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Bulk Day!


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Jan 5, 2011
So after Bustin Ass the last few weeks Today I Woke at 244lbs.
Its a Rain day sooo I'm hitting the Gym.
Chest, shoulders, traps, triceps and biceps with some wrist curls tp Finish!
5 A.M. Pot of coffee, ephedrine, aspirin, l-carnitine and Ampk 2 ius Pharma HGH with a hit of Winny and 10 mgs GW5015.
Hour later....20 mgs Superdrol and 1.5 gms M-tren. then Shower.
Hour later' Pre, 10 ius Yellow top, huperzine, Adrol,Tbol and dbol. with my MA pump, 30gms Bcaas and 3 gms B-Alanine mixed in Gatorade.
Intra: Size-on, 30 gms Waxy and 75 whey with Insuligen.
Post 150mcgs X 6 MGF with 75 gms Egg and Whole egg plus Dark Matter and 30 gms Hbcds along with Versa-gain.
Normally I would Hit some LR3 and Halo but leaving those out today.
Beef sandwich when appetite returns with another Adrol.
Full dose of Mk 677 around 3pm then Sex!
Big Steak Dinner with another dose of GW5015 before my Hour or more long Desert!
Currently on 500 test C and 800 primo Minimum!
Just thought I would put this out there!
^^^a day in the life :headbang:

..very interesting ..only thing missing is the kitchen sink :p

..i thought i was the only one still using "waxy" maize

5 A.M. Pot of coffee
^^^got a kick out of this too

..did you mean "cup of coffee"??
^^^no sir, that is not a typ-o ..but in your defense, it prob looks like a lil cup when you hold it

kinda reminds me of the old days when i'd treat myself to 50 wings +a couple of pitchers of beer
..the waitress would bring a few plates and a few mugs
..then they realize this asshole only needs napkins, lol
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So after Bustin Ass the last few weeks Today I Woke at 244lbs.
Its a Rain day sooo I'm hitting the Gym.
Chest, shoulders, traps, triceps and biceps with some wrist curls tp Finish!
5 A.M. Pot of coffee, ephedrine, aspirin, l-carnitine and Ampk 2 ius Pharma HGH with a hit of Winny and 10 mgs GW5015.
Hour later....20 mgs Superdrol and 1.5 gms M-tren. then Shower.
Hour later' Pre, 10 ius Yellow top, huperzine, Adrol,Tbol and dbol. with my MA pump, 30gms Bcaas and 3 gms B-Alanine mixed in Gatorade.
Intra: Size-on, 30 gms Waxy and 75 whey with Insuligen.
Post 150mcgs X 6 MGF with 75 gms Egg and Whole egg plus Dark Matter and 30 gms Hbcds along with Versa-gain.
Normally I would Hit some LR3 and Halo but leaving those out today.
Beef sandwich when appetite returns with another Adrol.
Full dose of Mk 677 around 3pm then Sex!
Big Steak Dinner with another dose of GW5015 before my Hour or more long Desert!
Currently on 500 test C and 800 primo Minimum!
Just thought I would put this out there!

So leading up to your workout you take winny, 20mg superdrol, 1.5g m-tren, 10 ius hgh, adrol, tbol and dbol. How are you still alive? :p

What dose of adrol, tbol and dbol?

Is this just certain days per week?
So leading up to your workout you take winny, 20mg superdrol, 1.5g m-tren, 10 ius hgh, adrol, tbol and dbol. How are you still alive? :p

What dose of adrol, tbol and dbol?

Is this just certain days per week?

im kinda cracking up at this too...
good job CG!
prob not 1500mgs of m tren though... even for5 him thats gotta be a typo!
maybe 1500mcg...you know, rational dose...:lightbulb:

either way fun post!
im kinda cracking up at this too...
good job CG!
prob not 1500mgs of m tren though... even for5 him thats gotta be a typo!
maybe 1500mcg...you know, rational dose...:lightbulb:

either way fun post!

Very true. 1500mcg is still a decent dose. I recall using 750mcg but I may have gone higher as I am going back years. Even at that dose it packed a punch.
I'm down to 1 or 2 workouts a week!
Normally its just the orals. 10 mgs Halo, 50mgs Adrol, 10 mgs dbol and 25 mgs Proviron.
The kitchen sink is: 20 mgs Inj Super, 1 1/2 mg inj m-Tren, 50 mgs winny, 50 mgs Adrol, 20 mgs Tbol and 10 mgs Dbol. Played it Safe and left out the Halo!
Ill hit the Cialis and 25 mgs proviron aroud 2;30 for the Wifey around 3;30 then the MK with the 2nd Adrol and Tbol dose. Gw5015 with my 3 hour meal.

