look way worse especially if theyre huge!

Some people can stay the same some cant shit when you catch one of those horrible shitty diarreah fevers goodbye 10lbs all day EASY! lol

Just my opinion but the only way someone is losing that much mass that fast it wasnt real muslce tissue in the first place and there just dispelling water (and possibly home made sythnol). This looks way worse then just losing mass though. Increased gut size, ton of flab etc. Not sure what hes gonna look like when he aint living on 13+g per week for life
I'm not hating on the guy because I really could care less. Glad he is making some coin off bbing its hard to do. He is honest. But for all the shit the guy takes I'm just not impressed by his physique.
that can't be real, even i don't believe it. i have seen him at the gym, he looked nothing like that at all. he actually looked pretty good.

this must be a picture of him natty bulking or something? right? :confused:
Definitely was real. Lat infection a few months ago..
that can't be real, even i don't believe it. i have seen him at the gym, he looked nothing like that at all. he actually looked pretty good.

this must be a picture of him natty bulking or something? right? :confused:

no aas, no synthol, no lifting, barely any food.

kid is all oil.

why are we still talking about him? mods pls
no aas, no synthol, no lifting, barely any food.

kid is all oil.

why are we still talking about him? mods pls
You have a way with words my man. No disrespect, I enjoy your comments. But Sometimes I'll admit I wonder if you are exaggerating or dead serious.

I mean Bostin, come show time, looks better than 99 percent of the board members here. Obviously a jackass but something working other than oil.

And were you serious about the amp of sust a week with 30 mg dbol before workout comment? That one really had me wondering lol
You have a way with words my man. No disrespect, I enjoy your comments. But Sometimes I'll admit I wonder if you are exaggerating or dead serious.

I mean Bostin, come show time, looks better than 99 percent of the board members here. Obviously a jackass but something working other than oil.

And were you serious about the amp of sust a week with 30 mg dbol before workout comment? That one really had me wondering lol

lol no I wasn't serious.

and as for Bostin.. im sure he will look good in his next show. I look forward to seeing his presentation.

as for him looking better than 99% of the people on this forum...I suppose that's a reasonable estimate.. but how many of the members on this board have blasted with 12g of gear a week + insulin, lots of gh, and peptides?

on top of all that, Bostin uses a massive amount of synthol

I wonder how much longer his injection sites will work at the rate he is going honestly.. kid must be covered in scar tissue.
lol no I wasn't serious.

and as for Bostin.. im sure he will look good in his next show. I look forward to seeing his presentation.

as for him looking better than 99% of the people on this forum...I suppose that's a reasonable estimate.. but how many of the members on this board have blasted with 12g of gear a week + insulin, lots of gh, and peptides?

on top of all that, Bostin uses a massive amount of synthol

I wonder how much longer his injection sites will work at the rate he is going honestly.. kid must be covered in scar tissue.
Lol OK knowing that now I'm a fan of your sense of humor, had to put that out there.

As far everything else you said, shit 99% won't do the shit he claims, not necessarily because they are any less at taking risks but more probably due to not willing to put the insane amount of work it would take just to ingest the daily drugs that he takes in. I can't begin to comprehend it. I almost think it's commendable just in the sense of his persistency and time management skills.
Full time, 8 hrs a day, nothing but pins, oils, and raw scar tissue baby. Now that's bodybuilding right there.

I'm getting a good laugh in right now at the thought of these clowns like Boston and what they literally consider daily reality.

I wouldn't change my involvement and the exposure to tactics like this for anything. Shit is comedy
I couldn't get threw it the music is annoying, probably didn't miss much.
What is a 5%er?

What is "kill it."

What is with the stupid flat brimmed oversized ball caps on crooked?

Looks like the video was shot in a holding cell. lol.

I got through about half of it. ugh.

First and last time I'll watch a video with either of those two.
I usually don't like talking about this stuff, but I feel it has to be said so that people don't go in the wrong direction listening to him

I have the pleasure of working with a bodybuilder that is going to be at the NY Pro. The cycle is nowhere near as complicated and he looks much better than Bostin Lloyd. I'm going to guess Bostin will say it's genetics and maybe he is right. But if that's the case, why bombard your body with so many chemicals if you don't have the genetics for it? Bodybuilding is pretty much all genetics..

Anyways, tangent aside...


That's it...no DNP,insulin,clen,t3,t4,tren,masteron or winstrol. Would he look better using tren and insulin? Yeah he would... but that's aside the point.

My guy may not win the NY Pro, but he still looks way better than this guy and he isn't using 1,000 compounds and making things so complicated.
I would understand if people on the Mr.O stage or people winning the big shows like NY Pro were doing this. In fact, they are forced to be on copious amounts of tren,hgh,insulin and swap compounds in at the right time etc. I'll be the first to ADMIT THAT and not lie to people that it isn't true. It is not uncommon to be running 1k tren alone. But the fact that somebody like Boston is using that really makes me scratch my head.

I have a feeling bostin's genetics simply were not meant to take it all the way in this sport. He has to compensate by doing all this crazy stuff and IMO it's just not worth it. To each their own...I hope I don't get flamed for this because I'm actually just trying to be informative and realistic.

Your buddy TrinityD wouldn't lie to you guys. Reading this delusional morons ramblings is a case study.:rolleyes:


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