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C-bum competes in the open!!!

This show was one of those moments where all fell in line for Chris’s favor.

No true top tier guys showed up. Claurida is fresh under Stefan and Chris was able to fill out 10lb and stay the most conditioned guy on stage.

I’m sure Chris will be the first to admit that it was a lucky win. After all he is doing this for fun.

Maybe he should do the Arnold since everyone else keeps announcing they are NOT doing it. LOL kidding, Chris wants to retire and will after this. The man has made a legacy. He has nothing left to prove.
I agree - Martin in live be to watery. I preety sure Stefan carbup him to agresive and water start go under the skin. Stefan don’t use insulin so 1500g or more carbs in single day are impossible to absorb with additional insulin
Stefan doesn't use insulin at all with his guys? Or just not in carb up?
This show is not exactly riddled with top teir guys.. put cbum next to hadi, samson, Derek etc and it's lights out.. dont get me wrong he looks great.. but he's not competitive on the open Olympia stage..
As for the idea that the open is going for a esthetics over mass now I'd beg to differ.. the ifbb is all about money.. the reason the prize money is so much higher for the open is because that's is what puts ass in the seats.. and they want freaks.. the prize money shows this along with sponsor money.. they aren't changing the formula..they have tried in the past and it failed..
As for cbum he did alot for the classic division.. he did great with fans and marketing.. and knowing how the ifbb works cbum will win even if the judges thought Martin was better.. he will get the proper send off by the powers that be.. but now classic will falter a bit.. the next contenders coming up won't have the popularity or following.. and quite a few classic guys have stated they are moving to open as they have no desire to diet down to the weight caps anymore..
So yes cbum will win prague.. but I still wish he would have taken a off season and grew a bit before he hit a open show.. it would have been a interesting process to document for video and a much more interesting show to compete in maybe.. and don't hit me with " his health " crap.. cbum woukd only need to not limit calories and he'd grow just fine.. he wouldn't need much more in the anabolic department.. hes already 10 pounds heavier in prague .. a proper off season woukd garner him another decent 10 pounds.. that would have been much more interesting to watch that process play out ..
I agree once again - in my opinion everything was arranged with the IFBB board a long time ago.

Cbum announces that he is retiring but then announces that he is doing one last show "for fun" in the open - after announcing this all tickets for EVLS sell out in less than an hour. Then Chris says that if "by chance" he manages to win the show he promises to grace his last Olympics in 2025 - connect all the dots... that's not a coincidence
I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong, at least from the prejudging photos. Martin is slightly watery and looked gassed posing. BUT, Stefan doesss seem to be a master at adjustments between prejudging and finals, so we’ll see.

I also believe is closer than a lot of people thiiink. Far too many casual BBing fans chiming in on social media. Martin is behind, but if he comes in dryer at finals and Chris stays the same, I still think Martin takes this.
Cbum so far......and trim the stache

I thought Cbum should have won, but congrants to Martin.
By open bodybuilding criteria and standards Martin had more muscle and fit the judging criteria better.

And as others have said above I’m not sure Chris winning was in the cards or plan for the IFBB. Chris clearly wants to retire and the IFBB does not plan on shifting judging standards for open to classic.

It was fun for fans to get to see and watch.
Well.. I agree that Martin should have won.. but surprised that the cbum wasn't given the " send off" with a win..
Happy for Martin. Dude seems like a really laid back, zero ego type of guy (yeah, based on YT vids, so might be fake).

Great physique.
Martin is going to be this eras future reigning Mr Olympia. He was always going to beat Chris, the man just debutted 4th at the O lol.
Cbum lost from the back. Back needs more development to compete open. Otherwise he looked fantastic.

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