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can anyone chime in on this bulk diet for me


New member
Jun 24, 2009
meal 1
1 cup oats
8 egg whites 2 yolks
2 pieces toast

meal 2
brown rice
small salad
1 piece fruit

meal 3

meal 4
sweet potato
peanut butter

meal 5
whole grain toast

as far as portions my main meat serving im thinking like 12oz per meal and a cup of rice or mashed potatoes

look any better?
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meal 1
1 cup oats
8 egg whites 2 yolks
some kind of meat (chicken turkey steak)
meal 2
brown rice
meal 3
brown rice
meal 4
sweet potato
peanut butter
meal 5
whole grain toast

i will be taking protein shakes pwo and randomly throughout the day if i need to

also where i put chicken i will substitute that for steak pork venison whatever im not sure how much i should eat tho 10oz+ im assuming

if there is anything that i missed on here please feel free to critique

No way would I ever recommend eating like that.
Lol no Fruits and No Vegetables...

meal 1
1 cup oats
8 egg whites 2 yolks
some kind of meat (chicken turkey steak) Depends on your bodyweight, looks like unnecessary

meal 2
brown rice

How much?

meal 3
brown rice

Same as 2

meal 4
sweet potato
peanut butter

Same as 2. Why added fats in this meal and not in the others?

meal 5
whole grain toast

i will be taking protein shakes pwo and randomly throughout the day if i need to

also where i put chicken i will substitute that for steak pork venison whatever im not sure how much i should eat tho 10oz+ im assuming

if there is anything that i missed on here please feel free to critique

Looks like youve got some reading to do. Good luck.
I am sure you have good intentions, but that is pretty vague information to get a bunch of advanced bodybuilders to comment on it.

If I were you, I would post a paragraph about yourself. How long have you been working out. What are your current stats, body weight, height, age, how much can you bench. What supplements do you plan on using. What is your goal? Or anything else you can think of to give people of an idea of your situation.

And for the diet, breakdown the macro's, weight and calories of each food, total of each meal, and total for the day. If you don't know go to NutritionData.com. Take all the work out of it, so others can just post up what they think needs improving.

Posting up a couple of pics would help alot too.

good luck bro
No way would I ever recommend eating like that.

why not? I know that you may not answer but I've always wanted to ask - why yogurts apples pineapples bananas etc are better than oats rice and potatoes? why lba's is better than eggs chicken or beef (one reason-because you're selling it,but what about the others...)? bodybuilders ate this for ages and had no problems with growing...

why not? I know that you may not answer but I've always wanted to ask - why yogurts apples pineapples bananas etc are better than oats rice and potatoes? why lba's is better than eggs chicken or beef (one reason-because you're selling it,but what about the others...)? bodybuilders ate this for ages and had no problems with growing...

Your question is pure sillyness.......and confrontational. I will not answer this...... I will let you study and learn about this sport for 30 years and come to your own conclusion.

Want me to be honest? This is PROFESSIONALMUSCLE.......PROS at muscle building........guys on here act like this is their first day.......this is kindergarden silliness.......I really cant believe it is even a thread. How in the heck can we answer these questions? How can anyone list a diet like that and know its what they need........its all guesswork on his part........no rhyme or reason.......something you guys have no clue about until you do this ALL THE WAY up to a professional( national) level.
Lol no Fruits and No Vegetables...

1 day of this and i'd feel like i was walking around with a football shoved up my arse. Will eating like this make my arms big??? lol
Want me to be honest? This is PROFESSIONALMUSCLE.......PROS at muscle building........guys on here act like this is their first day.......this is kindergarden silliness.......I really cant believe it is even a thread. How in the heck can we answer these questions? How can anyone list a diet like that and know its what they need........its all guesswork on his part........no rhyme or reason.......something you guys have no clue about until you do this ALL THE WAY up to a professional( national) level.

Thank you .
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You should state you LBM and the caloric values for each meal and totals for the day.
Five meals a day is a bit too far in between meals for me.
If you were to have your first meal at 6 am then ate every 3hours {to far for me} the times would be 6am,9am,12pm,3pm,6pm, ?...?
I eat every 2 hours and eat 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10
and if I get up for a piss at night and feel hungry, well somethings goes down the neck.
why not? I know that you may not answer but I've always wanted to ask - why yogurts apples pineapples bananas etc are better than oats rice and potatoes? why lba's is better than eggs chicken or beef (one reason-because you're selling it,but what about the others...)? bodybuilders ate this for ages and had no problems with growing...

The diet plan that was posted made no reference to quantities of any sort. No reference to portion size, no reference to caloric content, no reference to macro nutrient content. It also didn't make any reference to how the meat/chicken/fish would be prepared, nor what cut of meat or type of fish which could alter its macro content content drastically. It also appears deficient in essential fatty acids (unless he is planning on eating lots of oily fish), calcium (unless he is eating fish with fine bones) and magnesium and perhaps vitamin c (1 piece of fruit isn't going to give you 250mg of vitamin C, so the the salad would have to be quite large).

In short it's a crap diet even by ordinary dietary standards. A bulking diet still needs to be a healthy and balanced diet that at least meets the RDA of micronutrients.

I can understand Phil's response because the proposed diet suggests an ignorance of basic human nutrition. Forget bodybuilding and bulking it suggests that the OP just doesn't know the first thing about human nutrition i.e. what the human body needs to sustain itself.