The Rest of the week is Primo Ace mixed in Vita E oral, 50 mgs twice a day then evaluate my Physic for the weekend.
Normally just a hit of LR3 to Dial IN!
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That schedule is pretty much a full time job all unto itself.
^^^a day in the life :headbang:

..very interesting ..only thing missing is the kitchen sink :p

..i thought i was the only one still using "waxy" maize

^^^got a kick out of this too

..did you mean "cup of coffee"??
^^^no sir, that is not a typ-o ..but in your defense, it prob looks like a lil cup when you hold it

kinda reminds me of the old days when i'd treat myself to 50 wings +a couple of pitchers of beer
..the waitress would bring a few plates and a few mugs
..then they realize this asshole only needs napkins, lol

dude i just read your post in more detail!
lol fucking brilliant!

oh how i can relate lol funny shit.
Steroid abuse at its finest :)

At your age and the fact you dont also compete, I hope you find a healthier route to your goals.
Ya, if I competed It be OK" Funny how some of you Think!
Abuse is Abuse No Matter" Excuses are Like Assholes!
Plus I Feel Great....Just Came Twice!!! lol
Ya, if I competed It be OK" Funny how some of you Think!
Abuse is Abuse No Matter" Excuses are Like Assholes!
Plus I Feel Great....Just Came Twice!!! lol

You’re right on the fact that abuse is abuse.. What blows my mind a bit is that you’re aware you’re abusing (not using) just to look good at 50 and don’t seem to care about the risks what so ever... Hope you stay invincible bro...

It is like one of those “IFBB Pro cycle” threads if that’s what you were shooting for lol
All Good Here As Normal. Well obviously Always The Best!
Still have Just 9 yrs in this Game, a lot less than guys half my Age.
Givin Genetics to be Resilient is A #1, plus hard work in and out of the Gym.
All Markers in Range and Actually improving since I started paying attention to them.
And Looking like you OWN the Show year round is Tons better than what these Competitors do to look good for an Hour On Stage!!!
Talk about Abuse!, Misuse and just Plain Unhealthy.
Fighting Terrible Genetics to be Something there Not!

Anything over HRT is Abuse !
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If some of you guys walk into a restroom/toilet on a night out and someone is snorting coke do you tell them off? He is a grown man so what if he doesn't care about the risks. We all have our limits. Loads of people on here take ridiculous amounts of drugs. It's not right and it's not wrong it's simply their choice. Does concreter need all that stuff of course not but who am I to tell him otherwise.
Playing devil's advocate

For the lean size concreter is, that's not even extreme really.

I do wonder concreter: how do you go about administering all of those items when you're working in construction for the entire day? Don't tell me you bring the goodies to work and administer them in your breaks? :D

Keep doing your thing, YOU are happy, that's what matters.
You’re right on the fact that abuse is abuse.. What blows my mind a bit is that you’re aware you’re abusing (not using) just to look good at 50 and don’t seem to care about the risks what so ever... Hope you stay invincible bro...

It is like one of those “IFBB Pro cycle” threads if that’s what you were shooting for lol


Big Steak Dinner with another dose of GW5015 before my Hour or more long Desert!

The real question is, what the fuck takes you an hour to eat for dessert? Pussy?
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All Good Here As Normal. Well obviously Always The Best!
Still have Just 9 yrs in this Game, a lot less than guys half my Age.
Givin Genetics to be Resilient is A #1, plus hard work in and out of the Gym.
All Markers in Range and Actually improving since I started paying attention to them.
And Looking like you OWN the Show year round is Tons better than what these Competitors do to look good for an Hour On Stage!!!
Talk about Abuse!, Misuse and just Plain Unhealthy.
Fighting Terrible Genetics to be Something there Not!

Anything over HRT is Abuse !

Just wondering bro, given the recent situations of people passing more back to back just wanted to know, I know you like to have fun with your posts lol, I remember you posting before about some numbers being off but because you thought were taking Primo but it was really EQ? Or something along those lines... I agree, pussy is better than a plastic trophy any day, but that’s all I was curious about as we’ve spoken about it before....

If some of you guys walk into a restroom/toilet on a night out and someone is snorting coke do you tell them off? He is a grown man so what if he doesn't care about the risks. We all have our limits. Loads of people on here take ridiculous amounts of drugs. It's not right and it's not wrong it's simply their choice. Does concreter need all that stuff of course not but who am I to tell him otherwise.


First of all, no one has told him what to do, what he should be doing or shouldnt be doing... It was a reaction to his statements/cycle...

Do you guys have to cry every single time someone says or asks something?? I’ve never had a problem with Concreter and have spoken to him a few times about his use, but when someone posts “Quit when you’re dead.” Yea it makes me wonder what they’re thinking, and he cleared it up.. No problems.. At least the guy walks around at 6% 250lbs not like 99% of the idiots on here...

It blows my mind how some of you just flop sides left and right...

If Matt or any of the pros who died in recent times would’ve gotten drunk and slammed into a pole or OD’d on some Opiates or Coke EVERYONE would be saying; “What a fucking idiot.” And what stupid decisions they made etc... Someone DECIDES “Hey I’m going to take a bunch of shit I don’t need and over abuse myself.” And no one blinks an eye and makes excuse after excuse (because it’s what they’re also doing so they can’t shame it) for them and believes every word that they were trying the best they could to be healthy and responsible (which we all KNOW is total bullshit just no one wants to say anything and come off “mean”)..

Again, the only reason I asked was because of that statement and given the 5-6 guys who’ve died in the last month alone I was wondering what he was doing beyond that and as precautions...

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