The OP should buy a good book on human nutrition and read it.
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bump for everyone...

totals for the day bro. cals, protiens, carbs, fats, and WHY you think this diet will work for you. ht., weight, bf%, time training, etc., etc.
The diet plan that was posted made no reference to quantities of any sort. No reference to portion size, no reference to caloric content, no reference to macro nutrient content. It also didn't make any reference to how the meat/chicken/fish would be prepared, nor what cut of meat or type of fish which could alter its macro content content drastically. It also appears deficient in essential fatty acids (unless he is planning on eating lots of oily fish), calcium (unless he is eating fish with fine bones) and magnesium and perhaps vitamin c (1 piece of fruit isn't going to give you 250mg of vitamin C, so the the salad would have to be quite large).

In short it's a crap diet even by ordinary dietary standards. A bulking diet still needs to be a healthy and balanced diet that at least meets the RDA of micronutrients.

I can understand Phil's response because the proposed diet suggests an ignorance of basic human nutrition. Forget bodybuilding and bulking it suggests that the OP just doesn't know the first thing about human nutrition i.e. what the human body needs to sustain itself.

The OP should buy a good book on human nutrition and read it.

Well he mentioned portion size at the bottom of his diet...but does it really makes so much difference? I mean if I'm bulking and according to my "plan" I have to eat 10oz chicken with 1cup rice, but after that meal I'm still hungry, so I can't eat more only because I'll break my bulking "plan"? Or opposite - if I'm not hungry at all, I must eat those 10.000oz chicken and force feed no less than 1 cup rice? If your talking about bodybuilding I think you have to forget such terms as "healthy" and "balanced" . RDA protein - 0.8 g/kg lean body mass, RDA micronutrition ratio - 50-60% carbs, 15-25 protein and 10-20g fat...
I just can't understand why to make things so complicated? 4 out of 5 bodybuilders grew on chicken and rice, now it's - not in fashion anymore? Of course you can bullshit yourself - they has genetics, they can grow only with bread and water, but then again - do you really think lba's and fruits will take care your genetics and because of taking them you'll grow as good as genetically gifted grows on "shitty" rice and chicken?

Your question is pure sillyness.......and confrontational. I will not answer this...... I will let you study and learn about this sport for 30 years and come to your own conclusion.

Thanks even for that...
So, Phil, are you saying that your way is the only way?
Wouldn't you agree that everything works? I mean in the 90's fruits was big NO NO in contest diets, wasn't guys ripped onstage back then? Wasn't they growing in the offseason? They was. Now you are recommending only fruits and no starches at all, it's totally opposed to the previous diets but again - it works. Same with keto type and carb,carb cycling type diets. Both are totally different and both works. Same with protein. The one is doing super high protein diet and he is growing, the other is doing low-moderate carb diet and again - he is growing, Tom Price ate only 250 grams of protein a day, Kai Green eats up to 1000g protein - both was over 300 pounds in the offseason, both can say that they know the secret how much protein is needed to get over 300, but both ways are totally different, so how it is possible to reach the same goal going two totally different ways?

something you guys have no clue about until you do this ALL THE WAY up to a professional( national) level.[/QUOTE

How does one become a pro if he has no clue about what it is he is doing? That's just a silly statement.

something you guys have no clue about until you do this ALL THE WAY up to a professional( national) level.[/QUOTE

How does one become a pro if he has no clue about what it is he is doing? That's just a silly statement.

Well, lets see your pictures and I will tell you have a chance at turning pro.
Looks like a pretty clean diet to me. Lots of great meats, healthy carbs and healthy fats, although you prob want some more fat if your bulking. Other than some fruits and veggies I dont see whats wrong with your foods at all.

Well he mentioned portion size at the bottom of his diet...but does it really makes so much difference? I mean if I'm bulking and according to my "plan" I have to eat 10oz chicken with 1cup rice, but after that meal I'm still hungry, so I can't eat more only because I'll break my bulking "plan"? Or opposite - if I'm not hungry at all, I must eat those 10.000oz chicken and force feed no less than 1 cup rice? If your talking about bodybuilding I think you have to forget such terms as "healthy" and "balanced" . RDA protein - 0.8 g/kg lean body mass, RDA micronutrition ratio - 50-60% carbs, 15-25 protein and 10-20g fat...
I just can't understand why to make things so complicated? 4 out of 5 bodybuilders grew on chicken and rice, now it's - not in fashion anymore? Of course you can bullshit yourself - they has genetics, they can grow only with bread and water, but then again - do you really think lba's and fruits will take care your genetics and because of taking them you'll grow as good as genetically gifted grows on "shitty" rice and chicken?

Thanks even for that...
So, Phil, are you saying that your way is the only way?
Wouldn't you agree that everything works? I mean in the 90's fruits was big NO NO in contest diets, wasn't guys ripped onstage back then? Wasn't they growing in the offseason? They was. Now you are recommending only fruits and no starches at all, it's totally opposed to the previous diets but again - it works. Same with keto type and carb,carb cycling type diets. Both are totally different and both works. Same with protein. The one is doing super high protein diet and he is growing, the other is doing low-moderate carb diet and again - he is growing, Tom Price ate only 250 grams of protein a day, Kai Green eats up to 1000g protein - both was over 300 pounds in the offseason, both can say that they know the secret how much protein is needed to get over 300, but both ways are totally different, so how it is possible to reach the same goal going two totally different ways?

Here is aogod example.......put up your picture and tell us how you eat and show us what it does for you..........dont be shy. Put up or shut up is what I say.........lets see it. You are 6 foot 230 AFTER a show? Lets see how that translates on stage because to me is translates into maybe a small amateur show.........MAYBE

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